I watch a lot of Hallmark movies.
As anyone who watches or reads a lot of love stories knows, the two main characters almost always have a big fight, leaving the viewer or reader to wonder if all is lost — only to see the couple miraculously work out their differences and begin a life together.
It’s a tried and true formula, which is a big part of why many of us love these stories. We know what to expect, and we’re not often taken by surprise.
But when I watched what would end up being my favorite Hallmark holiday movie of the 2023 season, I was startled by one line uttered as one main character gave up on the other one. In “Round and Round,” a time loop romantic comedy about a magical dreidel and a woman living the same day seven times, the man she’s fallen in love with gets his feelings hurt and storms out of the house.
Or, he tries to storm. Because the movie takes place in the winter, he has to wade through a pile of coats to find his own before braving the cold. As he’s doing that, his best friend tries to convince him to stay. As the only other person who knows about the time loop and understands how amazing their circumstances are, this friend says, “Don’t leave before the miracle.”
Don’t leave before the miracle.
I’ve been stuck in what feels a bit like a time loop myself. Day after day, I wake up and go about my business only to be smacked in the face by some kind of difficulty, some kind of pain, some kind of trauma. I get a phone call or an email; I open a door or pull out a drawer to find a hidden sin; I discover one more layer of suffering. When I say the hard things have been nonstop for the past few months, I am not exaggerating.
Not that long ago, I faced seasons like this with my shoulders set and my eyes focused on the Lord, the One I knew was with me every step of the way. I envisioned myself as Wonder Woman crossing No Man’s Land, withstanding blow after blow as she shielded herself with both her magical armor and her determination. Sure, the challenges were constant and overwhelming, but I wasn’t alone and I believed God would take me through the battle, giving me strength to face every attack and then healing my wounds.
It’s not that I don’t believe that anymore; I do. I believe God is always with us and will guide us when we can’t find our way. I believe He will give us the strength we need when we need it. I believe He is near to the brokenhearted, covering us and protecting us and holding us close.
But I also know now that we simply cannot walk through every season like Wonder Woman. Sometimes we can’t take another step and we fall on our face. Sometimes we absolutely can keep walking — the other way, as fast and far away as we can get from the troubles plaguing us.
And that’s when God not only gives us the strength and comfort we need but urges us: “Don’t leave before the miracle.”
Don’t give up.
Don’t believe you’re alone.
Don’t run away.
Don’t give into the lie that God won’t show up this time.
Don’t leave before the miracle.
Because there will be a miracle.
Reading about the Israelites can also feel a bit like watching (or living) a time loop, where the same thing happens over and over again. Here’s how that story goes: God’s chosen people love the Lord and follow Him, then they choose to walk their own way, and when they experience the consequences of their sin, they cry out to God for help. The book of Isaiah addresses their repeated mistakes and warns of the dire consequences they’ll experience as a result.
But Isaiah isn’t just a book of warnings and bad news. It’s also a book of hope.
Isaiah assured God’s people that God had not forgotten them and would not ignore them or leave them alone. He passed along God’s messages, promising to hold their hand (41:13), to make a way in the wilderness (43:19), and to always be with them and help them (41:10).
Because of the words of Isaiah and the other Old Testament prophets, the Israelites knew God would not leave them alone in their pain and problems. They trusted that He had a plan. They believed that a miracle (a Messiah) was coming. And while they waited, they experienced a miracle in the hope that the Messiah would someday arrive.
The miracle was coming, and the miracle was already here.
Sometimes the miracle looks like actual healing, a literal rescue, a physical change in circumstances. Sometimes the miracle is a friend to walk with you, a message to remind you of Truth, the memory of all the times God has been there for you in the past.
And sometimes the miracle is simply knowing that the Lord is with you — whether you’re standing strong, lying on your face, or running away from it all. He is the miracle, and He is here.
Don’t give up, friend. Don’t leave before receiving the Miracle.
Amen! Too often I’m so focused on the problem and let it consume me that I don’t even look for the miracle.
I needed this. It has been a hard 2 months and this is just what I needed. Thank you.
