Winter in New England is idyllic. The world I live in is reminiscent of L.L.Bean magazines and Robert Frost poems. November enters quietly with early morning frosts and snow flurries. December settles in comfortably with a white blanket on the cold earth, usually just in time for Christmas. January’s piercing blue skies make our northern snow globe sparkle. It’s pure magic.
But then February and March show up, and everyone is done with the snow turning brown on the corners of the road. The charm has worn off — we are tired of shoveling. Winter outstays its welcome . . . and we get antsy for warmer weather.
Almost six years ago, a white blanket of winter settled over my life. A chronic illness I’d battled for years avalanched into symptoms worse than I’d dreamed — and I was buried. I found myself shoveling an insurmountable world of snow, with nowhere to put it and no end in sight. As I looked around at my new reality, iced in by limitations that took away life as I knew it, I felt the pain. But I also felt the Holy Spirit near to me, a “very present help in trouble.”
Suffering is never idyllic, but the snow in that season of life still sparkled. God showed me how he flipped my suffering and used it for good. He used it in my friends’ lives as they watched my world crumble and wondered where my hope was. The spiritual conversations with classmates — and even strangers — were new and exciting as I pointed to Christ’s beautiful gospel. God sanctified me, pulling out sin tendencies and idols that we needed to burn.
He softened and sharpened me. He proved to me over and over that He could be trusted. He used my suffering to change my career path, inviting me into a ministry that fit the contours of my heart better than any of my prior plans. I was snowed in, but I could see the beauty of the storm. It held its magic. That was my November, December, and January . . . but it’s been five and a half years.
“God has taught me so much,” I told my pastor. “But I’m ready to move on.”
I want to drive long distances with ease again, have full days without resting, and be able to start a family. There are dreams unfulfilled that I’m reaching out for. I’m longing for warmer weather, normalcy, and healing. I am in March, shoveling dirty snow, and I just want to put down the shovel.
Perhaps you are in a season where suffering clings close, falling thick and fast like flurrying flakes. Perhaps you’ve been caught in an avalanche or ice storm. Are you in your November, just beginning to feel the earth harden? Are you in your December or January, shivering in the sea of snow but still seeing the sparkle? Or, like me, are you in the months that you expected to be spring, cursing the muddy snow that mucks up your life?
If you are longing for summer’s sun to melt the suffering of life, I see you. God sees you. And from one suffering saint to another, here is what I know right now:
I know that God mourns with me and catches my tears in a bottle.
I know that His comfort will carry me through even though I walk through the valley.
I know that God redeems suffering, and that all things work together for good for those who love Him. And . . . I also know that “my good” may not look like healing on this side of heaven. Even still, my greatest good is to be with God — and if my suffering pulls me closer to Him, then hallelujah anyway.
I know that nothing — absolutely nothing — will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.
I know that God is the author of my story, and I fully trust Him with the pen because the beauty, depth, honor, and purity of the work He produces is so beyond what I could ever write for myself.
I know that I will one day be healed, and that God will wipe away every tear and death shall be no more.
Dear suffering saint, God is with you in the storm, keeping you safe and warm through all your seasons. He is, indeed, a “very present help in trouble.” When we throw down our shovels in despair, He looks us in the eyes with all the tenderness of a loving Father and picks it up Himself. It was never ours to carry anyway. . .
Join me in giving the shovel to God. You can rest in His strong arms; you can trust Him with your life.
Even in the winter, the warmth of His care is warmer than any summer day.
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Wow! Needed these words right now. Thank you!
So grateful they blessed you!
Alicia, thank you for sharing your story and for these inspiring words. I needed them.
you are so welcome Madeline!
You never know who you’re writing to out there. Today, you were writing to me…and many others as well.
Thank you!
This is so encouraging to hear, Kathleen! Thank you for reading.
I’living a seazon like that you described in your post. Please, pray for me. That God, in His infinite love and mercy , may heal my soul and my emotional life. That He, whit His unmensaruble wisdom, may provide resources for all my needs.
Just prayed for you, Michele.
Abba Father please send your healing touch to Michele. You alone know what she is facing. Bring peace & calm to her emotional life. Direct people to come assist her in any way she needs. In Jesus Name AMEN
Blessings 🙂
Alicia-You write beautifully and your story touched my heart. During one of the coldest spurts in the history of Kansas City, I buried my father. God is writing my story and SPRING is coming. I feel it and am hopeful.
Thank you for your uplifting, poetic words that brought beauty to my heart this morning.
Lisa Wilt
Thank you for reading, Lisa. God bless you!
I absolutely loved these truths you shared this morning. Thank you, for it was also for me who needed to hear them. We are in a health crisis with my husband and have been since the pandemic hit in 2020. I am still homebound and not able to venture out anywhere. I’m not able to go to church, grocery store, visit family, or interact with others. I’m not complaining, because I have become accustomed to watching church online, doing a Bible study on zoom, ordering groceries online, and working in my flower gardens when weather permits. I’m very thankful for technology that allows me to keep in touch with others.
