About the Author

Simi was born in India and moved to Dallas, TX at the age of 7. Simi is a speaker, author, and full-time physical therapist. Her calling is to the local church and her passion is to equip women to know who they are and live faithfully right where they are....

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  1. Well said, Simi. And I applaud you for having that conversation with your daughter. It is so important that young girls and women learn their value. And we, as the older generation of women, need to encourage them and remind them of that.

  2. As an oldest child who has these conversations with my firstborn daughter, I resonated with this so much. It’s amazing how much I still need the reminder to throw off people pleasing and lean into my identity as a daughter of God. And Zephaniah 3:17 is one of my anchor verses! Thank you for sharing this Simi!

    • Yesss sis!! It’s easier to see it happening to others and be blind and dismiss it when it happens to you- but God uses even those moments to open our eyes to His truth and grace!

  3. Oh Simi, with tears in my eyes, I can’t even express how much this means to me. Just last night I found out about “rejection sensitive dysphoria”. I have struggled my whole life (many decades) and hating who I am. With God’s help the last few years, I’ve been able to make some progress, but I keep losing the battle. Your post seems like a sign to me that maybe I’m on the right path to be worth something. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    • You are not just worth something, dear friend…you were worth the Son of God. Look to the cross, he came for YOU…left the 99 for YOU. You are so incredibly loved- more than you can imagine. Any voice that tells you different is not of God…so don’t trust it!

  4. Amen! We so need to teach our young girls their value and worth in these current and trying times! They are being subjected and belittled being made to compete in sports with some who are born as boys and will always be boys, no matter what identity they claim. And the issue of even sharing bathrooms and locker rooms and being demeaned if they are not comfortable with it! There are many powerful women of the Bible, that went against the grain and God blessed them everyone! Praying for all of us, to instill in our daughters that they are fearfully and wonderfully made and are so very important to God and He loves all of them with all His heart!

    • We are who Jesus made us to be, and we must see ourselves the same- not based on how we feel, what others say or the labels culture places on us.

  5. Amen. I can relate as I am a people pleaser. While I still carefully and prayerfully consider my words before confronting, I do stand up for myself more each decade.
    How we “talk” to ourselves is also important. Growing up my mom would correct me when I said something negative about myself. She said God created me as a masterpiece and I should not criticize His creation. That has stuck with me and I use the same thought to help my daughter see her uniqueness and give thanks in gratitude.

    • Yes…self talk is so important in understanding our worth. Our mind is where the enemy often brings lies and narratives and we beat ourselves up….then we let others do it as well.

  6. Thank you for this message. I believe it is so needed in the culture we are living today. May God’s love, mercy, and grace be shared with all children. Whether boy or girl, God loves us and wants us to love ourselves.

  7. Thank you Simi for this wonderful message. Do we not know we a Daughter’s of king of kings. He loves us no matter what. If we read Psalm 139 some of it tells us how presious we are to Jesus. Worth so much the first two verses tell us “The Lord knows all about us our sitting down and rising up. You even as it says in Verses 13 to 16 thaty God formed us in our mother’s womb. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. My frame was not hidden from God. It goes on to say how precious are God’s thoughts about me. We could not count them. So we are worth alot when God thinks that about us. So we are worth more than welcome will ever know. As that kids song say. Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so. So true all this is. I could go on and on. Another good one. Jesus loves all the Children of the world red and yellow black and white. How true those songs are. They and those verses tell us our worth. Thank you for this read Simi John. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland. Xx

  8. Thank you Simi for such a beautiful message to pass on! I have 3 amazing, smart, strong and beautiful granddaughters and a sparkling niece. I pray they always remember how God made them and that they are confident in that making!!
    ….all those precious little boys too! \0/

  9. Sitting here wondering how you came to know about my life patterns without ever having met me. You spoke openly and frankly about my life, who I am, and how it makes me feel to be this way. A people pleaser- oh yeah! Allowing others to berate and mistreat me as though I have no worth. Yep, that’s me. Avoiding confrontation that might hurt the abuser or cause alienation. Wow, you have my number.
    I agree with you that God does not want anyone to live like that. To be critical of another is to say that God made a mistake when He made you. How heartbreaking that must be for God!! How it must grieve Him to see one being abusive to another while the other suffers in silence. Very sad.
    Jesus was confrontational. He spoke the the truth… always. Then left His rebuke with them so they could ponder His words.
    Hopefully, those of us who remain silent will remember who we are in Christ and tell the abuser, in love, how their words and actions hurt them. And perhaps, the abuser will appreciate their honesty and become more sensitive to their treatment of others.
    Thank you for sharing your story. It has made a difference in my life.
    – Diane

    • “ Jesus was confrontational. He spoke the the truth… always. ” YES! Love this! God is our defender when we trust Him with our heart and speak up…He is for us, we are not doing it alone!

  10. Simi,

    This is a much needed lesson for young women today. For years I didn’t see myself as beautiful or smart. My self talk was negative. Then I heard this “”God created you in His image. Thus what you call yourself you are calling Him”. Ouch! That got me to thinking. Every now & then I still have a little negative self talk. Mostly I realize that God loves me & sees me as beautiful inside out. I have an empathetic, loving & caring heart. Now if you speak ugly about me I will say “If you don’t like me or the way I am talk to God. He made me this way.”

    Blessings 🙂