The Bible is full of metaphors for how God sanctifies us, but in my book, the metaphor that sticks best is French onion soup. I know, stay with me.
Growing up, my cultural identity was a big question mark. I’m a dyed-in-the-wool third-culture kid: I’m Indian, grew up in Dubai, but attended a British-run school. My ancestors were Christ-followers in a country dominated by Hindus and Muslims. I didn’t feel at home anywhere.
But when I was eleven, I watched real journalism for the first time: CNN covering the first Gulf War. I knew then that I wanted to be an international correspondent, and I made it my life’s goal to become one. This identity rose above race and religion; it was a vocation.
I got into journalism school in the States, and after graduating, I began working at CNN. My dream was on track — I was a working journalist! But a few years later, I married my college sweetheart and moved to Los Angeles from the news mecca of New York, and for five long years, every employment door I knocked on stayed shut.
I was unmoored. If I wasn’t a journalist, who was I? A new Christian, I shook my fist at God. Why wake me up every morning if You won’t give me a purpose? Just take me home!
In many ways, I related to an onion: overlooked and stagnant in the darkness of the soil.
The kitchen became my solace. Here, I turned chaos into order, and ordinary ingredients into extraordinary dishes. My husband and I launched a cooking variety show on YouTube called Aarti Paarti, and soon after, some friends suggested I audition for Food Network Star, a cooking competition that awarded the winner their own cooking show.
I knew I could cook a few things, but I wasn’t a chef. Until then, the shame of my journalism career ending had been private; I couldn’t bear America witnessing my inevitable failure as a cook too. But I submitted an audition anyway, hoping they’d say no.
Except they didn’t. Their yes ripped me out of the safety of the pitch-black soil.
The first challenge on the show was to make 150 servings of a dish. The lights of the soundstage burned my eyes; sweat streaked my upper lip. The arena was populated by chefs trained in top kitchens and culinary schools. What am I doing here? I’m a dirt-splattered onion on a chopping block, I thought. With my heart in my mouth, I prayed, God, I can’t do this. Help.
I made Tandoori BBQ Chicken on Scallion Blinis and to my utter surprise . . . I won! Astonished, I felt the papery skin of self-doubt begin to loosen at the root.
Each week, the challenges threatened to slice my onion-heart open and expose me as a fraud, but while chef after chef lost, I inexplicably remained. With every win, I felt the truth of 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NLT):
. . . My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.
As the competition heated up, the flames felt unbearable at times. But through it all, God was close, and His voice in my ears said, The only identity that matters is that you’re Mine. And even though I went on to win the show, understanding that truth felt like the biggest victory of all.
I read somewhere that sanctification is the closing of the gap between our identity and our behaviour. That process isn’t pretty, and it for sure isn’t painless. But here’s why it’s worth it: We don’t see all the potential God packed into each one of us. One of the benefits of being a child of God is that He’s intent on unleashing our full potential in the world!
Take, for example, a raw onion. Take a bite, and you’d hardly describe it as sweet. But here’s the crazy thing: all the sugar you enjoy in a caramelized onion is there in the raw one! We just can’t taste it. Only heat can transform the onion’s large sugar molecules into the smaller ones our tastebuds can detect. And for French onion soup, you must slice the onion in a particular way — across her bow, slicing rainbow arcs that will melt into silky, sweet ribbons. Likewise, God knows how to slice and dice each of us to reveal those innermost parts of His glory.
Though our journeys are unique, one thing that unites us all is the refining fire. Just as onions release their moisture when they first hit the hot pan, God evaporated the misshapen molecules of my identity through the show: that my career was all that I was, that people’s opinions of me were paramount, that I had to earn His affection and attention. He replaced the lies with the truth that I am wonderfully made and that “he who began a good work in [me would] bring it to completion” (Philippians 1:6 ESV).
If you’re in the middle of the refining fire, don’t give up! Caramelization only happens at a whopping 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Pull the onions out of the frying pan too early, and they won’t reach their full potential. Our growth and sanctification can’t be skirted or hurried because each step is vital to the end result.
