Your unfailing love is better than life itself;
how I praise you!
I will praise you as long as I live,
lifting up my hands to you in prayer.
Psalm 63:3-4 NLT
Unfailing. What an adjective! The very definition of unfailing uses words like constant, inexhaustible, infallible, and sure. Those words don’t always describe me or the way I love those around me. My love could probably often be described as exhaustible, fickle, and very conditional. That is human nature. Even on our best days, our love pales in comparison with the love of God. That’s the way it should be. We were never meant to love in our own strength. We were always meant to love others with the overflow of His love. To love as God loves, we first need to realize how much He really does love us.
The whole of Psalm 63 follows King David into the wilderness while he is on the run from his enemies. I would assume a situation like this would be the time I would doubt God’s love the most. But David didn’t. This was one of the times he trusted God’s love for him the most. His circumstances were hard and fearful, but he knew God was trustworthy. He knew God was faithful. He put every ounce of his being into giving God glory and praise even though his circumstances hadn’t changed.
Somehow David kept a thankful heart.
He had come to know that God’s unfailing love was literally better than life itself. He had tasted and seen His goodness. He knew it trumped anything this world could ever hope to offer. He knew God’s love was unconditional, unyielding, and unwavering.
I need to be reminded of that truth often. People disappoint. Seasons can be hard. Sin rears its ugly head. And yet, the Creator of the universe sees the depths of our hearts and loves us the same.
God’s love for us is not dependent on our faithfulness. It depends on His. He is love.
He sees our sins and offers us forgiveness. He sees our flaws and offers us grace. He sees our doubt and offers us truth. He sees us trapped in a pit and offers us rescue.
I don’t live in this space as easily as I wish I did. I know myself. I know I don’t always treat others well. I know my weaknesses and insecurities and the sin I try so hard to fight. Through it all, God loves me. And He loves you. He pursues us at all costs and to great lengths. His pursuit of us is constant. He fights for us. He loves us that much. He sees past who we are now and sees the potential of who we are called to be.
If we think God views us in a negative light, He doesn’t. I’ve never been more glad to be wrong. He calls us:
I pray that we will learn to find our identity in the One who is faithful, rest in His unfailing love, and live out of the overflow into the lives of the broken world around us.
Do you view yourself as chosen, holy, and beloved? Why or why not?
This devotion was written by Karina Allen and originally published on (in)courage here.
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Such a timely reminder for us all. I have been reading through psalms and am struck by how David trusts, praises and leans on God in all situations. Even in hopelessness his trust and love in God is truly inspirational. We can all be encouraged by this in whatever season of life we are in.
Yes and Amen Julie!!!
Yes such a timely reminder today’s reading. Love it. It reminds me of the kids song I sang at Sunday School when we. That reminds me of God love. It is “Jesus Love me this I know for the Bible tells me so” how true that is. Plus another good one we learnt at Sunday School when I was we. That remained me of God’s unfailing Love for us all. It is “Jesus Loves all the Children of the world red and yellow black and white” How true that is too. That song tell us that Jesus loves us no matter what skin colour we are. And the other song tell us that I first put down is that his word tell us the Bible all about his love for us. Especially when he went to Calvary for the whole world. Like that verse John 3 verse 16 says. “For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten Son” how amazing is all this. To know we are all loved no matter what. Thank you for todays reading keeping you all in prayer. Xx
Amen and Amen Dawn!!!
Thank you Karina for the reminder! Happy St. Patrick’s Day
Thank you for reading Lisa!!!
Amen \0/
During the easy days and seasons, yes. During the tough times when I’m full of “myself ” not so much. Then God softly touches my heart, as He always has, gets my attention and reminds me….”I’m chosen, holy, and beloved”…. and to pass it on!
That’s it Janet! He’s so patient, loving and gracious towards us!
Thank you that was beautiful
Thank you Kathleen for reading!!!
Casting Crowns has a song “Praise You in This Storm”. It talks about lifting hands & praising God for who He is even when the storm still rages. During some of my storms is when I turn to God. I praise Him for an answer that is coming. It isn’t always easy to glorify God in the midst of hard times. We must remind ourselves that we are chosen, Holy & a beloved child of God. He wants only the best for us. So now I raise my hands in glory & honor of my God!!
Blessings 🙂