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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. His mercies are new every millisecond. What a promise ! Such a helpful article . The being in the car and not listening to the radio but the thousands of thoughts in my head is me too . I would give a copy of the magazine to my friend’s mum Liz who’s just had surgery and needs to be off her feet for six weeks .

  2. I was not aware of this magazine! Your Daily Devotions are a part of my morning devotions & I sense this magazine will be uplifting also. I would give a copy to either my friend Ann or Joan. Both are in their eighties, have health problems (one just had back surgery), and spend most of their time at home.

  3. I’m so thankful for His new mercies! It’s like a splash of fresh water or a restart when my thoughts are already moving so fast I’m mentally exhausted. He is all about new beginnings. I did not know about this magazine and would love to read this and share it with friends 🙂

  4. I’d give one to my best friend who is dealing with a medical emergency in her family.

  5. I always look forward to a new issue of this magazine. I savor each article- I read only one a day to make it last. It is so beautifully put together. I would love to share this with some of my church’s home bound women who have been the backbone of our old, tiny Maine church. That passage from Lamentations is such a wonderful reminder that each day is a new chance for all of us!

  6. For me …. because I need to know from my head to my heart that His mercies are new every morning. My word for the year is Presence. Thank you incourage women! You all are a gift. Blessings upon blessings!

  7. I would send a copy to Lorraine Buerkert. She suffered a stroke and brain anuerism. God is awesome though and she is recovering nicely. She can do with encouragement from this magazine.

  8. What good Word , Rachel ❣️ amen❣️ His mercies are new every millisecond is so true and I want to remember that today.. I am a magazine addict I have many still from the early 2,000! I even found one from 1998 the other day in a box
    I love turning pages so I often revisit these pages and reread them… but I enjoy up to date and encouraging Biblical teachings and stories. I am retired and 68 years old, with 11 grandchildren. I share what I find with many of them and my friends children. I would give my dear friend who lost her daughter in tragic accident this May, the magazine for some fresh reading and a change of pace. Sometimes when we grieve we forget that we can enjoy beautiful things and stories. I think on paper slowly thumbing the pages is a good way to restore our faith and rest our souls.. thanks for sharing and letting me share also blessings all

  9. I love this magazine and I loved the reminder that His mercies are new any time we need them, which is many times during the day. What a wonderful thought! I would give a copy of the magazine to my pastor’s wife.

  10. Here are people I’d gift a copy of Everyday Faith. It looks like a wonderful magazine:

    Julie Scott
    Breanna Wiebe
    Linda Moorhead
    Courtney Clark
    Lori Borgan

  11. Yes my Sisters and Brothers in Christ, God is all in compassing !
    He is Faithful and True and His Mercies are new every morning and every day and every night and every second and within every set of diagnoses and procedures and in every petition and in every request with thanksgiving and with every prayer and every disaster and in every disappointment in our lives.

    He is our “portion” and no one or nothing can snatch us out of God’s Hands.

    Glory Hallelujah

    Thank the Lord

    Lord, please help me see the 98% of my subconscious efforts with Your Vision, Your Wisdom, Your Strength and Your Faithfulness to change how I have been hurt by childhood experiences. Thank You Lord ahead of time for Your Grace and Mercy applied newly to my decisions as I step forward in Faith and in Trust in all You do through my life. Please let me see myself the way You See My Heart and My Soul to Live My Life Pleasing Before Your Throne. You Word says, You have not given me a spirit of fear but of Power, Love and a Strong Mind. No weapon forged against me shall prosper. Your Word is Final in my Heart and in my Life.


    Another Sister in Christ

  12. This article is so relatable and such a good reminder that Go’s mercies are continuously new, in the moments we need them.
    I would give a copy to my friend who has been going through a lot these past several months

  13. Hello Rachel
    I love the magazine already, the articles always lift m heart. If I were to be gifted a copy, I would gift it to my youngest daughter, who has just recently lost her husband, and first love. She is struggling with her grief, all of why’s of why him mom? Why would God take him from me….?
    As her mother, and a child of the most High God, as she herself is I hurt for her struggle, I speak words of healing as God leads and she is able to receive, but we know God is the Master Healer.
    My hope is that in her quiet time as she reads, a God moment will occur and our baby God and mine will stop being angry curl up in His lap and allow Him to just hold her, and healing will begin.

    Thank you

  14. Thank you for the opportunity to receive your magazine. I would like to gift my friend Peggy C.
    She is a great woman of faith but dealing with many issues right now. Thank you!

  15. How wide and deep are His mercies indeed!
    I would give a copy to my sister, Anne, who has managed her mental health challenge over many years with such abiding faith, grace, and a heart of daily gratitude.


  16. Thank you for your post today. It is a beautiful reminder of God’s mercies. I would love for my niece Shelby Roper to receive the magazine.

