After a fabulous weekend at several women’s events, I began my return trip home with a tired body, but a happy heart. However, a run-in with a cranky person on the way to the airport was an interaction that shook my sunny mood. I pressed on and fought to recapture my positive attitude. As I hustled through the airport, I scanned the busy concourse for a place to eat. I glanced at my phone. Time was running short, and the lines were long. I let out a huff. There was no way that my lemon cookie and cilantro lime plantain chips would sustain me on my flight home.
Then, I heard her. From a little place inside my heart, my inner grumpy girl woke up and started to whine:
Are you telling me that we’re about to fly cross-country with no food?
We’re so tired, we need to eat!
Do you have an inner grumpy girl? My inner grumpy girl wakes up whenever I’m tired, hungry, and frustrated. She complains a lot, assumes the worst, and is fond of saying, “That’s not fair!” She’s like my own little inner Eeyore. I try to pretend that she’s not there, but on days like that airport day, grumpy girlfriend was large and in charge.
I grew up believing that good Christians were never grumpy. That belief made me miserable. During my early parenting and early career years, I often walked around with a painful happy hallelujah smile slapped on my face because I thought that being grumpy was a bad Christian witness.
Gratefully, God allows us to peek into the good, the bad, and the grumpy lives of our scriptural heroes. It’s here that we can see our gracious God at work.
In 1 Kings 19, God cares for Elijah, a prophet having a grumpy, hard day. Rather than criticize Elijah’s exasperation and negativity, God cares for him, and we see God’s gift of love and grace.
Earlier in the day, God used Elijah to defeat hundreds of false prophets and shame an evil king and queen. However, the post-victory backlash ended in a threat against Elijah’s life, sending God’s prophet on the run to escape. After a day traveling alone with his thoughts, Elijah ended up in the wilderness, sitting under a broom tree. He was tired, discouraged, and hungry, basically hitting the Grumpy Trifecta.
“I have had enough, Lord,” he said.
1 Kings 19:4 NLT
Have you ever said, “I’ve had enough, God”? That’s what we say after we repeat ourselves dozens of times to our kids, deal with uncooperative customers, or run into more obstacles with health insurance.
While those five words can be a complaint, “I’ve had enough, Lord” can also be a prayer inviting God’s grace into your life.
We see this grace reflected in God’s response to Elijah. After this verse, there are three gifts of grace that Elijah receives:
Then he lay down and slept under the broom tree. But as he was sleeping, an angel touched him and told him, “Get up and eat!” He looked around and there beside his head was some bread baked on hot stones and a jar of water! So he ate and drank and lay down again.
1 Kings 19:5-6 NLT
God gave Elijah the grace of SLEEP.
When my kids were growing up, we had a saying at our house: “The best way to make a bad day go away is to take a nap.” God created us to go to sleep so that our bodies could regroup. Sometimes, the difference between grumpy and a better mood is a quick nap or not cheating yourself out of a full night’s sleep. Sleep is grace because it restores you without you having to do any work to make it happen. Sometimes, you can rescue a bad day with a nap. Here’s your permission to take one.
God sent Elijah the grace of SUSTENANCE.
Elijah’s battle with the false prophets required stamina and strength. There’s no indication in the scriptural text that he had anything to eat. He needed food. How many of us forget to eat or don’t feed ourselves when it’s a long, hard day? A good healthy snack to take care of the body God gave you is just as spiritual as saying a prayer.
God gave Elijah the grace of STILLNESS.
After Elijah ate, he went back to sleep. He didn’t jump up and start moving again. While there was work waiting to be done, Elijah needed sleep and rest. Rest is stopping and leaving space for our hearts, minds, and souls to reconnect with each other. Much of our grumpiness happens when we feel scattered, and none of the different parts of how we are feeling are connected to each other.
Stillness is a grace because it gives you the gift of drawing closer to God. He wants you to receive His grace as a healing balm for your grumpiness, and the more of His grace you receive, the more His glory shines through you.
If you’ve been feeling grumpy lately, which gift of grace do you need to receive from God? I love that we have a God who gives grace to the grumpy; all we need to do is receive it.
I love these words! Blessings! (((0)))
Wonderful! Ruth, I’m glad that you were encouraged today!
Yes I been grumpy at times with my elderly Dad. I often said why am doing this for him. Does he not appreciate all I do for him. I do what I do for my Dad in Love on to Lord and the Love of my Dad. See I do my eldest Dad’s Home help for him Monday to Friday. I do enjoy doing it. But at times he can annoy me. By the things he does. To make his home worse and blame me for things I didn’t do in his house especially if things get lost. I have to say Dad I only here to do your house because I love you. I wouldn’t touch anything or move anything put it somewhere else. God showed me my elderly not saved. At 82 he just thinks you are his daughter and that it. Nothing going to change your Dad until he gets saved. All you can do is pray for him. Just go every day you do in the Love of Jesus and keep on doing his house each day for him. In the Love of the Lord and the Love of your Dad. If he says something that going to make you grumpy and get to you. Just walk away say Dad you know I didn’t do it. I away to do your house not listing. Go get on with doing your Dad’s house. Then there are no longer an way for you get grumpy and tired with your Dad. That you could end saying something you shouldn’t have. Then end up wishing you didn’t. If feel grumpy when get home. Go to God and pray about it. Take time to rest. Say God thank you I did what you told me to do. As if I didn’t a row could have happened. That wouldn’t have been nice. I would have been going to my Dad and asking for forgiveness. So I glad that I can take the rest and start tomorrow fresh doing my Dad’s house again. Love today’s reading. Thank you Barb. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co Fermanagh. N.Ireland xx
Bless your heart. You are doing a wonderful thing to honor your father, and God, by being the care giver to your dad. I understand it is a thankless job at times, but it will give you great peace someday, that you did your very best to be there for him and care for him. Bless You and God sees you and loves You for following His commandment to “honor thy father and mother.”
