I grew up in a church where we wore our “Sunday Best.” And according to my parents, my ripped jeans with holes in the knees did not make the cut. I was okay with this exchange where my dresses and nicer clothes took the lead for one day a week. . . . until the final years of high school rolled around. Trying to bargain with my parents, I would say with a giggle, “These pants belong at church! They’re my HOLEY jeans!”
A faint laugh made its way from their lips, but I saw in their eyes, it wasn’t about me or even the jeans. It was about God and His holiness. I didn’t quite understand what “holiness” meant, but my parents were trying to teach me that even with my clothing, I had the opportunity to give God my best and honor Him. Why should we give Him our best? Because God is holy.
After Jesus tells us to come to God in the prayer in Matthew 6, He goes on to describe how special God is. “Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name” (Matthew 6:9 nasb). Jesus could have said, “Mighty is Your name” or “Perfect is Your name” because both are true statements. But instead, Jesus specifically wanted us to know that our Father is holy. If we dig a little deeper, in Hebrew the word “holy” means set apart. It also means entirely pure in all ways. We could read this as, “Our Father in heaven, set apart and pure is Your name.” When I think of something that is set apart, I picture something special. Kind of like our “Sunday Best” clothes. The only thing that makes these clothes any different from the rest of the week’s outfits is the fact that they are set aside for a special occasion: church. But far more than clothing, God is holy and set apart because He isn’t like the rest of us. He is not just any earthly father. He is greater; your heavenly Father is God!
So, as you share your days with your Father, who so deeply cares about every little detail of your story, may your heart be encouraged as you acknowledge that God is set apart. If He is your Father, then that makes you . . . His girl! So come to your Holy Father. Come as a holy child who is precious in His sight.
Everything about the Father is holy — from the words He speaks in the Holy Bible to His Holy Spirit which He has given to you as a gift and helper to the holiness He is pouring over you, His beloved, right now.
But like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”
I Peter 1:15–16
This might surprise you, but we are called to be holy too. Again, this means, “set apart.” Friends, we are called to be set apart to and for our Father! In Christ, we are set apart and called to be different because of who God is and what He has done for us.
This call to holiness is stated many times throughout the Old Testament (the time before Jesus) and the New Testament (the time of Jesus and beyond). I like to think of this repetitive reminder like when your mama doesn’t just tell you something once, but MULTIPLE TIMES — you know she means business and that it’s important.
Through spending time with God in prayer, I’ve come to understand the beauty in these verses and why they’re so important. It’s like when you hang out with a friend so much and you start to say the same phrases they do, or you even start dressing alike. The more time spent with someone, the more you end up reflecting one another. The same is true with our relationship with God.
He has saved us and called us to a holy life — not because of anything we have done but because of His own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.
II Timothy 1:9
Because you were bought with holy blood on the cross, in Him, you are holy. Because of His holy grace, in Him, sister, you are set apart.
As we dance through this side of heaven, I am beyond grateful we get to live out this call to holiness together. But don’t view it as a sprint, or a pass/fail college class, or even like a waltz. When you picture dancing and partnering with Jesus in His holiness, don’t worry about falling or missing a step. Let Him guide His girl in His grace. Let Him take the lead, then as His child, place your feet on His, hold His hands, and let Him twirl you through the kitchen for a daddy-daughter dance.
You shall be holy; for I am holy.
Leviticus 11:44
Devotion by Georgia Brown from Hi God, It’s Me: 20 Days to a Stronger, More Powerful Prayer Life
For many, engaging in prayer can feel like a constant “stop-and-go” experience. It may be tough to get into a rhythm or frequently find the right words to say, especially during busy seasons or stressful days.
Hi God, It’s Me: 20 Days to a Strong and Powerful Prayer Life by Georgia Brown encourages you to see prayer differently — not as a moment in time, but as a lifestyle that you can enjoy. In this 20-day guide, you will discover how to build a resilient prayer life that withstands waves of feeling or trying times. As you read selected Scriptures, pray, and engage in the fun activities provided, you’ll learn how to get carried along in a current of fresh and meaningful conversations with God.
Pick up your copy of Hi God, It’s Me today, and leave a comment below to enter to WIN one of five copies*!
Then listen to the (in)courage podcast this Saturday for a bonus episode featuring a conversation with Georgia and Becky!
Listen to today’s article below or on your favorite podcast player!
Giveaway is open until 7/24/23 at 11:59 pm central to US addresses only.
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Twirling in the kitchen with my feet on top of daddy’s is such a sweet vivid picture. Twirling through life with my feet on top of Jesus’; dancing to the pace & rhythm He created for me is all the more precious. Daddy would end our kitchen dances lifting me fully in his arms to soar in the air. Jesus will end my earthy dance one day by lifting me fully in His arms to soar with Him to eternity in heaven & the never ending dance. I love this picture of being set apart for our dances with The Holy King! Blessings! (((0)))
I struggle sometimes to not just sit down and have time with God and pray after work daily. I get home and do my list of things I need to get done that day then finally when I’m done I’m exhausted and end up relaxing before bed. I would love to read this book and see the different ways she has to pray. It’s always nice to listen to you in the morning.
