About the Author

Twyla Franz is a relentless believer in direction over pace and ripple-effect living. She plays worship songs loud and on repeat. Numbers her thanks to remember gratitude is a before, not an after. Her passion is helping others get close to Jesus and grow deep, missional friendships with neighbors.

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  1. Psalm 19:14 KJV
    Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.

    Proverbs 4:23 KJV
    Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

  2. “God holds back none of His raging love for us, no matter how He answers.” ” He’s been teaching you to treasure His presence over answered prayers.” 2 sentences that were perfect to share with a hurting friend who texted me in the middle of my typing a comment to your wonderful post! “God’s raging love” exactly what we need while life’s hurts & unknowns batter against us! Thank you, Twyla! Blessings (((0)))

  3. “But now you see the gift in seasons of stretched-out waiting, urgent praying, and good things breaking. Because grace is in the things that make you seek Him . . . and you finally see this whole time, He’s been teaching you to treasure His presence over answered prayers.”

    This is so beautiful! Thank you!

  4. Twyla, thank you so much for these true words, words that are also wonderfully knit together. These words came very timely for me as a dear friend asked me to meet her and to pray with her and for her in the midst of what she called “her life falling apart”.
    You truly have the gift of poetry, poetry that speaks the truth.
    May God continue to pour out His blessings upon you –

    • Vera! My new and now dear friend! God shows so much kindness through the way He’s always right on time, yes? Grateful these words reached you at the right time. And you’re too kind. This piece is honestly just a God-download. I barely knew I was writing I’ll be praying for your friend.

  5. Twyla,

    I work as a clerical in ICU. Each day I go into rooms with patients on ventilators & all sorts of medical issues. Sometimes visitors will speak with me. I ask them if the patient is getting better. Then I let them know I’m praying for them. Asking God to heal them one way or the other. It seems to give them a sense of caring. Knowing that someone out there will take the time to pray for them & the patient.

    I’ve been through some tough valleys in the past. One thing that got me through those gut punches is God’s love, faithfulness & goodness. He was always with me. Seeing me through the valley of shadow of death.

    Blessings 🙂

    • Beth, what a gift and light you are in those heavy, dark places! Bless you for caring. Reminds me of 2 Cor. 2:14—“Through our yielded lives he spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere we go” (TPT).

  6. Excellent article went straight to my heart. Especially that God teaches us to value His presence more than answered prayer!! Thank you for putting your heart out there!

    • Grateful this spoke to your heart, Rebecca ♥️ I’ve thought a lot about thin places since Jennifer Dukes Lee invites us to name our thin places in Stuff I’d Only Tell God. The conversations on my knees narrow the distance between heaven and earth. Here I’m more aware of how near He always is. I’m grateful for the time I spend there, honest and undistracted—and the heavy prayer requests that bring me back, again and again.

  7. Amen! It’s such an amazing grace to be able to treasure His presence more than answers to prayers. In that place, sitting at His feet, there is peace and joy beyond understanding and circumstances. Looking back at the past storms, I wondered how I “made it”, how my heart didn’t snap, and I realised He was there all the time, every second.