About the Author

A three-time tongue cancer survivor and mama of children from “hard places," Michele Cushatt is a (reluctant) expert on pain, trauma and the deep human need for connection. Her most recent book, "Relentless: The Unshakeable Presence of a God Who Never Leaves", wrestles with the dogged presence and affection of...

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  1. Such a timely devotion as we head into the holidays & time with family & friends.
    This devotion reminds me of something my Pastor said recently which was, ‘A mature Christian is almost impossible to offend’. It was a ‘drop the mic moment’ for me & I have been dwelling on it ever since.

    Thank you for breaking it down into practical steps Michele!

  2. I have engaged in avoidance the last few years. I’m so sick of all the nonsense, the mean spiritedness, etc. I do not use FB, or any other social forum. I watch the weather and spend a few minutes to get the headlines. I’m almost 70. I find that it is almost impossible to have a civil conversation and ask questions. I’ve always been curious, engaging, and interested in others so this saddens me. But these are the boundaries I need to protect my heart. I have a few good friends that I do engage with but I have even distanced myself from some old friends. Maybe this is the wrong approach. I pray for the world and right now that is enough for me.

    • It’s hard to watch and witness, isn’t it? I’m praying for all of us to find such oceanic love in the presence of God himself that we can weather the meanness and, in fact, bring Love to it.

  3. Such powerful truths to remember Michele. The Lord has been speaking lover covers over my mind often lately. The words you shared were “one” with things He has been teaching me. You articulated them so well! Thank you!

  4. I don’t know that we are called to be “unoffendable”. We are called to Love as Jesus loved though; as you point out even Jesus found offense in certain things. But I understand what you are saying. We all need to work on taking a beat to remember we are supposed to treat others as we want to be treated, work on the beam in our own eyes, and be harmless as doves.

  5. I love this, Michele! Good words to live by. Certainly the coming year will be a divisive one. We will need to act and speak wisely to avoid broken friendships and family relationships.

  6. Excellent post…much needed for everyone ..especially myself…to be more like Jesus. Love the statement…”take everything as a compliment” and look behind the words for the hurt in their heart.