Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last;
but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
Provers 31:30 NLT
We are constantly bombarded by ads for for the latest and greatest, most effective, must-have beauty serum and anti-aging cream. We’re told beauty is found in a bottle and it’s worth whatever the cost may be. The world tells us that pursuing beauty and charm will have the biggest payoff for our lives, relationships, careers, self-esteem. Be the prettiest, fittest, best girl-boss, do-it-all mom and then you’ll have the life you always dreamed of. Defy aging and you’ll be praised by society.
There’s nothing wrong with being beautiful. The Creator Himself deemed us fearfully and wonderfully made. He delights in His creation. Indeed, we are His masterpiece!
But outward beauty is not the mark of a praiseworthy life. Our bodies were made to age, but our fear of God was meant to praised. Fearing the Lord means living with a holy awe of reverence for who He is. Fearing the Lord means surrendering our lives to the only One who is worthy of our praise and trusting His good and perfect will. Now that is something to commit to no matter the cost.
So if you’re looking in the mirror today sister and see your beauty fading, take heart! Your worth is so much deeper than your skin.
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This devotional is so very timely for all of us in todays world. I’m an aging grandmother- who struggles with the changes I see in my mirror. So thank you for this kind reminder.
Me too! I’m a great-grandma, although I’m only 71, but I too am struggling with dwindling strength, energy and beauty. Discouraging, but I’m still trying to grow in the Spirit and in my relationship with the Lord and with others. Love the Lord with all your heart and love others. That’s most important.
I have lost strength in my hands which is really frustrating sometimes but we move along and do the best we can! Be encouraged.
Amen, and amen from all of us grandmas!
Love this!
I have a lot of asymmetry in my face. As a result the right side of my face doesn’t look too bad for a 67 year old but for some reason the left side of my face shows a lot of fine lines. I’m still the same person on the inside and when I post selfies on my Facebook page people react positively. Yes, I do take care of my skin but not going to spend a LOT of money to do so. This is the way God created me so I will accept it!
Amen! If all the work that so many put into their physical appearance, could become the work they put into their spiritual appearance, how much more beauty they could offer this ugly world. The world loves vanity, but being beautiful on the inside, makes us all the more beautiful on the outside!
In Courage,
1 Peter 3:3-4 “Your beauty should not come from outward adornments, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” The Bible has much to say about inner beauty being more important than our outward appearances. For me I don’t use any anti aging creams or dye my hair. I’ve earned all my gray hairs. I feel they show that I’ve lived a full life. Some of my free time is spent listening to Christian music usually Chris Tomlin & praising God loudly & proudly. So in awe that Jesus would leave the splendor of Heaven & die a horrible death just for me! Going to keep on praising my God loudly with raised arms!! That is true beauty!
Blessings 🙂
May sound silly but I am 40 and I been having hard time with changing I don’t want so badly to get Botox and such but I can’t I feel like if I did I would never know what God intended me to age like and I would not want to sabotage the works of our creator
Well thank you for your motivation of aging
Hello to my Sisters in Christ. I can only speak from my past and my present. Yes, I was blessed with an easy going attitude. My classmates voted me Most Likely to Succeed, Ms. Central High School, Senior Beauty, Homecoming Queen and my G.P.A. Merited My Position in the Class of 1977 as Valedictorian (the last Graduating Class of Jackson Central High School). I thank God for those experiences. He gets the Praise, Honor and Glory.
Now I am much more mature and I have been married for 43 years. We have three Beautiful Young Ladies, ages 41, 40 and 31. And God gets the Praise, Honor and Glory.
My body has limitations now. My hair is certainly not the same. My skin has a lot of moles. I am not that chef in the kitchen that people talk about during Thanksgiving and Christmas (smile). I’m so thankful that my mother is alert and has mobility and she makes me laugh a lot. She is so generous and my children adore her.
Yes, God had Gifted me Salvation, Healing and Eternity in my Heart. The Holy Spirit is Teaching me Truth. Jesus Redeemed my Life and is Preparing a Home for me. Glory to the name of Jesus !
Thank You Lord for Your Word and Your Will for my Life. Your Grace and Mercy are so Beautiful and Wonderful for Your children. I’m so happy to be Your Beloved Daughter.
With Gratitude,
A Child of God