While I was named a Food Network star, I’m in no way a complete dish. I’m still simmering away on the stove, deepening in flavour. Every day, I trust God’s capable hands to build a dish out of this unpalatable, unremarkable allium that I am — to turn the raw, unpolished sting of my fallen heart into a tantalizing near-perfect bowl of soup, poured out for Him, declaring to all who draw near that there is nothing sweeter than being called a child of God.
Have you ever felt empty after a full day? When there is still more to do, tasks to finish, and mouths to feed, how do you get it all done? You can reach for the One who will always sustain you. In her new devotional cookbook, Unwind: A Devotional Cookbook for the Harried & Hungry, Aarti Sequeira brings rest and peace to your meal preparation and the dinnertime rush.
In this thoughtful recipe collection by cooking show host, Food Network Star winner, and culinary expert Aarti Sequeira, you will be inspired by fifty heartfelt devotions, inspirational quotes from Aarti, and selected Scriptures as you recreate tasty recipes straight from Aarti’s kitchen! Hear about it from Aarti herself:
Aarti Sequeira- Book – Unwind from DaySpring on Vimeo.
In Unwind, you will discover reasons and recipes for joy, peace, hope, comfort, strength, and more that can lift your spirits even on the most demanding days. This new cookbook is a perfect way to unwind and prepare to enjoy a delicious meal with the people you love.
We’re thrilled to give away FIVE copies of Unwind! Just leave a comment telling us what cooking or family recipes mean to you*.
Then, tune in to the (in)courage podcast this weekend as Aarti Sequeira and Becky Keife have a very real and honest conversation about cooking, Jesus, and Unwind!
Listen to today’s devotion at the player below or wherever you stream podcasts.
such a great post! your journalism background has made you a great writer in addition to your talent as a cook. as for the question of “what does cooking or family recipes mean to you”…i live in ME and my son lives in OR and he is finally coming to visit (after a year plus of not seeing him!) in a couple of weeks. he has had a very stressful few months and while he is a much better cook than i am, i am so excited to cook his favorite meals for him while he is here as a way to give him REST. i simply cannot wait to serve him in this way! which feels weird because cooking is not a love of mine. 🙂
thank you again for your post and the a new twist on a metaphor w/ the onion. have an awesome day!!
What a great concept for a book! I’m intrigued! I really enjoyed today’s devotional too, thank you!
Cooking and family recipes are ways for me to connect with my mom and adult children. My mom made us all recipe books last year for Christmas. It was amazing!
Oh how I love this post! I had my first bowl of French Onion Soup out shopping with my college roommate & her sisters & mom. It is a very fond memory. I’ve searched for the perfect recipe ever since. That transformation of a onion from savory to candy is a wonderful analogy of sanctification I’d never thought of! Thank you for tying 2 of my favorite things, cooking & Bible truths, together so beautifully! Blessings (((0)))
I love your quote about sanctification and all your beautiful metaphors!
Family recipes are what keeps my grandmothers alive even after they have been gone for years. I think of each of them when I make their crispy corn flake chicken or homemade pumpkin bread. It brings a smile to my face! I’d love to win a book!
Our loved ones are remembered and cherished as my husband and I cook traditional favorites passed down from generation to generation. Some of our most delicious include Grandma’s chicken casserole; his mom’s manicotti, lemonade pie, chicken pot pie and cheeseburger casserole. We laugh and celebrate the fondest memories as we cook these favorites while sharing the steps.
Wow! I almost didn’t read this because when I moved back to Dallas and turned 50 to my horror…I had become allergic to onions!!! One bite of an onion and I lost my meal and developed migraine headaches!
Unbelievable how God used the onion as a lesson for me today !
Also I’m in a season of waiting…after my husband’s stroke 6 years ago we’ve had many trials. Sometimes it’s difficult not to lose perspective and continue on. We pastored for 10 years and have been praying for an open door to ministry for 7 years. I’ve come to realize His ways are not our ways and His thoughts not our thoughts! I’m hopeful that we will learn whatever God is teaching us. Remarkably the part of my husband’s brain that was affected didn’t hinder his ability to preach! He is somewhat discouraged but hopefully will have more opportunities. Thanks for letting your light shine and helping others gain much needed insight! I’d love to see this book.