AMEN! I can SO relate; thank you for sharing encouragement!
Your timely writing spoke to the essence of my heart. Thank you, Mary!
I love this: “Don’t leave before the miracle.” Jesus is The Miracle.
My heart goes out to you, Mary. This has been a hard season for me too. I lost my dad to a 16 battle with Parkinson’s and dementia and buried his remains on Jan 19th. Then contracted COVID but God…saw this time of isolation and quarantine as a time of intimacy and quiet just for me and Him. That’s the Miracle. His presence brings peace and healing.
I’ve been praying for you last night (01/27/24) and this morning. So sorry for what you’ve been through. Asking Abba Father to comfort you & bring you peace during these trying times. May you feel Him hugging you tightly.
Blessings 🙂
Thank you for the encouragement! I needed it! This past year and a half have been the hardest of my life! I am 77 and have experienced a broken hip and femur, plus depression and anxiety. But the Lord has strengthened and brought me through again. I am trusting Him and believing that He will again. The Lord is faithful always!!!
Thank you, Mary! I have a friend who watches Hallmark movies a lot. Now I understand why she gravitates toward them. It is the very predictability that attracts! Thank you for this great analogy!
Mary <3 <3 <3 ~
This may be my favorite thing you've ever written. You and I both had a hard, sad year, and THIS right here is gold...such an encouragement.
"Sometimes the miracle looks like actual healing, a literal rescue, a physical change in circumstances. Sometimes the miracle is a friend to walk with you, a message to remind you of Truth, the memory of all the times God has been there for you in the past.
And sometimes the miracle is simply knowing that the Lord is with you — whether you’re standing strong, lying on your face, or running away from it all. He is the miracle, and He is here."
So...so good. Don't leave before the Miracle. Yes and amen!
AMEN \0/ Thank you Mary. I thank ALL in-courage writers and followers. Sisters you have all been amazing! The daily sharing and has been so uplifting and helpful. The reminders “never give up”, “keep praying”, God is with you”, “I am praying for you” and just the right scripture at just the right day and time…OHMYGOODNESS! Thank you. I am so filled \0/
“Because there will be a miracle”
So much truth and beauty here. Love you, friend!
Thank you so much for writing this and sharing it with the world. Sia has a song called ‘Miracle’ and one of the main verses repeats the words “ I don’t wanna quit, beforе the miracle”. It’s a song that is personal to me because I faced a breast cancer diagnosis in 2021 and treatments in 2022. Despite everything that was happening in my life I knew my miracle was coming, and I couldn’t give up until God healed me. And He did!
Thank you for allowing God to minister through you by sharing these words of encouragement! There’s a miracle in the making ! Praise the Lord!
This “Don’t leave before the miracle.” Yes and Amen!! Back in 2021 my unit (hospital) was closed down. I was transferred to an ICU Covid unit (clerical part time). At the time I was praying for a full time position. December 2021 they posted a job just.for.me. I knew it was from God!!! I cried tears all the way home. Fast forward to fall of 2022. The other clerical quit one night. My duties went from clerical to simply stocking 28 ICU rooms. Depression came about quickly. It was a hard time for me. Tried to find other jobs to no avail. I decided this must be where God wants me. Fast Forward to Jan. 2024. We permanently opened another unit. They had a rapid response (patient not doing well) & I saw that they could use a clerical. Talked to an assistant manager & the manager mentioning that I would love the position. They called me on a Friday (I’m off every Friday) & gave me the job. That was God’s miracle. He knew all along that’s where He wanted me. Never leave before the miracle!!
Blessings 🙂
Love your podcasts! They are so inspiring and fill of such beautiful messages of God’s faithfulness, His infinite love for us, His peace and hope. We just need to believe and trust Him and His timing.
Thank you for your sharing these beautiful messages!
Much love and appreciation. God’s bounteous blessings on this amazing ministry you are doing for Him and others. God bless.
Thank you so much for writing this Mary! So timely too! “Don’t leave before the miracle!” Thank you for letting the Holy Spirit guide you through this hard, hard time. Hugs and prayers ❤