Man looks at the outward appearance God looks at our heart. God does not care what we wear to Church. If we come in Holy Jeans as long as our heart is right before him. We are living right before him and as his word say. Jesus hung round with people no one else wanted to be with. Jesus healed people who where sick even on the Sabbath because he loved them. Didn’t like to see them sick. This what gets me about some Churches today. You see the Men dressed up in their suits and Women all nicely dressed up in their fancy clothes. Even the kids and the Women and Children wearing their fancy hats. Then if a person who can’t afford all that fancy clothes like that needs help. The Church is mean to be a place of Love and where they can go to get help and prayer. They if they can only afford clothes from a charity shop or from a friend. They walk past a Church it says come in as you are or if need help. But everyonr in that Church is in Fancy nice clothes even the kids and the women have their heads covered and the girls too. They look at their clothes. They say I don’t fit in. They also say no way can I go into that Church and ask for help. As the clothes I am wearing would stand out. Look scruffy and dirty and even smelly. As that person might not be able to afford to wash them as money could be tight they feel no I can’t go there for help. They wouldn’t go there for help. That said we still have Churches like that. Churches shouldn’t be like that at all no matter what Church it is. It should be about Jesus. Showing his love and loving people of all walks of life. Making people feel special and unique. Like Jesus did when he was on earth. Jesus didn’t look at what people wore he looked at their heart. He loved them for who they where. If they needed help or prayer he helped them and he prayed with them. He didn’t make them feel I can’t go in there for help because of what I am wearing. I don’t fit in they look down at me because they are dressed in their fancy clothes even their kids. That said to make people feel like that. When it says in God word in 1 John 3 verse 23. ” And this is his comment that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and Love one another as He gave us Commandment” so that tell me we are to love every one as Jesus has said. Not make them feel unlovable. Holey Jean and all. As we serve a Holy God who loves every one in this world. If we are truly saved we are to do that no look at what a person wears. Love today’s reading. Keeping you all in prayer. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
I have been following you for a few years, however, I have never actually listened or delved into any of the information you have! I just spent about an hour with you and what a difference. I have been following a Bible Plan in the application The Bible but found GraceNColor. Thank you for a very remembered hour. Have a great day. I have saved every link I could find to be able to get back to you
Thank you for your reminder that we are God’s daughter no matter what. That we can come to Him with all of our concerns no matter how small no matter when. He is always here with us ready to listen and care for us. Thank you for a chance to win a book!
I love this message today. So visual. So simple. Just beautiful. My granddaughters will love your book….and relate especially the holey jeans part! Actually dancing in the kitchen with Dad too! Thank you Georgia and thank for reminding me today..
“Because of His holy grace, in Him, sister, you are set apart”
I too am soooo grateful.
Have a wonderful blessed day sisters \0/
Georgia’s book on prayer sounds really good! I would like to shake up my prayer life because I tend to pray the same things over and over again.
I just listened today to Holey Jeans and a Holy God, what a beautiful message… Please keep them coming my way! I look forward to reading your book.
This sounds like a really helpful resource. I’ve finally started talking to God while getting ready, talking to God in the car on my way home from well, anywhere. I HATE praying in front of people but for a teaching thing, we have to pray before the night begins. People have come up to me and told me they enjoy hearing me pray because I act like God is right there and He is my best friend. Well, He is! Who knew though?! I mean I HATE PRAYING IN FRONT OF PEOPLE!!!! Still, sometimes life gets so busy or I get distracted while I’m praying. Thank you for another opportunity to win.:) And isn’t she the cutest thing!
I loved reading this article! It’s full of joy, for holiness is not “stuffy” but a state of perfect freedom and oneness in the Father.
words so adequate…many thoughts on today’s sharing. 1) to give God our best on Sunday. The one opportunity to present our very best dressed/kept selves to honor who we are going to worship. Words that I haven’t found adequate enough for my kiddos just yet. THANK YOU. 2) the more we dwell, the more we emulate…a calling to dwell more in HIS presence to be kind, compassionate and gentle.
Thank you so much for sharing! Looking forward to reading this book!
I would absolutely love a copy of this book. I’ve been looking for something to help me along in my prayer time. I seem to be in a rut and just don’t know how to start and continue daily time with God. Hoping this will help.
A read I need.
This would be a great prize for me. I’m going through some stuff and it is often difficult to speak to God about it.
I think my daughters, who are in their twenties would love this book.
Thank you for sharing this!!
This would be wonderful for the season of life I’m currently walking through️
So awesome! This sounds really encouraging
What a great book!
This looks like an amazing book!
Would love to win and read more!
I grew up believing that people should dress up some for church. Love wearing nice dresses, skirts, pant suits to church. I believe that God deserves my best. He gave His all for me so I should do so in return. Jesus tells us to be in the world but not of the world. John 17:15-16 “My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. We need to be/act set apart so the world can see God’s love through us!
Blessings 🙂
I need to really work on my prayer life. I read the introduction of your book and want to read the book and like the idea of 20 days.
Beautiful word picture of our relationship with our Father God.
Thank you for this wonderful message!
I love the title of your book. It’s so funny because most days I use that same comment. “Hey God yep it’s me again” and yes I need you again. Over the last couple of years I finally just really see Jesus as being human like me. This makes my heart sign, knowing Jesus has a sense of humor that he could be my next door neighbor or a co-worker. When things seem just so out of control, I look to Jesus and ask him to please hold me, hold me tight and never let go of me. He is my best friend that holds my right hand when I am scared. He sings along side me when I am anxious, we sing “Jesus Loves Me!”.