This really speaks to me. I love the analogy of the onion! I think cooking is one of my love languages. I’m very interested in checking out this book. Thank you for this morning’s excerpt.
Considering a career shift now, and working through “my own fire” right now. Thank you for the encouragement and support!
Great words of wisdom! Family recipes are the best! My 89 yo Mother is still preparing some of her “famous” dishes. I need to write them down, a “pinch of this and a dash of that”, no real recipe! Thanks again for your devotion today.
Coming from a family who gathered together every Sunday to enjoy meals . Food has always been a place to tell our stories , encourage one another, share our love for one another , and to enjoy the labor of love preparing our meal together and then eating… our conversations would become loud full of laughter and talking over one another.. we carry these memories in our hearts forever ! Our meals may have been Italian Polish , German, Greek or Danish spreading over the cultures we so love !
First of all, this devotional was food to my soul. So descriptive and well written. As a current SAHM in a weird season of trying to discover purpose, the kitchen seems to be where I thrive. My family, especially my husband, enjoys the meals I prepare and though I’m no chef, it makes me feel somewhat purposeful that I can cook means they enjoy. I’d love to win a copy of this devotional and cookbook.
I never knew your backstory…..fave food show judge EVER….you’re always so kind! I love the ide of prayer and devotional before tackling something I don’t really want to do.
I love seasonal cooking…chili, soups & stews in autumn. For Thanksgiving I love to bake an apple pie with a crumble topping and a maple pecan pie (made with real maple syrup made here in VA)!
Thank you for the chance to win this book— it sounds wonderful! Being recently retired I’m in a season of “unwinding” and having time to do more cooking and baking has been great. Food and mealtimes have always been an important part of our everyday family life, but I also love the way that food ministers to those going through a crisis or trial. It’s usually not about what food you take, but the fact that you took time to provide something that speaks to people.
I’m so excited about this beautiful cookbook! Aarti is an amazing writer. I remember watching her on the Food Network Star!
This was beautiful. I loved reading every word. Certain foods, flavors and smells of the kitchen stir nostalgic memories in my heart. I am flooded with memories of spending time with my great-grandparents, grandparents, and my father since all have passed. I love preparing and creating those same foods to enjoy with my immediate and extended family. It warms our hearts and helps with the healing and coping of grief and loss.
Oh how I understand this. I went to school and received my journalism degree as well. I worked as a Managing Editor for 6.5 years and as a newspaper reporter for almost two years. After I stepped away from the newspaper, I deeply grieved my loss of doing what I loved! This inspires me & gives me hope. I have to admit that I am not a good cook and most people know not to ask me to cook.:) But I have loved seeing your articles here and hearing you on Annie F. Downs’ podcast. Thanks for the encouragement, inspiration, and opportunity to win.:)
I’m currently sharing my house with four international culinary interns (three from the Philippines and one from India) who study at a nearby resort. For us, cooking and eating together is what makes us a family. And for my taste buds? A party every night!
Cooking for my family and friends means gathering together, fellowship, and reminding everyone they are loved and they can come just as they are.
Cooking and then enjoying my family recipes take me back to the 50’s. My 3 sibling, myself and parents sitting around the chrome and Formica kitchen table, enjoying the delicious results of the food that we grew ourselves. We never knew how poor we were, for we ate well. We were farmers.
The recipes were not just from my mother, but my grandmother and those before her in Czechoslovakia. I marvel at how these recipes were in their head, no looking in books or online as I do now. I was so appreciative when my aunt had a family cookbook made so these recipes would always be remember and enjoyed for generations to come.
Times were simpler then. We were simpler. We lived, laughed and loved more freely around our family table.
I love to cook! But my favorite part of cooking is the meal that was prepared that brings a smile to my family’s face.
Oh Aarti what a beautiful story. You’re words flow and I imagine with a heart like yours….thank you Jesus.. so do all the sauces and dishes you you create with an added spice of a prayer!!!
