About the Author

Jami, wife to Nato and mom of four, is an entrepreneur and leader who focuses on faith, community, authenticity, and courage. She’s passionate about not doing laundry and uses awkward humor & honesty to convey the truth of the gospel and navigate tough conversations.

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  1. I’ve been thinking a lot about those verses lately. Thank you for sharing. I’m also starting to undeck the halls here. lol

  2. I grew up in a church where questioning God was considered sinful. I’m grateful that as I have come to renew my faith in the last few years, I’ve learned that isn’t true. God already knows I struggle, and he waits patiently for me while I do.

  3. I think I’m in that awkward grey space. Thank you for sharing this insight, Jami. I enjoyed the humor as well. Blessings.

  4. I too am in that awkward grey space. Thank you for that reminder that we don’t have to rush, God is with us. We are not alone. He will walk with us no matter what. Yes, God does wait patiently for us. God Bless you all.

  5. Jamie,

    The in-between time from Christmas to New Years can be used to rest. Take time to simply sit with Jesus & meditate on His birth. Remember God is always with us. Even in the good, bad & ugly times of our lives. Reflect on God’s goodness this year & in the past.

    Blessings 🙂