“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
“Are you ready yet?” my dad would call out as I was staring at all the beautiful folders and notebooks at Walmart.
“Almost!” I’d shout.
I would then spend at least thirty more minutes picking out the perfect pens, pencils, notebooks, and folders for back to school. Preparing for back to school was very big for me growing up. I especially loved the moment I got my new agenda for the school year. I would have already collected tons of pictures from magazines that were “me” and saved them in a Ziplock bag, just waiting to go on the front of my new agenda. As school days got underway, I’d use my agenda to write down all my classes and homework. Oh, the satisfaction of writing “done!” next to each assignment that was complete!
Now in my thirties, life is no longer full of classes and homework, but I’m more than busy as a mom, wife, and business owner. I loved how I felt when I got my agenda as a kid but now as an adult, I have wondered how I could bring back those feelings of excitement while helping other women to do the same.
God called me to be a business owner, designer, author, and encourager (and sometimes, all in one!). I knew if I was going to create a grown-up agenda planner, it needed to be something easy and fun to write down goals, tasks, things you’re grateful for, to-dos, and even things you’d want to bring to God… so I designed just that.
Oftentimes I try to mentally recall what’s on my to-do list, and God will nudge me so I remember something important. But life can get so busy that there only seems to be enough time to get each day’s bare essentials done. It’s easy to put coming to God with our burdens or spending time with Him on the back burner. Can you relate?
Yet I’ve learned to recognize that even in the fullness of life, there are everyday moments where we can come to Him — while we’re washing dishes, folding laundry, walking to get the mail, or doing whatever work He’s called us to do. I enjoy talking to God about things while I’m driving or taking a shower; it’s peaceful and gives me space to hear from the King. Writing down our conversations with God can also help us remember and look back later to see how far we’ve come in our prayers to Him.
I feel so honored that you’re reading this today. The reason I’m here is that I answered a calling from God — something that felt so scary at the time, but I kept following His nudges step by step. I think so many of us don’t follow through with those nudges God gives us because it’s not easy or it requires change . . . and nobody likes change. But God has a purpose for us all – and we get to walk in that purpose when we are committed to listening to His voice and following His lead.
There is so much beauty in the way that God has made each of us so differently with different likes, dislikes, things we’re good at, and things we’d rather not do. Whatever you hate to do, someone else loves it, and vice versa. If we were all teachers or doctors or gardeners, there wouldn’t be anyone else doing the things the world needs. And guess what? We all need each other, and the world needs who you were created to be with the gifts you’ve been graciously given to live out your God-given purpose.
But we can get so wrapped up in our titles, and find our worth there, instead of as a daughter of the King. I know I identify so much as a business owner and mom, and forget to realize that the same girl who loved designing for design’s sake (not work’s sake) to make my school agenda “me” is still part of who I am. God has been reminding me lately that I matter above the earthly titles I’ve been given. It’s important to remember that our worth isn’t found in what we accomplish, in our titles or labels, or in what we think others think of us. Our worth is found in Jesus!
Practice giving yourself grace this week, especially when you start to feel rushed or overwhelmed by trying to live up to the expectations you set for yourself or others have set for you. Just take a moment to breathe, then ask God to show you the one next thing He wants you to do. You are a daughter of the King! You have no one to please. He loves you just the way He designed you to be, and He wants you to replace the worry and the striving with happiness and knowing He loves you no matter what!
Devotion by Melissa Horvath
It’s so easy to get caught up in all of life’s “to-do’s” that, before we know it, we’re starting to come undone! If we’re not careful, all our running around and worry over kids and schedules and fourth-quarter sales can start to feel like an unbearably heavy pressure on our shoulders — and in our hearts.
With her beautifully designed Inspirational Productivity Journal: You are Strong & Courageous, Sweet Water Décor Founder Melissa Horvath will lift your spirits by reminding you that you are not alone. By helping you organize your weekly and daily goals, track habits, and write down what you need to give to God each day, you’ll be able to release what is out of your hands and focus on what wonderful things God has planned. With daily Scriptures and Melissa’s weekly encouragements, you’ll feel lighter and ready to face whatever comes your way.
Pick up your Inspirational Productivity Journal… and leave a comment below to enter to WIN one of five copies*!
Then tune in this weekend for a bonus episode of the (in)courage podcast as Melissa talks with Becky Keife about the Inspirational Productivity Journal!
Thank you for this! I know I am a “people pleaser” and tend to worry about what other people think of me and what I do. It’s a good reminder of what I should be focusing on!
I also relate to the joy of “back to school” from childhood…funny how that joy didn’t quite translate into the busyness of adulthood! As a fellow business owner, I appreciate your perspective very much, especially as the world wants to pin our worth on our success. Thanks for making organization/agendas fun and beautiful and for bringing God into the rhythm!
I desperately need to reorganize my life starting with my relationship with God. I have fibromyalgia and I have trouble remembering things sometimes, so this book would be so very helpful for me. Thank you so much and God bless you
Love this reminder today! Thanks for sharing.
Wise and practical words! Thank you for reminding us to always put the most important things first!
Melissa, I loved your inspiring words! I was so touched by this sentence in your article:
This was an amazing podcast today! I ti need to be surrounded by His word!
I’m in my 60’s and just figuring out what my purpose is!
Thank you for your words and for the journal. What a beautiful idea to join praise with the work that we do, and keep us focused and sane at the same time.
Thank you for sharing. I’m a pens and planner for through and through and love to check off my list of “to-do’s. But as I get older I realized that the heart I put into those tasks mean more to God than the tasks. I’ll always be and pen and planner girl but need to remember that it’s all for God
Thank you for your insightful and encouraging words.
I love this so much. I’m a to do list lover but I feel so discouraged when it doesn’t get finished. This looks like the perfect encouragement and thank you for the reminder to practice giving myself grace
This looks so cool!
“But God has a purpose for us all – and we get to walk in that purpose when we are committed to listening to His voice and following His lead.” Amen to that! This planner is a way of documenting & remembering.
Thank you for this wonderful devotional – I needed to be reminded to stop and appreciate who I am in Jesus
Love to be organized & productive in God’s work
Would love to start the journal on my everyday walk with the Lord.
I love how you speak in a way that reflects exactly how I feel but didn’t have the elegant words that accurately expresses my thoughts as you do. I loved getting a planner calendar every year through school & college. Presently, still in my career , I study all that is available to use for the year that helps me be Godly productive.
I’m looking for a journal for 2024. This looks like the perfect one!
It’s been a while since I’ve used a planner. I sense it’s time.
Thank you for your words. Although I do not see myself as a planner person I do know of others who are and this looks like it would be a lovely to give to another.
Productivity is something that I struggle with. I feel that I have a big burden that I am carrying around which prevents me from getting everything done that I want. I need a vision of what my end result will be so that I am motivated to get busy!
I need this book to help me along!
So excited to take a look at this!
This podcast was encouraging to me to continue listening and following God’s prompting and trust in His future plans for me. Even in the mundane – he is with us and working everything for good. I will check out this beautiful journal!
Jeremiah 29:11 just happens to be my life verse. It encourages me to know that God cares for me enough to have good prosperous plans for me. It is easy to get busy doing things even Christian things that we forget to take time to be with God. Like you I take my drive & shower time & turn them into prayers/God time. Yes like you I love love love checking things off my to do list. The more I get done in one day the happier I am. It’s not about the chores as much as helping others & pleasing God.
Blessings 🙂
This souds great! Would love to win!