But I have to admit, I grow weary of isolation and loneliness. I long to hug my grandkids and my own children. I daydream of worshipping with my church family. But I also know God sees every tear I cry and shares my day to day struggles. Thank you for reminding me the love that our Heavenly Father has for me and that He is always with me, even when no one else is!
This is such a heavy reality, Karen. Grateful to see your trust in the Lord. Just prayed for you!
Thanks 🙂
My daughter has been battling an unknown illness for 4 months now that is attacking her muscles. She has 2 young boys and our family has been turned upside down. Although I know that God is with us it is getting harder and harder not to lose hope. Watching your daughter deteriorate for the past four months is depressing and scary so I can’t even imagine what it’s like for these two young boys to watch this unfold. Doctors don’t have any answers and so treatments are not an option. Please pray for us as a family
Psalm 103 v3 for your Daughter
Take her to the Mayo Clinic. I just prayed and will continue to pray for your daughter and family.
Praying that your daughter will be healed soon. . Jesus is the best physician in the world. Mark 2:17
Just prayed for your family, Carol. <3
Jehovah Rapha you are God who heals. Send your healing touch to Carol. Give the doctors a discerning mind to find a solution for her. Send your peace calm to the family. Mostly send your love & hugs. Help them know you are close to them. AMEN
Blessings 🙂
How awesome that God works righteousness into our struggles and is able to show us impurities we could not see without the waiting and suffering. His ways are higher! Our adversary hates when we turn to God instead of cursing God (Job). You put it into words beautifully!
His ways are certainly higher! Thanks Charlene 🙂
BEAUTIFULLY PUT! I feel you have touch many lives right in the hard season of their lives with this post. I know you have touched mine to the very core and so thankful God hears my silent cries and that He will work all things for good! Thank you!❤️
So happy you enjoyed it! Thank you for the encouragement!
……in the sea of snow but still seeing the sparkle?…. Yep
Thank you Alicia for sharing. Visually, spot on. God talks to me through nature and you did just that. Thank you \0/
“Join me in giving the shovel to God. You can rest in His strong arms; you can trust Him with your life.”
I love spending time with God in nature too! Thank you Janet.
This is so lovely, Alicia! Thank you for sharing it here.
You are welcome Irene!
Thanks so much for sharing!!! Truly inspirational and helps me look at my life from a different perspective
What a beautiful analogy…as I look at today’s snow…and prepare to go shovel. Thank you for sharing!
Deborah, it snowed here today too! It was perfect! A little gift from God 🙂
Thank you Alicia for these encouraging words. I needed them more than I can say! I suffer seasons of depression and anxiety. I am weary of it all. We had to leave our church where we had served faithfully for 25 years because it became condemning and discouraging. We would enter with hope but leave with our heads down and very condemned and fearful. We fled to escape and try to live again. We have not found another church home yet. We have tried but to no avail. It is so hard to trust again, but we trust the Lord in all things and know He that He is worthy of our trust and has a purpose in all these things. My husband and I are 77. So we push through each day and look forward to His coming. He is faithful always! And we know that He hears and sees us and will never leave us nor forsake us. I have debilitating conditions in my back and unable to stand for very long, but He is our healer and strong deliverer. And we love him and believe that He works all things for our good. God’s richest blessings to you all!!!
Donna, what weighty things. Praying that God continues to restore your soul and give you peace.
May I encourage you “Dawn” …. God will make a way! Even if you have left feeling condemned in the church you had been in for so long. My husband and I too with me being VERY sick seemed like we were left high and dry. After a year almost we did end up leaving and God is Good as we entered after searching and praying “where do you want us Lord” ? We were led to a small church filled with so much LOVE that we have been able to love again ourselves and trust God to continue to lead us. And we are rebuilding some relationships with our previous church members which is of course healing as well. We are now 79 and 71 so don’t give up as God is a God of hope and will place you in a church that is where you are to be. Gentle Hugs and love from Canada. Kathryn & Jack
Words like that speak in so many ways. To our spiritual soul and the weather of God’s world. One minute the weather of God’s world can be just perfect the way we want it nice sunny and dry for us to get where we want. Then the next it can be snowing windy or wet. Like our spiritual souls. We can be in brilliant form reading God word saying our prayers and walking well with God. We are on as the saying goes cloud nine. Until something like the weather stops all that. We take like a stormy boat ride with our souls. We being to wonder where God is. Why he not helping us get through what we are going through. Like the weather in our world where we live. We long for the dry sunny not to over hot days just nice dry days to come back. So as we can get out and about to enjoy the weather and enjoy God’s beautiful world again where we live. Like our spiritual souls we get down and say why this weather again. We then say why God am I faced with this problem in our life and our spiritual souls. This where we need to trust God go him in prayer and stand on the promises in his word. Ask him to guide us show us what to do get our spiritual souls nice dry and sunny again and back on track. Do as the Lord say to help us through what we are going through in this storm. Love today’s reading. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland
Dawn, this is beautiful. Thank you for reading and sharing your words, too!
