Stories matter. I read research that said certain parts of your brain light up when someone starts telling a story. It’s why we love books and movies and the arts. We read the same stories over and over in the Bible and dissect them meticulously saying, “What was God doing here?”
That’s one reason I started writing (although you don’t have to be a writer to share your story). Blogspot, Instagram, Facebook, any form of social media — they were all free, and no one cared if I used capital letters at the beginning of my sentences (newsflash, I didn’t), or if I was using proper grammar, or if I said things a little off-color. I just told the truth about my life without sugarcoating the tough spots. And others found themselves there too.
When I started writing my first book, I had a publisher pursue me. That may be rare, but in the end, even after garnering me a writing coach at a good cost, they rejected my proposal. I hear that memoirs are hard to sell in any genre, but especially in the faith space. We have this thing where everything must be useful and prove its worth. Of course, that’s not the faith we profess verbally (not by works but by faith!). But it’s how we function.
All those true and chaotic stories of my life, the testimonies of my foolishness and success, just weren’t deemed enough. “Half of us really liked it, and half of us didn’t get the point.” When the publisher gave that feedback, I honestly felt relieved. I was scared to put a book out there because I knew what it would mean: when you tell the truth about your life, not everyone makes it out unscathed. People get hurt, and so do you. So I quit the book. Here I was, with a story to tell, but no market to tell it in.
But the book wouldn’t quit me.
I started wondering, Why do we forget to ask the same question of ourselves that we ask of Bible characters: “What was God doing there?”
What was God doing in my stories? I was honest in that book. I was vulnerable about infidelity, miscarriage, and our differently-abled child. I told the truth about motherhood and how in it, a part of you dies. I told how I taught a blind man to drive a John Deere Buggy, and how I sold my neighbors’ own rocks back to them in a bit of shady entrepreneurship at age eight. How I rose to the top of my network marketing company, and I liked being successful. (Many of you will stop reading here. But wait, would you like to look at this amazing business opportunity before you go?! Just kidding.) I discussed not fitting into evangelical spaces because I like to work, and I am more than a wife and a mother. (Gasp!)
It takes a bit of looking back to look forward, and in doing so, we’ll find a lot of buried treasure. If we keep looking at the moments in our lives that really shaped us and get curious about how and why they did that, we’ll start making connections. I really liked that idea, and still do. Publishers liked it too, and we got a deal.
There’s a marketing saying, “The riches are in the niches.” But it’s not just for marketing. You are a niche, so varied from the next person, so valuable just by being alive. God knew we’d need all types to help us see different facets of Himself. I love that because it lends itself to a unique purpose for each of us. And your purpose certainly won’t look like mine or anyone else’s. It just can’t. That’s really good news in a world that says everyone needs to act and look like whatever the railing trend is at the time. (I can’t get behind JUICY bedazzled on the rear of my pink velour sweatsuit for another round. I draw the line somewhere!)
My wish for you is that you would take up more space in storytelling, in bearing witness to your layered and complicated life. And letting others bear witness. Write it down. Tell the vulnerable truth. Say it with your own mouth, with your own pen. That’s what happened as I wrote This Must Be the Place — seeing how the stories of my life have led me to exactly where I am and what I do today. When you ask yourself past-probing questions, you’ll discover the clues God has left along the way. I guarantee you’ll start connecting dots and stop seeing “coincidences” but unique empathies, talents, and callings. Looking back makes you look forward. You won’t be able to help yourself. And when you start feeling on purpose, you have a giant permission slip to live uniquely as you without comparing yourself to others’ lives that aren’t meant to be yours.
Take up space with your story. The world is ready to bear witness to your rich life. And while we’re not after usefulness, your story may be a breadcrumb on the trail of someone else’s life.
Through stories like a quirky childhood selling rocks and a season of brokenness in her marriage, Jami’s new book, This Must Be the Place: Following the Breadcrumbs of Your Past to Discover Your Purpose Today, uses the breadcrumbs from her life to give women permission to discover the purpose God has for them. With sincere encouragement and boundless humor, Jami brings a new perspective to living intentionally, chasing dreams, and finding satisfaction in using your gifts and passions.
Pick up your copy of This Must Be the Place, and leave a comment below to enter to WIN one of five copies*!
