One of my favorite stories Jesus tells us about the kingdom of heaven is found in Matthew 13:44 (NIV), “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”
I read the Bible like I’m watching a movie or like I’m there when it all happens. In this particular story, a man finds a treasure. In my mind, I’m right there hiding behind a tree watching everything he’s doing. I see his joy and excitement about the treasure. He looks around to make sure no one saw him — and then hides his precious discovery again. Then he runs off and sells everything he owns to buy the land the treasure is on.
I think sometimes we forget how precious the treasure is. This man was willing to sell everything else he owned for that treasure. We don’t know what he owned. Potentially some of his things had sentimental value. His home and land could have been in his family for generations. We don’t get the luxury of knowing all the details, but we do know he considered everything he owned worthless compared to that treasure.
My husband, Darian, and I were recently invited to a ministry celebration. It was located at a beautiful resort in Florida on the Atlantic coast. Our room was lovely. There was fine dining and luxurious accommodations. As wonderful as all of that was, it paled in comparison to the actual reason we were there. For over 36 hours, we had the privilege of hearing how people were getting the Word of God into forbidden places, including the Middle East, China, and the outermost parts of the world. People from Russia, India, Japan, and many other countries shared their stories.
One story I will never forget is of a Hindu family in the Himalayas. One of the daughters had received The Book of Hope (a Bible in condensed form for children) and given her life to Jesus. One by one, the rest of the family followed and began serving God at their local church. The father of the family was outraged and felt betrayed. He decided he was going to burn his entire family alive. He tied them all up and just as he was about to light the fire, a man from the new church arrived at their home. He was able to stop the dad from doing such a heinous act and led him to the Lord that day. That family had found a treasure in a field and their lives were the “everything they had” and they were willing to give it up for the treasure.
By the end of the celebration, I realized I was among some of the most Spirit-led, humble, and effective people in the world. God’s presence was in that place. I cried as I heard more stories of the Lord setting people free from addictions, abuse, hardship, and oppression. I was in awe of His love, protection, and ability to reach people.
God will go to great lengths to accomplish His will. All He needs is someone who values the treasure as He does.
The irony of staying in that fabulous resort and hearing those incredible stories hit me. None of it mattered. The only thing I could think of was Jesus and the love of God. As everything else faded, my desire to do more for Jesus increased.
I want what I do on Earth to last for eternity. I don’t think there is anything wrong with having nice things or staying in amazing places, but possessions and vacations won’t last forever. Those things don’t make a difference in eternity. Only the things we do for the kingdom of God will last forever. Our careers, hobbies, homes, and cars will not last. They are just pieces of land we must be willing to sell for the real treasure God has for us.
Only the things done for the Lord have any real value. Yet we like to elevate things that don’t deserve that honor. Nothing deserves the honor of our love, praise, and sacrifice except God. The Himalayan family knew this. They didn’t even consider their own lives worth more than the kingdom of heaven.
I have a boat dock on my property that I really enjoy. It’s not my “she-shed.” It’s my she-dock. I truly love being there. It’s where I often go to write and spend time with the Lord. One day when I was down there enjoying the fresh air on my face, the reflection of the water, and the sound of the birds, I heard the Lord say to me, “This dock is wood, hay, and stubble.” I knew exactly what He meant. He was telling me to go ahead and enjoy it — it was a gift from Him. But it wouldn’t last forever. It is not the treasure He has for me.
Let’s put our focus on the real treasure, the things that last forever.
Darian and I almost canceled that trip because of some inconveniences in our life. I’m so glad we didn’t. Being in that atmosphere, in the presence of God and people who follow hard after Him, reaffirmed my priorities. I want to build with “gold, silver, and jewels,” not wood, hay, and straw. I want the things I spend my life on to have eternal value.
I love how Jesus said that the man who found the treasure hidden in a field was joyful. He wasn’t disappointed to sell all he had. He couldn’t wait to do it. This was the best day of his life. The treasure was far greater than anything else he could imagine. Nothing on earth compares to the kingdom of heaven. It truly is the greatest treasure.
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Tyra <3,
What a lovely first (in)couragement! A sweet reminder this morning of what I want to want to build with, only the "materials" of eternal value. I can feel the tension of hearing these testimonies in a setting far removed from those stories, and sensing God in both. So thankful you shared your heart today! xo
Thank you for your kind words! The eternal materials are far better.
Wow! I loved this article! I don’t think I’ve reflected this much about hearing/readind/experiencing something in awhile, so THANK YOU!
What really hit me is the part where you wrote I want to build with ‘gold, silver, jewels’ so that our work here lasts through eternity. Wow, what a thought! Thank you and I look forward to reading more of your stories 🙂
The things that are temporary just aren’t satisfying.
Thank you for your comment!
Thankful for this reminder this morning!!
Amen. I can relate. After 24 yeas of living in a home with dark wood and little light we now live in a home that is filled with light. When I look around I feel blessed in this place but like your dock, I know it is temporary. Here’s to looking forward to heaven that is filled with the light of our heavenly Father.
So good! Yes, we’re grateful for everything, but only the things we do for the Kingdom of God last forever. Congrats on the new home.
Tyra you have been a real treasure in what you shared in the stories you shared to with people who go out of there way to share the gospel and help those in need. That wouldn’t want to know. Get to help people from doing offal things. Me and my Husband we blessed as we hear of other stories of different Godly Charities that help people and kids less well of than us. We are glad to tithe to help them as well each month. Their stories make us thankful for what God has given us it is a real treasure. We have a roof over our head clothes to wear food on our table and bed to sleep in. Some of people we hear about don’t have these things. We even thank God he wakes us up each day to enjoy another day in his beautiful world. Despite all the bad things that man does that is not saved. We are glad to be saved and have are we home. When we think of those that don’t have the thing we have. That are homeless what we have is real treasure God has given us. To see what the Godly Charities we give to. To see the Children getting fed clean water and going to school. We thank God for that. My Family none of them are saved I pray for their Salvation. Especially my 83 year old Dad’s. If they knew we tithe to them. As they do God’s work. They think we were mad. But we know we are blessing them on to God. God will bless us one day. If not this side of earth in Glory for helping them less well of than us. But God will always make sure we have enough to pay our bills. That is all we want and we are so blessed and I am thankful I can pray for you all incourage too. Love today’s reading. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
Just think of all of those eternal rewards!
So glad you’re here to share with us, Tyra!
Thank you! It’s an honor for sure!
I love your enthusiasm for the Lord. As age creeps up on me I find myself wanting less of this world & more of God. Like the song says “and the things of Earth will grow strangely dim” they have for me. I spend about 2-3 hrs. each Friday helping out Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry doing anything from handing out food boxes, putting meals together, doing dishes-whatever needs to be done to help the poor in our county. Also spent last Saturday (4/6) at a local grocery store asking for food for our pantry & also buying some myself. Doing things like that make me feel good.
My church sponsors Recovery Soldiers, Christian addiction program. I buy needed items for them plus help with meals once a month by either making something or buying needed items. It is so great to witness God working in the lives of these men. Some have become preachers. I live my life by this John Wesley quote:
“Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can,
At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can.”
Blessings 🙂
Beth, I love your heart to serve. I would have to agree, the older I get the more I seek first the Kingdom of God. It really is the best and greatest treasure.
Oh my goodness I love hearing stories of life change. In this busy season of my life I try to share as much as possible, which seems like a drop in the water compared to others, but I know even the smallest drop makes a difference. I love Virtue and everything our church is doing and I am so glad God called your family here. I’ve grown so much over the years and I am excited for what else is to come.