I used to write songs as a way of soothing my soul’s sorrow. I would write the words my heart needed to hear, the words that I hoped God would say if He were sitting across from me at a café, drinking His coffee or whatever herbal tea He likes best. But, these days, writing songs doesn’t come easy. My kids call me constantly, my voice isn’t as strong as it used to be, dreams are falling apart, and life shouts demands with its to-dos and to-bes.
In this waiting, in this season of silence and seeking and shattering, it feels like everything is slowly falling apart. The routines and structures that once held me together have altogether come undone. Direction disorients and vision evades me.
Life, as I know it, is changing. And rightfully so. My children are growing — they are hungry for food and desperate to learn more, live more. My body is broken and needs new ways of holding all that I am and healing. Our house, the borrowed walls that we call home, is two sizes too small to carry the developing story that my family is becoming.
We spin through the days bursting out of the seams, spilling wild and wide out of the containers that once held us. And it is messy, and there are no baskets or tidy corners to keep things as they should be, and we are in this limbo, this thin in-between, and we are so desperate to hear the Spirit say that all of this change is good.
That everything and everyone will be okay.
All I want for this thin in-between, this space of figuring things out, is to know that I am not failing my kids. I desperately want to know and believe that the things dying off are not causing destruction, that God is in all of this — every newly paved path and lost dream.
I abide, seeking out a single word, a single scripture verse to cling to. But then, a familiar melody comes to mind. A simple refrain that I wrote years back:
When you fall apart, you are falling into grace,
Can’t you see, how He holds us up, how He holds us into place?
The lyrics linger in my mind, and I try to think back to when and why I wrote this song. Try as I may, I cannot recall the season of life that I was in. However, this I can recall: it really is true. God holds us up, and He also holds us into place. He does this, even when all that we know shatters in and around us. Even while we are falling apart, we are falling into grace. Even while life is crumbling in ways that we cannot comprehend or control, His love for us still proves to be all that we need.
He holds us when we are in the deepest abyss where it is dark and the path before us is unknown and unseen. He holds us when we are afraid and unsure of where our next paycheck will come from. There is nothing too broken, nothing too beyond fixing for His hands. There isn’t a puzzle that cannot be put back together in and through His power. There is nothing too heavy for His heart; there is nothing too hard for Him to work out with His holy plan.
There is no depth too deep, no spiraling or shattering that will separate us from His loving hands. There is no circumstance too confusing, no pantry that He cannot fill with His provision, no broken body that He does not see, no song He cannot sustain with grace. . . through community, through His word, through thanksgiving, through miracles, through mundane moments, through His holy hands at work in and through our lives.
This is one song we can always be sure to sing — He will hold us up and He will hold our lives into place. No matter what shatters, no matter what surrounds us, He is good and He will ever guide us into His goodness.
Amen! I am sorry you are learning this truth in the trenches yet such valuable truth of our great God! Thank you for sharing! Blessings (((0)))
So glad this spoke to you!
Such a powerful message. I had a restless night sleep and I was still unsettled this morning even after prayer. But you write there is nothing too broken or can be fixed by God’s hands and it is something I need reminding.
Thank you for sharing this.
Madeline, I’m so glad these words met you right when you needed them…hoping you’ve been finding rest and sleep for your body and mind. God is working even as we sleep. What peace in knowing that <333
Your writer exquisitely depicts where my sons and I found ourselves 17 years ago. God provided bountiful grace at that time. My heart continues to reflect on His divine presence through those difficult times. May you also find yourself reflecting in the same way in the near future.
This reminds me of a quote by Elizabeth Elliott that goes something like this…When you’re broken maybe it’s because God can use the pieces to feed the multitude.
Thank you for your beautiful writing/reminder today!
So glad these words met you!
As part of your book title, we need “grace to grieve the big and small things”.
Oh yes, Maura … so true. Even I needed this reminder. Nice to greet you over here, hope all is well <333
Thank you for these encouraging words. I needed them. The Lord has always brought me through these seasons and I know He will again. He is faithful always! God bless you all! ❤️
Always faithful — so glad these words found you right on time <33
Thank you, Rachel! You have a lovely way of reminding us that we are held in our Father’s arms. Your dreams are not broken. Some of them are just waiting in the wings, while you raise your family.
Oh, I love that. Dreams waiting in the wings…thank you. I will keep holding onto hope, hope you do too!
Prayers for you and your family Rachel \0/ Sometimes a season in life is so hard to understand. Many family members and friends are going through such a similar season….”life shouts demands with its to-dos and to-bes”
Becky Keife recently wrote a reminder about being God’s daughter (2/16/24) I printed it out and placed it on my desk so I can be reminded….”that is who I am” I also sent it to my daughter and she sent it to a friend.
The waiting of God’s timing is hard. The good news, as you reminded us….”everything and everyone will be okay”.
You are His beloved daughter. You are a royal warrior
Thank you to the writer Rachel & all persons who have commented.
Beautiful, inspiring & supportive comments.
Reading the message & listening to the Podcast has given me Peace &
a reference to trust God’s perfect plan !
Janet I was thinking of asking you about your comment with a reference to
Becky Keife who recently wrote a reminder about being God’s daughter (2/16/24).
Unable to find my email of (2/16/24) with this message. I googled her name & have
found many messages which I look forward to reading.
Hi Mary, I found Becky’s article for you. Hope you check it out. Thank you for your kind words here : )
Janet, thank you for this note with reminders of encouragement all tucked through it. Especially holding onto the truth that I am a royal warrior. That’s going to stick with me for a while. Thanks for the love…grace to you as you are there for your friends and family <3333
This was so beautiful and vulnerable. Thank you for sharing it. I can relate on so many levels.