“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. He comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction, through the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ overflow to us, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.”
2 Corinthians 1:3-5 (CSB)
As we remember those we lost on this day twenty-two years ago, let’s sit in these words from 2 Corinthians. The Father of mercies and the God of all comfort is with us. He has not forgotten our grief nor the pain that continues to linger from the aftermath of tragedy.
And as we are comforted by Him, may we offer the same tenderness to others today.
Please join us for a moment of silence today in remembrance of every victim, loved one, and first responder impacted by the September 11th attacks.
Listen to today’s brief devotion at the player below, or wherever you stream podcasts.
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What a sensitive and beautiful TRUTH for this morning of remembrance. We pray for supernatural comfort to all family and friends of those who were called HOME on that day. The Lord asks hard things of us, but He lovingly accompanies us as we pass through this life’s rocky places and gives us treasures in darkness.
It is a day we all will never forget no matter where we live all over the world. Like other dates like this in different parts of the world. That man does wrong to man like this. Make people suffer for no reason. Man that does things like this while alive on earth might get away with it. While alive on earth unless he truly repents of his wrong no matter what part of the world he has done things like this. Put people lives into sadness they had no need to go into because they lost loved on in the hands of people who do evil like this. But one day they have to like all of us saved or not saved face our Lord. I wouldn’t like to be them unless they truly repent of their wrong. They will be sorry people. They might get away with it while one earth. But I not like to be them when they leave earth. So we have to pray for people who do things like this and pray the will reprent of their wrong. Come to know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. We have to especially if we are saved more so if lost someone in something like this. See in our hearts no matter how hard it is see in our hearts to forgive them for the wrong they done. We are not to hate them. Pray for them to repent of their wrong and get saved. As it right thing to do in God eyes. God be close to all who lost loved ones that day. Be all that day. Make people see how important it to be saved. Make the people by your Holy Spirit see that did this. They need to repent of their wrong. The Family that lost loved ones see to hold no hate for them and see to do right thing and forgive them. I ask this in your name Amen. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
God bless my Sisters and Brothers in Christ.
My youngest daughter was nine years old when 911 occurred. She was in the car with me trying to get gas for my car. She knew what had happened that day so I talked with her about how she felt. She was afraid that the bad people would try to bomb cities and neighborhoods. I told her that I was so sorry that she was afraid but that I was upset also.
Now even 22 years later, people are still doing so many bad things. I know the Bible says these things were prophesied and will come to pass before Jesus returns to rescue the Church.
Until we get to be with the Lord, we will have to live close to God and that means a life of “forgiveness” and you don’t have to feel like doing it just make the decision and pray and ask God to work in your heart.
Thank You Lord for Your tender mercies towards Your children.
We need God’s help every day. Don’t be afraid to run to God. He is waiting with Arms Opened Wide !
Your Sister in Christ
TO ME,ME And To ME The Most Especially That!
I, I And That I Even SHARE,SHARE.
And I Even SHARE Them With My Church Friends!
And They LOOOOOOOOVE Them Like The.
Way I, I And I LOOOOOOVE Them That Much!
In Courage,,
I remember that day well. I was at work at university. Someone said that a plane went through the first tower. Then they said a plane went through the second tower. Most of us went to find a TV to confirm what happened. Shortly after that we were all sent home.
For me the saddest part is knowing that young children in schools near the towers had to witness that. Such a sad day in our history. We must never forget 11 & those that died in that tragedy. Praying hard that God won’t allow anything like that again.
Blessings 🙂