Beautiful, encouraging words. Thank you, Kathy.
Sweet Dawn, it’s so hard when our love and sacrifice isn’t appreciated. I’m so sorry for the long, hard road that you’re traveling right now as a caregiver. Our (in)courage community cares about you. Thank you for sharing your story with us and I know that many will be praying for you today.
I’ve been in your shoes for a long time. It is soo hard to care for elderly parents. Sometimes they don’t fully understand the amount of effort it takes. Try to be kind to him. When I was feeding my dad someone at the table said “you will get stars in your crown for this.” I know it came from God. So I am telling you… “You will get stars in your crown for helping your dad”. God sees you & will reward you.
Blessings 🙂
Dear Barb, Thank you for your words. I will try to be mindful of this.
Blessings to you, Irene! We’re glad that you’re a part of our (in)courage community.
As I read this, I am smiling! Thank you.
Yay! Madeline, I’m so glad that you were encouraged and this devotional made you smile – love it!
Hi Barb,
Do you ever have those moments where you look up at God and chuckle because he sent you a “nudge”? That was your article for me this morning. Once I read the subject line in my email, I began laughing. This is me to a tee! I allow the world around me and my daily routine to make me grumpy, and I need to remember those three things that God provides me on a daily basis: Sleep, sustenance, and stillness. Thank you for the reminder!
Ha! Sandra, yes, God sent me a big nudge and that’s how this devotional happened. God is good, isn’t He?! I’m glad that today’s post was an encouragement to you. Thanks for stopping by (in)courage today!
Excellent Barb!
Such a great perspective
… & beautifully written
Your “inner Eeyore” made me smile & your “Grumpy Trifecta” had me laughing out loud! Though, your message was loud & clear ~ Thanks Barb
Thank you! I’m glad that you were encouraged – and that this put a smile on your face. Have a great day!
A new way to look at how God cares for us. Journaling this in 1 Kings 19: 5-6.
Good for you, Maura. I pray that as you journal, God continues to give you more insight into His grace, love and care for you.
Awwwwwww Thank you Barb \0/
You’re welcome, Janet! Thank you for stopping by (in)courage today!
So many times, I continue to plow on making the situation so much worse. Resting and regrouping and allowing God to lead is the much wiser choice.
That’s a good word for us all to remember, Denise. Thank you for sharing this with us!
Thank you for these beautiful words that remind us we are lovable and redeemable even when we’re grumpy. A wonderful reminder that our God loves us all the time and does not judge us as we judge ourselves.
I love how you said that, Nancy. Yes, we are lovable and redeemable even when we’re grumpy. So good!
I love this example you used. So very relatable! Yes! I do have an inner grumpy gal, and she surfaces when I feel tried, hungry and sick. And yes, we do need to do all the things that God provided for Elijah! God is so good and gracious to us, He wants us ladies to know it is ok to do these things!!
Yes, Debbie! Well said! Thank you for joining us on (in)courage today. We’re glad that today’s devotional was an encouragement to you.
Yep guilty of inner grumpy girl, cranky girl and angry girl. Lord give us strength and reminders to take care of ourselves and times of rest! Otherwise we get short fuses and are not ourselves. Bless you for this lovely reminder
I know God’s Grace and Mercy is so life giving to His children. Even those who don’t know the love of Christ benefit from God’s Grace and Mercy globally.
We cannot live and function without God’s Help day and night. When people think that they have arrived in any facet of life, they are simply not spiritually educated.
I’m so thankful for my Grandmother, who taught me the Love of Christ by example. She lived to love and help her family and her neighbors.
Let’s keep receiving what Jesus gave His Life for us to receive so God’s Glory can work in us and through us.
Enjoy your day.
I can so relate to this! I have used all 3 many times in my life! As a rule it fixes the grumpy problem! Thank you for the reminder!
My inner grumpy has come out a lot over the past year. The best thing I do to combat grumpies is resting on Sundays. I try not to schedule anything special for the afternoon but resting. Then I am ready for a long week of work. Praising God for the gifts of substance, rest stillness.
Blessings 🙂
I can have the”best day ever”, as one of my favorite songs says, but when I get behind the wheel of my car and pull out of the driveway, ‘Grumpy Girl’ is waiting to appear as soon as someone runs a red light, cuts me off in traffic, or construction puts me on a long detour.
God has provided an awesome regional Christian radio station, Life 96.5, to calm me and edify me.
Music! God’s great encouragement resource!