The Mediterranean Sea and the horizon blend in a blurry line, as if God took his finger and smudged the paint across the width of the paper. The moon is still visible from the beach this morning, full and round. The air is cool and the water is calm.
The night before, I dreamed I was lost at sea. The sky and water were both black, and the rumblings of an ominous storm brewed above. Drenched, cold, and left alone, I waited and waited, my feet frantically treading in the deep, dark water. I wondered how I had gotten there and if I’d ever be rescued.
The moon is slowly fading into the sky now as the sun rises. In a little while, my daughter will come running down the wooden boardwalk, wearing her favorite Minnie Mouse swimsuit and a white sun hat. My husband will be walking behind her while pushing a stroller overflowing with beach towels and floaties. He’ll challenge her to a race to the water’s edge, and they’ll both shout and sprint across the sand.
I’m drawn to the ocean’s power, mystery, and beauty but also frightened by those same reasons.
In my early twenties, I had no idea of the journey God would have in store for me in the years to come. I was beckoned into unfamiliar waves — across an actual ocean — and into a foreign country, holding nothing but a one-way ticket. This cross-cultural move was supposed to be an adventurous placeholder while I figured out what I really wanted to do with my life. But then I met a cute and funny boy, and we got married and started a family here. Days stretched into months and now years as my family waits for the necessary visas and paperwork to be processed and approved so the three of us can move to my home country.
Braided with homesickness and all the moments I’ve missed out on is the uncertainty of my family’s future. The longing for a life beyond here floats just out of reach like tiny boats on the horizon. Unanswered prayers for hope, healing, and things to be made right slosh and crash around me in the small hours of the night.
A few hundred miles south of where we play by the shore, there once was a group of experienced fishermen who set sail with Jesus on the Sea of Galilee. A violent storm suddenly arose, threatening to capsize their boat. The disciples panicked as the once-calm waters became turbulent and the waves crashed around them.
During the raging storm, Jesus remained asleep, seemingly undisturbed by what was happening. The disciples, desperate and terrified, woke Him up and pled for help. “Teacher,” they cried, “do you not care if we drown?” (Mark 4:38 NIV).
Coming up from the stern, Jesus calmly rebuked the wind and water, commanding them to be still. At the sound of His voice, the storm immediately dissolved, the waves receded, and the wind quieted.
When treading deep waters in the middle of a storm, things can quickly turn to look dark and uncertain. The churning waves of grief, illness, betrayal, or brokenness can threaten to pull us under. My prayer in this long, turbulent season of feeling lost at sea sounds a lot like the disciples: Hey, Jesus, I’m drowning out here. Do you not care?
I watch my husband float in the water while my daughter and I fill plastic buckets with wet sand on the beach. The waves lap lazily against our outstretched legs, and the sun beams on our shoulders. I savor the gentleness of a morning that has yet to hold the stress and uncertainty of life and all that’s in it.
I know the deep waters of unfulfilled dreams don’t feel like a fun day at the beach. The swirling waves of broken relationships don’t feel like a morning of building sand castles. The raging storms of unanswered prayers don’t feel like a leisurely swim in the salty sea.
Jesus, do you not care?
I wish I had been given a tidier story, one with calm waters and warm breezes. But my family continues to endure the choppy waters of uncertainty, rowing toward a foggy and unknown future. The storm is still raging, and the boat keeps swaying.
Jesus knew the storm was coming before he and the disciples got on the boat that day. He knew how they would react to the sudden storm. And yet, He went with them.
Likewise, the Son of God knows what rogue waves life will throw our way. He knows how our faith will feel like a trembling flicker in the middle of a hurricane. But Jesus, who climbs into the boat and sits down next to us, is sovereign and in control. With only His voice, Jesus whispers peace over the storm.
I pray for my faith to be like a lighthouse, firmly rooted in solid ground and illuminating the path ahead. I will keep going through the storm, knowing I’m not alone . . . because I’m anchored by the One who cares.
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Good morning Sarah. Thank you for your honest devotional about storms. My life has been stormy for an extended period of time. I appreciate you sharing your heart and prayer concern. I stand in agreement with your prayer concerning your visas and move to your home country. May God and his angels minister to the decision makers and process to expedite on your behalf. God bless you.
Amen. Thank you for reading, Ada. Sending up prayers for you and your extended storm right now.
This is good. I like the prayer at the end. I’ll have to put that in my journal
Happy to hear these words resonated with you, Kathleen. Thanks for reading.
Your transparent, vulnerable words spoke to my heart, as I journey through my personal 12 year storm of a broken relationship. Amidst the heartache, God continues to make His divine presence known. I appreciate and will use your visual imagery of being the “lighthouse.”
You are blessed with the gift of delivering a powerful, relatable message. I look forward to many more!
Blessings on you, Kathleen. Thanks for the sweet words. I’ll be praying for you and your life storm. May you see and hear God more and more.
Thank you, Sarah, for your beautiful message.
