You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good.
He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.
Genesis 50:20 NLT
As I dumped the puzzle pieces on the table, I challenged our pre-teen daughter to sort and assemble the 100-piece puzzle without the box top picture.
With purpose stirred, she started, then stopped. Started, then stopped. What should have been an easy task, resulted in mounted frustration due to her lack of clarity.
“Mom, I can’t begin to put this puzzle together. It’s way too hard, and I need some kind of a guide.”
I let those words stew a bit before I responded.
“It’s hard to attempt something so confusing without guidance, isn’t it?” I questioned. “Putting together a puzzle without the picture is like us trying to fix life’s problems without considering God’s blueprint for our life. Our relationships, our friendships, and our families are all pieces of God’s master puzzle, but it’s critical we use the Bible as our box top to best navigate those difficult times. Often His picture takes time to unfold. We want to give up. The waiting is a challenge. So when it feels too hard, we need to just work on a few ‘pieces’ at a time. ”
While this simple, teachable moment was meant for our daughter, conviction hit home.
Life gets messy and the waiting hurts.
Often I rush ahead without seeking God first because I’m quick to attempt fixes on my own. I get frustrated when I don’t know how His plan will unfold, yet I don’t take the time to seek out His master box top.
My mind raced to Joseph and his brothers: the utter betrayal at the hands of those he loved most. How Joseph must have questioned God’s purpose during his waiting time in slavery and wondered how these seemingly horrible pieces could ever fit together for good.
Instead of harboring bitterness, Joseph believed in the sovereignty of God’s plan, even though he didn’t know the final outcome.
Often, God’s plan doesn’t come together on our timetable. We can’t pull back the veil and see the full extent of God’s work in our lives because His beautiful picture has not been revealed.
Yet one truth we cling to: God’s purpose and plan for us is good because God is good. All the time, God is good.
Are there puzzle pieces in your life that don’t seem to fit God’s perfect plan?
Work one piece at a time, cling to His goodness, and rest in His sovereignty.
Today’s devotion is by Jen Schmidt and originally appeared here on (in)courage.
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Schmidt is a familiar name.. true difficult to navigate a puzzle without a blueprint. Seek guidance and council for in a multitude of councilor, is successes
Schmidt is familiar.
Multitude of councilor, and the steps of a righteous is ordered by the Lord
This is the message I needed. My life has changed so much in the last year. I’ve felt betrayed and helpless; wondering if there is a God. I’ve gone from yoga and running to not being able walk alone. I’m in a wheelchair at 76. I feel like a burden to my sweet husband. We were about to travel and instead I’m going to assisted living. I’m wondering what did I do to deserve this?
Rita, I am sorry that you are in a wheel chair and going through your struggles to adjust and accept. I can’t imagine your emotional and physical pain. But God, who works in mysterious ways, has a purpose and we don’t always see or know how what is happening that seems so bad, can ever turn out to be so good. Perhaps there is someone at the assisted living facility whom God wants you to help, to witness too. He will not let you suffer in vain…trust in God who is always working for the good of those who trust in Him. I will be praying for you. May God grant you peace, comfort and strength to endure your current battle. My heart hurts for you. But God’s heart will carry You…I lost my best friends in the world, my mom and dad, four months apart. Mom was only 63, dad 67. They were wonderful parents and God fearing people. They were always so healthy and lived so clean and righteous. I still miss them everyday and the agonizing hurt and pain can make me physically sick at times. I have since lost two brothers who were on in their forties. I think God now, that God took my parents to heaven, so they would not have to grieve the loss of their sons. As I now grieve for all of them, I am thankful that my mom and dad, never had to endure the pain and grief of losing two children. Better for me to grieve, than for them to grieve. God see’s the total puzzle and the beautiful picture once all the pieces are in place. Don’t give up, God will never give up on you…I pray God will shower your life with wonderful blessings in the days ahead.
Dear Rita, I am praying for you! May our God of all comfort comfort you with the comfort that only He can give! May He restore hope and peace to you! He has a purpose in all that you are going through though you can’t see it now. I too have suffered many hard things and I am 77, but the Lord has always brought me through. And He will bring you through also. He is faithful always! God’s richest blessings be upon you and your family!
So sorry that you have to be in a wheel chair. Know that I’m praying for you. May God send His peace & comfort to your soul. I cling to Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not for harm. To give you a hope & a future.” You, like Joseph, may not know what that future is, but trust God that He has your best interest at heart.
Blessings 🙂
I love this analogy. It would be hard to put together a without the boxed top picture. And it’s hard to live without the Bible.
Thanks, Jen! This is definitely food for thought!
Jen you said God is Good all the time and all the time God is good is a lovely Christian song. We sometimes wondered where God is when going through our hard time’s in life. Why he is not helping us or answering our prayers. But we have as followers of God keep trusting God no matter what. Keeping standing on the promises of his word keep praying. Keeping saying them over and again when say them believe them that God will answer them in his perfect timing. Sometimes God makes us wait to see how strong our faith is in him. To see how much we trust him. By that I mean not going to anyone else or anything thing else. Expect to God in Prayer and his word and saying over our lives. Saying to God I believe your word and what it says I believe it over my life. Like it says in Numbers 24-26. “24:The Lord bless you and keep you 25:The Lord make His face shine upon you And be gracious to you 26:The Lord lift up His countenance upon you And give you peace” keep saying God I believe verses like that over my life and know what your words says you will do over my life as those verses says. Believe it will happen in God’s perfect timing. Remember it’s not about your timing. As God knows what best. God will answer them in his perfect timing. Rita praying for you. Love today’s reading. Praying for you all in incourage. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
It’s Number 7 24-27
Didn’t put it down right. Forgive me. Love Dawn xx
I am a male and have been really enjoying your devotions. Todays one has described me down to a tee.I am slowly getting thru thingsas God leads and directs me. tks .
Loved the box top & Joseph analogies. Joseph had no idea what was happening to him when they sold him into slavery. God had big plans for him. Plans to help save the Israelites. He had to trust that God was good. When I am faced with any trials I simply pray & put my whole trust in Him. Jesus has brought me through trials in the past & I know He is faithful & righteous to do that again.
Blessings 🙂