I would love a copy of UNWIND to send to my daughter Krystle. An Iowa Mom of 5…yes 5! Who loves to cook all kinds of dishes even if “the 5″ are grumbling….”yuk Mom” then they eat and all is quiet until they ask for more. She has a heart for God and cooking. Turns on God’s music as she drives “the wild bunch” to school and prays for her hubby as he climbs on roofs and runs their roofing business.
Blessings \0/
I love cooking with my daughter. Now that she is in her own home, she still likes to cook, but she has lost some of her faith. I am thinking a book like this Might draw her closer to God in a way she will read (and stir some more passion for good food too.) Thank you. God bless.
So glad to hear you won! I loooved this story of growth and dependence on God’s help! I am not much of a cook at all, but my sister is one of the best cooks ever! Everything from scratch! She would absolutely love Your cookbook! In fact, i may purchase one for her and for my sister-in-law! Both are Christians and these would make a perfect Christmas gift for them! Thank you sooo much for cookbook with devotions! What could be better! Blessings for continued success!
My cooking connects me to my ethnic background and story. My Filipino roots on my mother’s side, foods like adobo chicken and lumpia, fruits and vegetables, remind me of family across the Pacific Ocean. Being a military kid, raised in Mississippi, the flavors of the south give my soul wings- biscuits, greens, grits, and gravy.
Cooking connects me to my past and offers me a chance to leave a legacy to the next generation.
I am so blessed by this post! I loved watching you on food network star! Food and cooking go straight to the heart for me. I learned to cook with my Mom and my grandmothers. These are my fondest memories. When I am sad or lonely, I always cook or bake. The statement you made that sanctification is the closing of the gap between our identity and our behavior (insert mind blown emoji here) WOW…I will be repeating this over and over until it sinks deep. I cannot wait to read UNWIND.
I have never been a great cook. But the recipes that I do well are from my mom and aunts. Southern ladies that could cook and bake like no one else! All but one of these precious ladies are gone now, but oh what sweet memories are stirred up when making one of their recipes. ♥️
Coming from a blend of Slovakian and Swedish roots, I love to cook the recipes of my grandparents and my husband’s too, and pass these recipes on to our kids!
Yay! I didn’t know her story. And I sure didn’t know about caramelizing onions for sweetness!
I’ve enjoyed cooking since I was in high school, which was a very long time ago. I cooked with my grandmother, who made it so much fun. When my grandchildren were younger, I would bring one of them home with me from church and we would plan and prepare a meal together. It gave us some one-on-one time and then the rest of the family would come and eat with us. At the end of the year, I gave the grandchildren the recipes we cooked together. It was special. I love cooking for my family and friends. It is one of my favorite ways to show them how much I love them.
Cooking is the time that I take for myself each day. I enjoy trying new recipes that my family of four (which includes 2 very hungry twen boys) will enjoy. I also take this time to breathe, slow down, and thank God for blessings. I would love blessing myself and my family with the recipes and devotions from your book!
Family recipes are super important for me to pass on to my daughters and now my grandkids. My great grandmothers recipe is one we still make every Christmas and everything means more to me since my grandma and mom both passed away. Making them on holiday and special occasions is like a hug from them
Family cooking is my happiness and peace. We love to create new recipes. I would love a copy of your book.
I don’t enjoy cooking. It’s a chore. Yet, here I am making meals and praying, Lord help
Me be grateful that I can feed my family well. This books sounds great!
My brother and I lost both of our parents last year. Cooking and feeding their family was definitely my parents’ love language. Whenever I cook one of their recipes, I send pictures in our family group text. My nephew also loves to cook, and he shares photos of dishes he’s cooked. I wanted to make my dad’s shrimp creole one day and realized I didn’t have the recipe. I called my nephew and he sent a photo of a recipe card with the recipe written in my dad’s hand. It made me so happy, and the creole turned out deliciously. For my brother’s birthday, I had a shop on Etsy create a cutting board with my mom’s Greek salad recipe written in her hand embossed on the board. He cried when he opened it. Cooking was and will continue to be a big part of our family.
