About the Author

At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. Sharon A says

    I love this since I am old school and not too much for social media although I know it has its benefits.

  2. says

    What a wonderful reminder of the importance of caring and sharing our lives with others who need to know someone cares for them and that they are loved. Jesus is the greatest example for us, knowing He gave His life for us.

  3. Ruth Mills says

    Amen, Grace! I’m currently involved in putting together training for our Titus 2 ministry at church. I’m thinking your tweetable definition of discipleship needs to be part of our course! Blessings (((0)))

  4. Beth Williams says


    Never thought I could be a disciple or had a story to share. Then life happened. Now God has me in a position to be a disciple at work. To come alongside the families of our ICU patients & just be there for them. Let them know that someone cares for them. One patient’s wife told her that I reminded him of his mom due to my kindness. Other patients’ families have thanked me for caring for them. Empathy is a big emotion of mine. I understand the pain of being in hospital waiting for a loved one to get well. So like Jesus I shower them all with God’s love & light.

  5. Melody Bollinger says

    I found this article refreshing – lifegiving! Thank you, Grace, for writing it and for (in)courage posting it. Sometimes church gets so formulated that it misses authentic connection which we all need. Will definitely go over this a couple to few more times. I love its simple practical take-a-way!!

    May our LORD continue to bless His work through all our hearts and hands!