  17. thank you for this podcast, I listen each morning.
    I would love to share this magazine with my daughter in law-
    she is a lovely gal, just recently became a mom
    this would bless her

  18. I would gift a copy to my single friend Kiersten who has 2 adopted daughters from foster care…One is biracial and over 16 and VERY rebellious and NOT getting educated (NO fault of my friend) The other is autistic and 13 and desperately needy. Believe me…they give her a run for her money. Every. Single. Day. On top of it all, she lives with her failing 86 yr. old mother who also needs MUCH care. She is pretty much sucked dry 24/7…. I believe this magazine would bless and encourage her as she loves the Lord SO much. He is the only thing that gets her through…

  19. I only recently discovered this podcast and I’m so grateful I did! I’ve had the (in)courage Bible for a while and love what it adds to my Bible time. This podcast is a wonderful addition to my daily devotions and provides that extra encouragement I often need. I was unaware of this magazine!

  20. If I won a set I’d give one to my daughter who suffers with her schizoaffective disorder on a daily basis. She is medically stable but has many anxious moments where prayer calms her.

  21. I am so grateful that the Lord’s mercies are new every day and I need them! I am very grateful for (In)Courage and have read it daily for years. I am grateful for all the precious ones who have written and contributed to help and encourage so many, including me. I would love to have a copy myself and a copy for my friend Toni who is walking through the valley of the shadow of death with her husband. God’s blessings to you all!

  22. This post resonates a lot with me, as I’ve felt a lot of anxiety the last couple years watching my daughter struggle with diagnosed generalized anxiety disorder. I’d gift a copy to my dearest friend, a minister’s wife whose pastor husband is approaching end stage Alzheimer’s. Her days are long, hard, and stressful and she could very much use this encouragement.

  23. I would gift a copy of your magazine to my beautiful sister in law, who has a beautiful soul and heart of love.

  24. Such a wonderful reminder. Yes, new every morning, but also whenever I need it! Love it! ❤ I would give this magazine to my daughter. She has been through so, so much. She needs the encouragement. Thank you for your daily devotions. I seriously don’t know what I would do without them!

  25. What a wonderful article for today (and every day). I would gift the magazine to one of my sisters (then share with the other when I am done )

  26. I would give a copy to anyone. I really enjoy Everyday faith and I’m sure others will/do too. We all need encouragement.

  27. I’d love to win a set of the magazine and give one to my daughter’s friend who lost her husband earlier this year. She has three young sons, and though her faith is strong, it’s been a difficult time for them all.

  28. Praise God for His steadfast love! I would give a copy to my niece who has turned her back on sin and is living her life for Jesus now! God is so good!

  29. Your post resonates with me. The LORD is indeed the source of my life and everything that I do. HE continues to uphold and sustain me through each day that HE purposes for me. HIS Word is the Living bread that feeds my soul.

    If I win, I will gift this magazine to a dear sister in CHRIST who is having dialysis daily, and waiting for a kidney transplant.
    I would read my copy and pass it on to my BS group to encourage the ladies. Thereafter, for the copy to be passed on to others.

  30. Another one of my favorite scriptures! So grateful for His mercy and steadfast love. My Dad died when I was 8 years old and I struggled for many, many years with abandonment. Only until I received a revelation of the love of my Abba Father was I healed, I didn’t know about this magazine. I would gift my friend Dee who is suffering with depression and anxiety and living in an assisted living home.
    God bless you all!

  31. I do love the every day faith
    Magazine I’ll take it to work with me and read it for encouragement

  32. There is so much I identify with in this article, and as the month changes my mind drifts back to where I was last year at this time. It would be the last family gathering before losing my Dad. We had a big Labor Day picnic at my Dad’s home in western NY state. I saw a lot of family member’s that I hadn’t seen in a long time. I would see most of them again in January at my Dad’s funeral. I’m at a stage in my life where there’s been a lot of loss and it has continued throughout the year. I’m learning that loss and joy can coexist. It’s definitely a journey. The footprints poem fits well in this stage. Thank you for the reminder of this scripture in Lamentations, so very fitting.

  33. I would gift a copy to my dear friend and mom. I appreciate the encouraging stories and biblical truths throughout each magazine. I always look forward to the next release!

  34. I would give one to my friend Beth who also is a pastors wife and a busy mom with a job.
    This magazine looks like it’s a giant encouragement card, which I love, as my personal ministry is sending out cards to my friends and ladies of my church and so on for encouragement.

  35. Rachel,

    Sometimes life gets busy & complicated. We have so much to do with family, work, church & volunteering. Our natural tendency is to become overwhelmed about getting it all done. Our minds become so restless that they can’t shut down. We are in desperate need of His mercies now. His kind love washing over us calming those frazzled nerves. Thankfully “His mercies are new every millisecond, stretching wide and reaching deep to cover us for any reason . . . at any time, in any place.”

    Blessings 🙂

    P.S. have been at home busy listening (or so I thought) to Bible on Bible gateway. When I hear that I am about 3 or so chapters behind. It’s so hard to concentrate sometimes.

  36. Thank you, Rachel! I needed to hear and be reminded of this truth. His mercy is available to us at all times. We just need to accept it.

    I would like to gift a copy of the magazine to my friend Margaret Eddings.