DaySpring’s new book, What To Say When You Don’t Know What to Say, is a guide for navigating serious moments with clear, compassionate communication.
There are times when life’s challenges can make us speechless. But that doesn’t mean we should stay silent — especially when we’re in a position to offer life-giving words. This useful guide provides helpful tips and words to share when readers aren’t quite sure what to say. It draws on Scripture to offer compassionate, biblical communication prompts to strengthen relationships — and readers can impart words of truth and peace to give hope where, and when, it’s needed. Take a peek at an excerpt:
What to Say to Those Who Are Waiting
It’s like a four-letter word in our culture. WAIT seems almost synonymous with inefficiency and frustration, combusting into either anger or fear. Nothing feels more uncomfortable or unproductive than the span of time that exists between where we are and what we desire, whether it’s as small as waiting in line for your turn at a ride in Disney World or as significant as waiting to meet the right person to marry.
Every time we wait, we find ourselves in a wilderness of sorts.
We don’t know what is going to happen and when or if life will turn the way we want it to go. The vulnerability moves us to want, even demand, motion of some kind — any kind — to ensure that our souls won’t be staying in the land of waiting for long.
But God has a history of leading His people into the wilderness: Think of Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David, Jesus. It’s in the waiting, even the wandering, that our hearts get tested and refined like gold in a furnace. When we turn to Him in it, another word emerges in our hearts: TRUST.
In the waiting, our faith grows stronger as we discover that God is present with us. His presence not only forges His patience in us, but we also learn to live at peace with Him in the process of faith’s refining fires.
I say, “The Lord is my portion, therefore I will put my hope in him. The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the person who seeks him. It is good to wait quietly for salvation from the lord.”
Lamentations 3:24–26 CSB
I am certain that I will see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart be courageous. Wait for the Lord.
PSALM 27:13–14 CSB
You can be certain of this: God has good planned for you today, tomorrow, and forever. Just wait and see!
We wait for the Lord; He is our help and shield. For our hearts rejoice in Him because we trust in His holy name.
PSALM 33:20–21 CSB
You not only have a powerful Helper, but He is shielding you from harm even as you wait on Him. He will deliver you at just the right time!
I wait for the Lord; I wait and put my hope in His word. I wait for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning—more than watchmen for the morning.
PSALM 130:5–6 CSB
As certain as the sun rises, God will come to the rescue. Keep your eyes focused on Him!
What to Say When You Don’t Know What to Say is a resource book for all believers to begin thinking and then speaking like Jesus — by starting with His Word. It is designed to help us find the firm foundation of comfort and encouragement God gives throughout the Scriptures, then translate those truths into relatable words of affirmation so we can speak plainly and purposefully into others’ lives when the moment arises without sounding cliché or superficial. But these words of life are simply a starting point.
As we pray for His anointing, God’s Spirit will speak through us with the kind of supernatural power, truth, and love that sets His people free.
We know you’ll turn to this book again and again for support in your hard conversations. Order your copy today . . . and leave a comment below for a chance to WIN one of 5 copies*!
What a wonderful and much needed resource!! And all drawn from the rich Word of God. I know I needed this excerpt on waiting today. 🙂
It is reassuring to know there are words for every circumstance. This book would be a great help to anyone who wishes to be His disciple and minister to others.
I definitely felt this directed toward me. Once, again, I am in a season of waiting. The difference now is that I am finally trusting God to get me where I want to go, where I think I should be to better serve God- if it is God’s will.
Lord, I’m waiting…. And some days are hard, but I trust you and know you love me and my loved ones!!! Help me to persevere in faith!!!
Such a powerful and much-needed resource in today’s need-it-now society. This would be a great aid in helping to reach others through God’s Word drawing all who read and hear the words closer to our Lord.
This book sounds like an absolute blessing – to be able to encourage others as Jesus would. Thank you for this wonderful gift!
Thinking and speaking like Jesus should be my goal every day! Thank you for the opportunity to win this book.
Oh the WAIT… can be so HARD. But when we TRUST in God, humble ourselves and examine our heart, discerning what God is doing in and through us in the wait, we draw closer to Him and our hearts change to be more like that of Jesus! The WAIT … hard but so good.
Thank you
So often we want to say something to others who are going through “stuff”. Or we need that encouragement ourselves, to be reminded of who God is and He is there – in the waiting, in the struggles, in the doubts and fears we have.
