But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
1 Samuel 16:7 (CSB)
Social media can create a lethal environment of comparison and competition — even, perhaps especially, when it comes to good things: a clean and organized home, happy children, eating delicious food, and serving the marginalized. It’s easy to feel insecure or inadequate.
In our constant scrolling, we might see other parents who appear to create better fall memories for their kids or seemingly perfect couples going on another dreamy getaway. We might see those with privileges we can only dream of or those who are working at a job that reflects our deepest, unfulfilled dream. Our lack may come out in anger and frustration toward those closest to us, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
We don’t have to pretend to have it all or have it all together.
What we post is inconsequential compared to the condition of our hearts. How do we treat those in our homes, our workplaces, or who stand behind us at the grocery store? What’s our attitude like when we feel irritated or inconvenienced, or when someone’s opposing opinion ruffles our feathers?
Is our default disposition one of humble compassion or snarky judgment? Are we looking out to see who’s in need or are only looking inward, hoarding everything and pushing our way to the front because we can?
How shiny anyone’s life appears to onlookers doesn’t matter. God looks at our hearts, desiring them to look more like His. May we be reflections of our kind and loving God.
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Amen. We so desperately need more people with the goal of having the heart of our Savior. Blessings to all of you.
May not only God but those around us see our hearts. And may they be ever increasing in grace & love. Lord, make us wise in our postings in this insta world! Blessings! (((0)))
God sees the heart. I am guilty of saying things that are taken the wrong way, especially in a text or email. I have to tell the one it was directed towards that “That wasn’t what I meant at all.”
I can find myself praying and trying to explain to God what I am saying. It is never necessary to explain meaning or intent to Him. He knows my intentions before I even speak. Nothing is ever hidden from Him.
I am thankful to have a Father I can speak openly and honestly with, no condemnation, just gentle correction given out of His great love for me.
In Courage,
Social media can be good if used for the right reasons. I am a part of several groups in Facebook. Often I will repost the opening picture there. When someone posts something that I don’t like or would probably post negativity then I just by pass it altogether. Trying always to shine the light of Jesus out there. So thankful God looks at our hearts. He understands our emotions & forgives us time & again.
We should live our life as God can see every move we make ..
No matter how hard we try ..
We can have an off day and blow it.. then we’re sadly thinking about the moment we lost it ..I Pray for myself and others that this happened to.
I need to store this in my heart and remind myself of this when comparison comes to steal the joy in my life.