Jesus truly is the only One who can calm the storms of life. I keep an umbrella in my car at all times and one inside my house. I know that in Alabama rains can happen without my having prepared. I tend to go out the door without checking the weather. How true of life, too. I need to be prepared for the life-storms that will happen. In this life, they happen. There is no forecaster who can prepare me. However, I can read God’s words daily, store them in my heart. His words will be available to draw from, protecting my spirit amidst the raging winds.
God bless you and your family during this time of uncertain transitions.
Really love the image of having two umbrellas within reach at all times. There is definitely a connection we can make between the umbrellas and God’s word and promises to us. Thanks for reading, Shannon.
Sarah, your strength, your walk, your words all make my faith stronger. Thank you for that. Who knew the journey God was placing you on years ago when you thought it was only a place holder. But Jesus…always with you always will be. Your writing inspires us to be always aware of that promise.
Thank you for reading! Blessings on you <3
It must be hard to be so far away from home and caught in the red tape of Visa’s. I pray you can enjoy where your feet are planted today while also praying that you’ll be home to the USA soon.!
Thank you so much, Lisa!
Reminds me of the song “Peace Be Still” by Hope Darst <3
I’ll have to look that song up, Amada! Thanks!
Beautifully beautifully written. I pray that you will reach home with your family. I too travelled and have married and raise 3 children in a foreign land that has become my home. The most wonderful thing is God is here too, He is with me wherever I go and his blessings surpass all understanding and are better than any plan I wanted for myself. Jesus is in the boat of my heart too, at last I’ve found him again.
It’s comforting to hear from parents who have gone through similar things. Thanks for the reminder, Jas. God is here too.
As I tred waters of uncertainty in the area of being a mother of a trans femme in the last year, I look to Jesus. He is in the boat with me and although this storm stretches out before me with so many questions and fears, I look to him for comfort and peace.
Sending up a prayer for you and your family this morning, Michelle. Keep looking to Jesus.
Praying Praying Praying for you and your family! Jesus is with you! May He comfort you and give you His peace! God’s overwhelming blessing be upon you!
Thank you, Donna!
Sarah- I am new to (in) courage- but I want you to know this morning I came into my prayer time with an uncertainty hanging over me about my standing with the Lord…
And I started by confessing this to him and then planned to reach for my Bible and journal. But instead, I picked up my phone and saw a notification on my screen from (in) courage, and opened it first -(to this post).
God used your post to speak into my uncertainty this morning in a very unexpected way.
I heard his tender whisper clearly saying, “Your standing with me isn’t based on what you do”- he reminded me that I’m his daughter- and that doesn’t change based on my performance or lack of it. His blood sealed the deal! I then heard him speak other things to me and now my heart is at rest and full of joy!
Thank you for your anointed post!
I will be praying for angelic intervention for your family so you can return to your homeland!
I thank God for using these words to draw you closer to Him, Diana. Praying for you to continue to feel His presence today and tomorrow.
Amazing and beautiful and filled with hope and truth. Your writing, how you capture and share your life experiences, is incredible, Sarah.
Thank you as always for your sweet words, LaVon!
Sarah love this reading. I can’t wait to hear more reading’s in the days to come from you. Yes when we are in the Storm his voice should be the only voice we hear as we go first Jesus in prayer. How often do not do that. We panic that could be why we think Jesus is. Not with us in this storm. We wonder why Jesus is not helping us in our storm. But sometimes Jesus makes us wait before help us. To see how strong our faith in him is how much we trust him to speak to us in our storm telling us what to do. We have ask the Holy Spirit to help us know it is voice we hear when he does speak. Do what he says. See Jesus this last while has been speaking to me to rest more and spend more time with him. Less on the internet and doing things for others. Yes help them. But think of yourself. Don’t over do helping people. Get rest at the same time. Make time for yourself. I bad at that. I to kind hearted. Then I get rundown because I don’t take the rest I need. Jesus rested and took time to pray be about his Father business. So I starting to do the same. I feel lost better. Thank you for this reading today. Love Dawn Ferguson -Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
Such a great perspective, Dawn. Thank you for reading and for sharing.
I love this piece so much — spoke to me personally and deeply. Thank you for sharing these words with (in)courage!
Thanks, Rachel! It was an honor.
Praying for God to answer your prayers to send you those Visas you desperately need to travel home. Jesus said we would have trials & tribulations down here. But take heart for I have overcome the world. Walking through storms you feel hopeless, desperation, anxiety & a host of other emotions. But it is in the midst of those crashing waves that Jesus whispers peace be still & gives you hope.
Blessings 🙂
❤️ Thank you dear Sarah! Your words speak to each of our hearts, no matter which sea we’re drifting in. Jesus is with us and He cares! I shared your devotional with a young friend going through a dark and deep, deep valley of despair. Thank you. ❤️
Thank you! Prayers for you and your family. I have been away from family due to circumstances beyond my control for many years and it can take a lot out of you. Thankfully, He has been with me through it all, holding me and guiding me. He always pit people in my life that helped me to carry on, was always there! It was never easy , but, He was always, always there! Now, in my seventies and many of my family have gone home, I could go to see them, they are gone and it makes me very sad, He reminds me we will still be together one day! I loved your words, they gave me peace! Thank you! I love encourage and read all the time! Prayers and peace to you all.