I absolutely love, love, love this devotion, “Hope for the Harried and Hungry (and a lesson from onions)” written by Aarti Sequeira. First of all, I have always loved watching her on Food Network, and I’m a huge fan. In many of her devotionals, she shares the inner secrets of her soul, and somehow manages to put us at ease. She reminds us that we are filled with that same kind of love, just waiting to walk out our own stories.
Some of my story relates to cooking. It’s something I used to love, but somehow feel “less than” when I cook. I have so many friends and family who are wonderful cooks. My Mom, all three of my sisters, my daughter and her husband, my son, my close friends (and so many others in my life) are all unbelievable culinarians in my eyes. Maybe it’s a comparison thing, I’m not really sure.
But I absolutely love friends and family (and other people) who cook well! I think it’s truly one of the best gifts God gives. It brings people together and warms our hearts. It’s how family and friends care for each other and show their love. I cherish the times when our family gets together for Thanksgiving, and everyone brings their best dishes. We go overboard with the food and make no apologies for it. It’s what we do and love.
Cooking for me used to mean fun. As I’ve gotten older, kids left home, I see it more of a chore. I long for the “fun” in cooking to come back. I’d love a copy of this new devotional.
On Monday afternoon I tried my first time making homemade French Onion Soup! Yesterday(Tuesday) morning my daughter, Havah, sent me this devotional!! A Godwink!!
Reading and following recipes is hard for me with both understanding the recipe and then hoping and praying the product is good. I do find great enJOYment in cooking! My granny and aunt taught me a lot! My French Onion soup, it was good, but I missed the part of the timing to caramelize, that was important in a better taste. Next time!!
Thank you for sharing this story and being a Godlink!!
Hi Aarti,
Where were you when I was first married? Now that I am 64. I would really enjoy new recipes and shortcuts in my kitchen.
I am so thankful to you and other wives and mothers who get tired almost every day but still takes care of their families. I pray for energy and strength most days to keep a great attitude and embrace my blessings.
We are so favored by God to live during this time frame. I’m so thankful to be learning to walk by Faith and not by Sight. I like to see my children smile and I can hear those smiles in their voices. I enjoy hearing my mother laugh and I can hear her laughter in her voice. My husband just wants the bank deposits to be made on time.
When all these things occur, I am happy and joyful. I’m learning also that I can still be happy and joyful in my spirit no matter my daily struggles or circumstances. I’m so thankful to God for keeping me balanced. I want to live a life that pleases God every day. The Holy Spirit helps me daily by encouraging me, correcting me, helping me see others when they need comfort and giving to others what God has given me. His Love and Guidance.
With Gratitude,
Your Sister in Christ
thank you for the amazing picture of an onion as an example for God’s work on and with us
Wow, this week in particular I’ve been in the balance of fear, inadequacy and the pull to purpose. Have just felt disconnected but yet there’sa strong desire in me to do what He’scalled me to do! Thank God for sending His WORD through this devotional. This has settled my souls stirring.
For me cooking is the one way I believe God uses me to serve my family. My love language is acts of service and I love to see my family enjoy our family time at the dinner table with food they can enjoy. It’s my way of saying I love you to them and hoping a seed planted in the heart of my children for their future.
Love all the onion metaphors. Enjoyed watching her on Food Network Star. So glad you are here at In Courage. Like you I love to cook unique dishes. Taking recipes & spicing them up a bit is my creativity. Never before did I think of myself as a good cook. Recently a friend told me she liked my broccoli casserole better than hers. She tells many that I am a good cook. Makes me feel good. Would love a copy to make new exciting recipes for my hubby.
Blessings 🙂
Your illustration of the onion is very relatable… always amazing how God works in us in ways we least expect…
Cooking opens up connections and creativity
Cooking to me means love and connection. Getting to dinner time is sometimes hard and stressful but the time we spend at the table connecting is priceless.
Cooking for me is a very tangible way of providing for others something that nourishes them. It’s the joy of seeing people enjoy your tasty creations.
This post was encouraging remembering that what is yours God will open the doors to walk through despite any weakness or lack we see in ourselves.