Bless you! I see you! I too have been suffering for some time now and know for certain that with our doubt that God is good and walks with me daily! I have debilitating arthritis, it runs in my family. Three of my older sisters had it and many of my older relatives did as well! I watched them when I was younger and never gave it a thought. Now at 74, I know how they felt. I am thankful that they were Godly women and that our Lord walked with them, Amen! If we give it all to Him, allow Him to lead the way, count the numerous blessings that we receive everyday and share His grace with others, the pain fades and the glory shines! Thank you so much for your loving message today!
Thank you for sharing, Linda <3 So grateful!
I am too in a season of anxiety and depression. I am thankful God is in my life. Some days are very tough. I am grieving past and present traumas and the passing of loved ones. Thank you, Dawn, for your encouraging and uplifting words. It’s so important that we lift each other up and pray. I pray for all those struggling right now. Our Father does see us and want us to cry out to Him. I pray for God’s healing, peace, hope and love to surround us during this time.
Praying for you!
Thank you for allowing God to use you in posting this article.. I am there as we speak, So again, Thank you for the encouragement that God used you to help me with. God Bless you and yours. In Jesus name Amen
God knows exactly what we need to hear. Glad this ministered to you, Gayle!
Amen! Thank you for sharing the Truth from God’s Word and sharing how He is working in your life! I have seen in my own seasons of challenges and difficulties that God sees around the corners of my life and uses those times to sharpen and refine me and draw me closer to Him.
Thanks Mrs. Courter 🙂
Thank you, Alicia for sharing this today. You write so eloquently and touched the hearts of many . Our god is an awesome God!
He is!!
This was so beautiful Alicia and so able to be identified with by myself and many I am positive.
Going into 2024 I am thankful….. 8 years ago I had shingles on the brain, 4 months later a major concussion from falling on ice. 2 years later suffered a heart attack BUT here I am today because of God’s marvelous healing and his training me and teaching me to Trust Him More. I feel so spoiled to have relearned so very much and function at what “I” think is a normal level most times. He led me on paths that I would not have taken and meeting people I otherwise would not have. Continue to in-courage students as you are, it is so needed and the love you give despite what is happening will be Him worth it. Sending love. Kathryn
Thank you for your love and encouragement, Kathryn!
I receive this message as a Reminder that God is For His Children. We do not all have the same journey. The end result is Eternity. We do not know what God will allow except His Love is Sufficient for His Children. We can never be separated from His Love for us. The enemy cannot snatch us out of God’s Hands.
We are in the “middle” of our lives and we have to walk by Faith. We have to deny ourselves daily and take up our cross daily and follow Jesus.
I thought, as a child, there would come a time in my life when I would not have anymore troubles. But no one told me that, I just believed it. We can deceive ourselves into believing lies and that’s just what the enemy wants. He wants us to doubt the love and Salvation of God through Christ Jesus. The enemy influences others to agitate us or confuse our thinking pattern or to become desperate for answers from the “world” instead of our Creator from the Bible. Get a version you can understand and enjoy learning about the manual that can prepare us for sone of the ups and downs of this Christian Journey.
Marriage is the most precious example of love at work. It’s the most desired way the enemy wants to cause fear, stress, financial lack, and anxiety. The next area of conflict and confusion comes with our offspring because we are not from the same generations. We are not going to truly understand our children but God does understand our children. It will take Faith, Prayers, Fasts, Bible Study, and Patience to even start the process of parenting your children.
Thank You Jesus for Redeeming my life.
Thank You Holy Spirit for Teaching me Truth and Guiding me daily. I need Your Help. Thank You for the Comfort You Bring to my Heart.
Thank You God for Grafting me into the wild olive tree. Now I am not undone or without hope.
I’m so Blessed.
With Gratitude,
God’s Beloved Daughter
This is a beautiful reflection, Brenda. Thanks for reading.
Loved the analogy of a snow storm overstaying its welcome. It’s hard at times but we have to hand the shovel (our cares, trials, etc.) over to God. He cares for us & His yoke is light. Let Him carry all those burdens. Praying for all who are going through any type of crisis, trial. God never said we wouldn’t have trials down here, but take heart He has overcome this world.
Blessings 🙂
Thank you Beth!
Alicia, Thank you for sharing your heart. Life indeed can feel like and eternity of shoveling dirty snow.
I lost my husband in the winter of 2023. It’s been a season of hard. Yet I know God is good.
I know God will show me my purpose as a widow, whatever that looks like. Would appreciate your prayers.
Prayed for you right now, Robin. <3
This piece was beautiful, and equally as powerful. Thank you for sharing your story with us — we’re thankful to have you as part of our (in)courage family!
Thank you so much Rachel! I’m so grateful 🙂
He is!!
Thank you for sharing, it reminded me of a song I connected with when I was first saved and I was able to look it up and find. A great reminder that God is always our shield and our portion. I pray that God continues to fill you with His Holy Spirit as he brings you out of your winter into many beautiful, warmer days!
Thank you so much, Shelly!
I’m keeping this email. Chronic back trouble has changed my life and I’ve often wondered “How do I live now with meaning.”
Though you do not know me, I feel heard and understood. Thank you.
So glad you feel heard, Sharon. I do not know you—but God does. So glad you came across this. Blessings!