Maybe the fourth time would be a charm. I sure hoped so. Even though I was determined, I wasn’t sure I could take another disappointment. Was this the God-given “desire of my heart” spoken of in Psalm 37, or simply me pursuing something I wanted in my own strength?
I had been feeling a tug to return to a traditional nine-to-five job for a while. Now that my children were grown, my world had become too quiet. I craved more structure, interaction, and variety than weekly Bible study, volunteering, and church could provide. I also felt called to move beyond my comfortable Christian bubble.
It all felt so very “Prayer of Jabez.” Are you familiar? Years ago, Bruce Wilkenson popularized the Old Testament prayer found in 1 Chronicles 4:10 (NKJV) in his little book The Prayer of Jabez: Breaking Through to the Blessed Life:
“Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!”
The verse ends by revealing how God answered Jabez’s audacious prayer: “So God granted him what he requested.”
Would God grant me what I requested? While all of the prayer’s petitions were relevant, the idea of “enlarging my territory” stood out. I longed to live out the gospel by serving others in meaningful ways.
I wanted to go back to work.
Friends and family thought I was crazy to give up the freedom and flexibility I enjoyed as a writer. Most of them had retirement on their minds, not launching a new career. Even my husband didn’t fully understand, thinking my desire was more about filling time and getting out of the house than God calling me to something different.
I listened to them and questioned myself. Would anyone see the value of a 50-something woman who hadn’t worked in a traditional job in decades? How do you communicate everything you do as a writer – content creation, speaking, marketing, networking – on a simple resume? Would my previous part-time marketing roles showcase my true drive and entrepreneurial spirit enough? Would my leadership qualities required in women’s ministry and volunteerism count for anything in today’s market?
Because I knew the application process was a breeding ground for self-doubt, I started reminding myself of my identity in Christ. I’ve learned that when life gets hard, it’s important to remember who you are because of who Jesus is and what He has done and will do.
As daughters of God, we are
We should never forget God is always and only for us, but there’s an enemy who’s always and only against us. (Romans 8:31)
Shored up spiritually, I updated my resume and started slinging spaghetti at the wall. Since the last full-time job I held – and absolutely loved – was at a retirement community, that was my target. Never mind it was 28 years ago.
To my surprise, the first application was a swing and a hit. The hiring manager and I had a great connection, and I got an offer. The money was great. But the work/life balance was awful. I cried before turning it down.
On my second attempt, I dropped off my resume in person, thinking it would demonstrate initiative and impress the marketing director. I thought wrong. Following an awkward conversation, I received an email rejection three days later.
I cried again.
The third job at a fancy new community got me really excited. A phone interview led to several in-person interviews. I was certain the job was mine…until days with no offer turned into weeks. When I finally got the call, they had chosen the other remaining candidate.
I cried yet again.
My children were in the loop, and I think they hurt more than me when things didn’t work out. I had always taught them, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again,” and here was a chance for me to demonstrate that very lesson.
I believed God had given me this desire, so I had to keep trying. If we can trust God with open doors, we can trust the ones that close.
Months later, the place I had applied to in person and received a swift rejection, re-posted the same position. Among all the communities I had considered, it was my first choice. I applied again. This time, I was invited to interview.
Driving onto their campus, feeling more vulnerable than ever, I prayed. If this strong and specific desire wasn’t of the Lord, I begged Him to take it away.
The short of an already-long (but amazing) God-story is this: I got the job!
Over the past three years, I’ve encountered the most wonderful people and helped dozens of seniors understand their options and make hard but important decisions that serve them well.
Like Jabez, God blessed me and granted what I requested (I’m convinced He gave me the desire in the first place).
When have you experienced a strong desire despite opposition or failure? What might God want you to know about who you are in Him? (Go back and read my short list of how God sees you as His daughter — or open your Bible and find His love for you all over Scripture.)
Talk to God about your desires. And perhaps it’s time to try, try again.
Listen to today’s devotion below or on your favorite podcast app!
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Good morning Women of God. Robin this was excellent. I appreciate your transparency and vulnerability as your walked through the process of a testimony. There are tears, pain and disappointment but God is faithful. Three years ago at the age of 40, I started an interview process for my current job. Many people told me I was crazy to leave what I thought was my dream job. I was working 60 hours a week and sick most of the time. When God blesses us it not painful or unsustainable. My current job is 40 hours a week with a great team of people who love and respect me as I them. God led me to include my prison ministry volunteer experience which became the focus of my three interviews for my career change. There were disappointments, tears and doubt as I was rejected or not even given a chance to interview during that time. God bless you and thank you for pour yourself into encouraging and equipping others. You are a blessing.
Ada!!! Thank you for sharing your story!! When we can point to God, see His hand in our journey, it’s a double blessing, isn’t it? What a treat to hear how He prompted you to include your prison ministry experience.
You’re a blessing and inspiration, too, Ada!
You don’t know how much I needed to read this…I’m in a similar situation, just younger lol. This was a timely word of encouragement that my heart desperately needed as I continue my job hunt
I’m praying for you this morning, Dee. Trust where God is leading you, where you can shake your desires. Thank you so much for joining in our community conversation <3.
