Lazy. Entitled. No attention span. Selfish. Self-centered. Addicted to technology.
This is some of what you hear when it comes to Gen Z. Sometimes it can be accurate.
But, there’s a shift happening. And I’m here to testify.
I’ve been leading youth ministry for over twenty years. I love it! I love watching a pre-teen or teenager encounter the love of God and then dive into an intimate relationship with Him. I love watching fruit become much fruit in and through their lives.
The youth ministry at my church always goes to summer camp at some kind of fun retreat center. The kids love it! There’s always a beautiful property filled with trails and games like basketball and volleyball. And then, there’s the best part — the lake. They high dive and swim and live their best lives.
This year, our youth pastors wanted the youth to be more engaged with outreach. So, they decided to merge the youth retreat with the church’s Mega Sports Camp for ages 4-10. The camp would need leaders for the sports activities and small group leaders and overall help with the little kids.
Needless to say, a few of the youth were not excited about the change of plans. There were unhappy faces and slight complaining. But little did they know, the Lord had His own plans for the week that included some pruning and refining so that He could produce much fruit in them.
For the week of camp, the youth surrendered their phones. They grumbled a bit and thought it was the end of the world . . . but through the week their attentions and desires changed. They enjoyed conversations and games and being kids all without any distractions. New friendships were made. Old ones grew stronger. Disagreements were resolved. And a lifetime of memories were made. Their eyes, hearts, ears, and spirits become attuned to the frequency of Heaven. They began to do what the Father was doing and say what the Father was saying.
The first day of camp felt like an eternity. It was a good tired, the kind where you know you’ve poured out all that the Lord has poured into you. The youth spent each morning praying for the kids coming to the Sports Camp. They stayed at a 10 with their energy so the kids would stay engaged and feel loved and encouraged. It was supernatural. It was Philippians 4:13 in action: “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” It wasn’t their strength at all. It was the Holy Spirit filling them up to overflow with His power and grace for what He called them to that week.
From the first day of camp to the last, I watched each of our youth work hard, play hard, and sweat hard in our Louisiana summer. They led sports sessions and huddle groups talking about Jesus. They cheered on the little kids. They picked up trash around the church property, and set up and tore down tables and chairs countless times.
Throughout the week I saw Colossians 3:2 come to life: “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”
Leading a kids’ sports camp was not the thing the youth would have chosen on their own. But, the testimonies by the end of the week were nothing short of amazing.
One by one, they said how they weren’t excited about being a part of the sports camp, but how the Lord changed their hearts. They had fun and funny moments with the kids. They saw how much the kids looked up to them. They led discussions about Jesus, even sharing the Gospel with kids who had never heard it before.
God gave them a new perspective through serving, especially when it wasn’t what they wanted to do. It wasn’t convenient. It wasn’t in their comfort zone.
This is the shift! The Lord is doing deep heart work in Gen Z. He’s teaching them how to take their eyes off of themselves and how to first set them on Him. And then, how to see the needs around them.
He’s giving them a burden to further the Kingdom despite the cost.
He’s creating a hunger inside of them to linger in His presence.
They’re discovering how to pray for each other in faith that the Lord will respond.
They’re learning to esteem others as more highly than themselves.
He’s stirring up generosity in them to give whatever is in their hands — time, talent, resources, energy.
They’re wanting the absolute truth of God and not the subjective truth of the world.
They’re searching for the move of God in expected and unexpected places.
The most exciting part is that He’s not done. This is only the beginning of this new wave of revival. It’s starting with Gen Z but not limited to them. It’s spilling over. Their zeal for the Lord and the Gospel is fanning the flame inside of all generations alive today on the earth.
That’s God’s heart and plan, that ALL of His children would have a passion for Him and the things of Him. That we would see with His eyes of compassion, love, forgiveness, and grace. That we would serve sacrificially and joyfully. That we would ALL function as the Body of Christ to reach a lost world for His name’s sake.
I’d love to hear any stories where serving gave you a new perspective, or pray for a current struggle if you need to find that new perspective!
What a beautiful and uplifting post!! Thank you so much for sharing this story and giving us all good news about Gen Z. Love to read and know about hope for the future of this generation.
I agree Susan! Thank you for reading!
HALLELUJAH! THANK YOU for sharing this! It is SO encouraging and I needed it, so many children especially teenagers are so lost today it’s good to hear the good stories are still there!
Amen and Amen! Thank you for reading! Blessings!
Thank you so much!
Now if we could do an adult camp and teach them the same principles.
Right?! The youth at my church have had such a beautiful influence on the rest of the church…from kids to the seasoned saints.
This was beautiful to read. And so very encouraging. All generations have a particular purpose…sometimes accomplished in a different way than the generation before. But our internal and external needs remain the same …..a relationship with our Father and all those whom HE has lovingly created. Thank YOU for fostering that by being a witness and participant with the youth group AND by writing to encourage us that GOD was and IS certainly present with each new generation. Seek and you shall find.
