Marie-Noëlle Amiel
About the Author

Marie-Noëlle defines herself as a "prodigal mother back from a walk on many wild sides." Now she pursues oneness with Christ Jesus and writes full-time about gift giving as the art of extending a higher grace. She is 52, the mother of three young ladies and a 12-year-old boy.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Marie-Noëlle, this post spoke so deeply to me and the season of life that I am in right now. Thank you for sharing this beautiful truth — hoping these words offer grace to others, too.

    • Thank you Rachel, I am so glad it blessed you! As women -wives, mothers, hostesses- we have the incredible privilege to gather people around tables we can set beautifully. May the mealtimes with your family and friends be a joyful and fragrant offering to our Lord.

  2. It’s amazing the truths the Lord can communicate through food! I have never thought about being overly thankful before, but you make a good point. Thinly veiled fear can make way for confidence when we trust God to provide. Needed to think about that today!

    • You are right, Pearl! The metaphors about food are so revealing! The Word is “honey” in the mouth of the prophet. Psalm 16:7 actually says in Hebrew that our “kidneys” instruct us; Luke describes Jesus’ “gut” compassion. It’s beautiful to experience the Word with our whole being, in all aspects of our life. Have a blessed day!