Robin this is perfect. I tell you a two stories about me. You have really spoke to me. Made see in the eyes of Jesus I am doing the right thing here. I might not get my reward this side of earth but I will get it in Glory. I tell you the first one. My late Mum kept saying to me Dawn keep on you have to keep applying for your Driving test. Don’t stop until you get. You can do it. I it took me a few times to get. When I failed it so many times. I would have given up said Driving not for me. I not meant to drive. Only for my late Mum I never kept at it when 17 until I got it. As your title says “If at first you don’t succeed when should you try again” Yes that’s when my late Mum push me into. I was glad at the time. Because I for 19 year became a Registered Childminder in my own Home. I was glad of it then. But health problems took out of driving. Now I don’t miss it. I do my Dad’s Home Help for him. He is 83. I glad like you going back to work. Even though people thought you were mad. But people thought the same as me. As I now take seizures. They came out no where. But I glad I am able to do my Dad’s Home Help Monday to Friday for him. It give me something to do. I do for the Love of the Lord and the Love of my Dad. Even though he is not saved. I pray for his Salvation. People say Dawn you have to think of your own health. I know I have the Lord protecting me. I will be ok. As one day I not have my Dad on earth anymore. I be able to say I did for him because I loved him. God gave me strength to and God projected me. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
Hi Dawn, it is lovely to hear how the Lord has imparted His strength to you and provided protection. Sweet stories of His faithfulness….thank you for sharing. 🙂
Thank you for your courage, tenacity and the wisdom to share. God has put the desire in my heart to write. Though I chose to be a pharmacist because my dad favored the profession, after 40 years in pharmacy, I am now writing. To God be the glory. I am so grateful for second, third and fourth chances and God’s spirit to encourage me (us) to keep trying.
Lisa, Pivots can be daunting…but it’s a cool thing to hear how God led you to fulfilling what sounds like a life dream. YOU GO GIRL! God is so sweet, isn’t He?
Awwww, Amada…you made me smile BIG! 😀 (thank you!)
I’ve been in my current PR job for about a year and half now. I applied for the job 3 times over the course of 9 months! I couldn’t figure out why they weren’t calling me and why they kept reposting the job. When I saw it the third time, I almost didn’t apply. I felt a little nudge to go ahead and try one more time. I got a call from HR the very next day to set up an interview and I had a job offer about two weeks later.
I’m encouraged
Now, looking back, can you see how God was in this all along? Can you see anything you learned or how you after the first two applications? The third time was a charm!
Thanks for this encouragement. I’ve had so many nos lately that I called last year the year of the no! I’ve applied for not 4 but well over 400 jobs in less than a year’s time. I’ve had many nos in just about every other area of my life too. I know God is faithful and sovereign, I do, but I feel forgotten.
Jeez, this sounds like me…maybe not with 400 applications, but definitely a consecutive string of nos, but I’m trusting that change is imminent
I’m praying for you, too, this morning, Dee <3.
Bethany…it’s understandable why you might feel forgotten, but it is NO small thing that you KNOW God is faithful and sovereign! THAT is a gift in itself! Have you been able to step back and ask God what you can learn from this experience? I’m inclined to think our greatest battles are spiritual, and we have an enemy always on the prowl, eager to defeat us. It would be easy for you to feel defeated. I’m asking the Holy Spirit to remind you who you are as His daughter, to encourage you, and to give you fresh eyes and ears to sense His leading. Please let us know when a new door opens! <3
Robin, “THANK YOU” for blessing us with your encouraging and positive words which is very uplifting to many. Same motto in our family too, “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again,” never give up! As we go to our oldest daughter’s home each day to babysit our 3 grandchildren (ages 2, 6, & 10) while their parents go to work. My husband & I always say to our grandsons when they leave for school: Do your BEST and God will do the rest and you will be BLESSED. Now our 2 year old grand-daughter repeats the saying as she blows kisses & waves goodbye to her older brothers from the window…so cute and precious to hear and see, melts our heart. We are truly BLESSED! Thanks for sharing and continue to “Let your Light SHINE!”…Matthew 5:16.
Lori!!! What a treasure you and your husband are to your daughter and those precious grands! I can imagine your little granddaughter blowing kisses and encouraging her big brothers <3. So sweet. What a firm foundation...!
Thanks! Our grandchildren are our precious gems…treasures from above. Every good and perfect gift is from above….James 1:17
Sometimes God has his people wait long, so our gratitude becomes deeper and in the waiting of what we long for, we praise God when the gift comes at last. I will be lifting Dee and Bethany up in my prayers as they seek God’s will for providing them with jobs. Cheering you both on as you TRUST Him! Keep trying, you gals got this!!! Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (I Thessalonians 5:16-18 CSB)
Thank you so much for the prayers and the scripture. God bless you
You are always an encouraging voice to me. It’s difficult to reinvent yourself after 35+years in a particular profession. I know God is sovereign and has a plan. I pray that we will all trust in Him and not stray.
Thank you for sharing this encouragement to keep trying. I’m at a similar point with a goal, and have wondered if I should just quit, or change tack, or pretend I don’t care anymore. This is a good reminder that if God is leading me towards it, I need to keep following.
Back in 2019 I was let go from a part-time job. Immediately I went on a job search. Two weeks later God gave me a better part time job. Shortly after I began praying for a full-time job. I didn’t need to be home as much anymore. It was time to start using my skills. December 2021 I was working clerical in an ICU Covid unit. My work ethic & prayers were heard. Jesus gave me a job written Soon I discovered it wasn’t what I wanted. I prayed more & started job hunting again. Once again God came through & gave me an ICU step down clerical position in a new unit they opened. (it is run by ICU). God is so good. We just have to pray & trust God’s timing.
Blessings 🙂