Thank you for this book that would give assurance through words of Scripture, love and understanding.
One thing I’m focused on this year is grace: giving more to myself and other. To me that means speaking the right words at the right time. This mission was born out of hurt, after a friend decided not to give grace and said hurtful things. This book sounds like the perfect resource to add to my collection and aid me on my mission! I may even send a few copies to friends!
In searching for the solutions to problems I forgot that it’s a lot of wasted energy and time and what I truly need to do is seek the lord and wait. Thank you for the reminder.
I can’t wait to read this book!
I’ve been waiting and praying for 12 years for resolution of the healing of my sons’ hearts. I praise God for sustaining me and know it is in His divine time when peace will come. Amen.
This sounds like a wonderful book.
Words of encouragement that I needed to hear as I’m in the middle of waiting to see God’s promises fulfilled
This article resonated w/ me as God has been teaching me to wait in 2024 & has shown me His faithfulness in the waiting.
This book sounds like a wonderful resource to have. I try to use scripture to speak to others whenever they need encouragement, motivation, etc. To win a copy would be a blessing!
These verses were such a great selection to encourage faith in the waiting. So hard to do, but I love the idea that the waiting time is where God is refining our hearts.
Waiting during family illnesses can be very hard but those comforting words from Psalms 130 helps me. Our Lord is truly everything we need, our comforter during tough times. Praise be His holy name.
This is just what I have been looking for. I am wanting to have a small group about grief support and think it would be a good resource for it! Awesome
I never seem to have the right words when I wish I could offer the exact encouragement to someone who is waiting. I’m sure you are correct that I will turn to this book again and again!
This sounds like an enormously helpful book! I’m going to put it on my “want to read” list.
As a member of the prayer team at church, I encounter a variety of situations each week. I believe that the Word of God is the primary source of encouragement and direction. Sometimes, however; the situations can leave me overwhelmed, unsure of the right things to pray and say. This book sounds like an amazing resource! Thanks for tackling this difficult topic! Blessings!
Thank you for these words of wisdom inspired by God’s word. I look forward to reading this book. I have a dear friend diagnosed with level 4 brain cancer, and I struggle with how I can encourage her. Thank you.
First, thank you God for your WORD and your perfect timing. Thank you (in)Courage for being messengers of the Word of God. This morning I awoke with negative thoughts and tried to focus on Jesus. Finally I got out of bed and started my morning time with God and everything I have read today has been just what I need to get remember who I am, how much I am loved by God and that He is always with me.
Thank you for another opportunity to win! This sounds like a very helpful resource for daily living.
I so often am not sure what to say in hard times. thank you for a resource to turn to. God bless
This book sounds like it’s exactly what I was “waiting” for. I realize that I will need to get several copies for friends and family that are Ministering to fellow “waiters”
I would LOVE this book please ❤️
I’m in my own l-o-n-g waiting season (for an estranged relationship with a prodigal son) and I also know many others that I could encourage in their long waiting.
I have been in the waiting room of a challenging marriage and waiting for my adult children to come back to God for decades. It is so hard. Thank you for a chance to win a copy of this book!
“THANKS” to Dayspring for this new book, “What To Say When You Don’t Know What To Say,” What a helpful tool and much needed resource to have on hand for those difficult situations that many of us face in our lives. My heart goes out to our neighborhood, especially last fall, with the loss of our neighbor who lost her husband to cancer in August. One month later in September, we had a tragic lost of our neighborhood boy, age 17, a high school Senior, to an injury while playing football for our school team. His grandparents live right behind our house with their daughter’s family, his Aunt, on one side and their son’s family who lost their son live behind the grandparents home. We also have neighbors with health issues that they are dealing with on our hill. After 40 yrs. in our home, it’s been extremely difficult to watch them go thru these challenging times and share the right words to say with our compassion and encouraging them along the way as I lift them up in our prayers. This Mother’s Day will be very difficult for our neighbors as they will face their 1st Mother’s Day without their loved ones. May I be able to bless them in some small way. Let your Light SHINE…God Bless!!!
In Courage,
Sounds like a much needed book for many. I have come to believe that God is working on & in us during our waiting. During those dreaded waiting times I cling to Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not for harm. To give you a hope & a future.
Blessings 🙂