Amen and Amen Belinda!
I love today reading as it so true when we are serving for the Lord it does change our perspective. More so than doing it on to man. Like this I know it a different thing all together. I do my Dad’s Home help for him Monday to Friday he is 82. He my Dad is not saved. I pray for his Salvation. I have told my Dad unless he gets saved he not get to Heaven when he leaves this world. As my Dad thinks everyone gets to Heaven when you die. He laughs at me in all I believe and has asked me how I believe all I do. I told him I believe it because it says it in the word of God the Bible. I told my Dad I pray for him along with the rest of my family my Sister’s and their Families that are not saved. He my Dad has asked me does my Husband believe what I believe I have said yes because he is saved too. I told my Dad I do his home help for him on to Love of the Lord and the Love of him my Dad. I also told my Dad I serve God in everything I do. God comes first in my life and my Husband’s we serve God first. It has changed our perspective as we may live in this world and I told my Dad this but we are not of the world. Everything we do is about Jesus and living for him. My Dad has just said good on you that you believe all that. I told my Dad I love him and that I will never stop praying for him. Especially to see his need to get saved. I don’t preach it at but now and again when the subject comes up and my Dad would ask questions like what did you do at the weekend. I tell him on Sunday went to Church read my Bible and said my prayers and you were in them. Then the subject comes up why do I pray and read my Bible why do I go to Church. But one thing my Dad was good at so was my late Mum. I don’t know if she was saved when left this world. I did pray for her salvation. They did send me and my two sisters to Sunday School and I am very thankful for that. As I learnt so much from it and the kids Bible songs are still appreciate for me today as an Adult as they were when I was child. Like Jesus loves all the Children of the world red and yellow black and white. That song is appreciate even for me as an Adult today as I am Child of Jesus today even though I am Adult. As an Adult Jesus love me no matter what skin colour I have and other Adults have. I am to do the same to Adults and kids no matter what skin colour they have. There are lots of kids song that are good for us as Adults too. So everyday I get up to go my Dad to help him to his home help I know I am serving him on to Lord and in Love on to Lord and Love on to my my Dad and that makes my perspective change when doing his house. As my Dad not the easiest man to work with as he can be contary. At times it his way or no way.You do your best for him and he expect more you can’t do more. God said to me your Dad will not change until he get saved just to say nothing know your doing it in Love on to me and your Dad. So I say nothing and do that and just do his house and keep praying for his Salvation. Love today’s reading. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx keeping you all incourage in my prayers.
Thank you Dawn for sharing this beautiful testimony!
Thank you, Karinna, for sharing this story. It is not only uplifting, but it brings a sense of hope for a generation that many see as hopeless. Adults need to find more ways to encourage kids to give up (or disconnect from) their phones and electronic devices and learn how to communicate with each other in a personal way. Your team gave those kids a new life-line to God and a new perspective on being real with themselves and each other. Thank you and all the other adults who gave their time for such a worthwhile project. I’m sure you all received the blessings of time well spent.
It was a tremendous blessing! Thank you for reading and sharing Phyl!
I believe God is doing something with this generation. I keep telling these young leaders I believe they are the ones God is raising up to carry the church forward.
Amen Areum! i believe it too!
People think all young people care about is technology & social media. With proper guidance & God’s help they can live out Philippians 4:13. I remember painting a church downtown Tampa, FL. Now as an older adult I volunteer with Loaves & Fishes Food Bank 1 day a week doing whatever they need, plus helping raise funds, & buying needed items. Also help Recovery Soldiers program for recovering addicts. I get such pleasure assisting others. The best part is taking my eyes off me & looking at the needs of others-being the hands & feet of Jesus. It shows me how blessed I am.
I can sense a little shift in our world. It seems more & more people are coming back to God. Testify Karina!!
Blessings 🙂
Amen Beth! I love how God is using you to be His hands and feet among the lost and hurting!
Karina, I was really encouraged by this, and I loved the individual stories that were told. I remember when you helped with the dance ministry and we both got to enjoy the MS and HS kids that came every Tuesday from 4pm-8pm. My heart was so full of joy when I would see them helping 4 yrs olds sing and dance. Thank you for sharing this .
Thank you my friend for reading and sharing! That was a sweet season!
Beautiful! That step from the church leaders *was brave* and God met you! As you wrote, some traits may be right, but not all of the time and they do not define the “kids” more than any of our adults’ misbehaviors completely defines us. “Love (…) believes all things [looking for the best in each one]…” 1 Corinthians 13:7 (AMP)
Hi Karina! I am in 10th grade, and I would love to start something like this for the kids at my church. Do y’all have any kind of schedule that you could share, like what games are for certain teaching? Anything would help, just like what games you used, which passages/ stories did you use for teaching the kids?