Then tune in TOMORROW (6/10/23) to a bonus episode of the (in)courage podcast as Jami talks with Becky Keife about This Must Be the Place!
Listen to today’s article at the player below or wherever you stream podcasts.
I definitely need to put this one on my list!
Thanks, Elizabeth!
I love to reflect and journal and I love reading memoirs. This sounds like a great read!
It was a fun book to write! And I hope you have your own mini memoir by the end of it if you answer the questions at the end.
Love the question of “What was God doing there?” A new lens to look at your life and circumstances. Please count me in to win this one.
You bless me!
Women, especially as we age, tend to do a lot of reflection on our lives, mistakes, celebrations and everything in between. Am excited to read this book to help in looking back and see how God was there in it all maybe from a different perspective…..and I think his book will definitely help in that process….and a bonus to have a book with humor to make me smile.
We laugh… we cry. Enjoy the roller coaster! HAHA
Thank you for sharing. I hope to read your memoir, especially because I also have struggled with miscarriage and fertility.
That is a tough journey for sure. I hope you find hope in this book!
I never thought about telling my story because I thought my story doesn’t have much to offer. Reading this helped me think back over my life and I see how God has used circumstances to shape me. These life experiences have made me the perfect person to help others in similar struggles. God is good!
It’s so important–and God wouldn’t have brought you here if you didn’t have something important to say about him through your stories!
Thank you for sharing. I love your authenticity and that you asked yourself “What was God doing there?” Several of your struggles resonated with me. It would be a bonus to be blessed with a copy.
Thanks Cheryl!
So glad I read your piece today. Have you been eavesdropping on my writing life. How affirming. Can’t wait to read your book.
I love when God does that! It’s a breadcrumb!!
I think this is a great idea. I’ve dealt with a lot in my life, leading me to raising my 2 children without their dad in their life. I feel like if I were to write down about my days, not just my prayers, but what happened during my days I wonder if I’d find why God did what he did, why I was led down this path. Thank you for sharing, and I applaud you for not being Just a wife and mother.
God is working in your life. He is with you!
Thank you for the chance to win this book. I tend to think my story is very common and boring, but as I think about my past I realize that it may be just what someone needs to hear. Thank you Jami for showing us that everyone has something to share!
No way! your life may feel familiar to you–but it’s not boring!
Your honesty is refreshing! Thank you for sharing your story and for encouraging me to share mine.
You bless me!
This just confirms some things the Lord has laid on my heart recently. I’d love to read more about your story, as we have some things in common. Thank you for sharing.
I love when God does that, he’s leaving you a breadcrumb!
This book sounds amazing and something I will be putting on my reading list! So wonderful how God can turn all things for His good. I know this book will help so many including me! The summary alone resonated with me and my life so much.
He will always turn it to good!
Thank you for giving voice to my own fears about sharing my messy life story. If even one person can be helped in the telling, then it is worth the vulnerability it requires. Looking forward to reading your book!
That is so true. Be brave with that story!
Wow Jami. I was reading and remembering and smiling and nodding…all at the same time I was seeing “breadcrumbs” and faces of the women God put in my life and the “crap” (sorry to be so blunt) I spilled on so many in my younger days. I am so touched and curious and ready to fill in page after page in a new journal. You have lit fire in me that has been kinda of asleep.
Being honest..probably more than kinda asleep!!!!
“When you ask yourself past-probing questions, you’ll discover the clues God has left along the way.”
Thank you….I think. I feel like the plumber in me is going to be really busy!!! hahahah
Wake up, sister! The world needs your voice!
Jamie, this sounds Interesting and fresh! I look forward to opening the cover.
You bless me!
Love this! I too believe storytelling has so much value. It connects the dots of where we have come from, where God has nudged us, and where He is leading us.
I’m looking forward to reading your book!
Yes, connecting the dots helps us reframe and remember that God is good to us.
I have wondered about all of the “bread crumbs” and what some seem to be loaves, mean in my life. Thank you for sharing!
lots of manna to be found!
I’ll tell my kids all that time that everyone has a story to tell. Thanks for being vulnerable and sharing yours!
these are wise words, mama!
In some ways it feels like my story has been put on pause for the last decade+ while I’ve been very sick. I don’t know whether or not this book would help.
God is in the waiting too. I have been there as well. I will pray for you now.
There have been so many different episodes in stages in my life where I have wondered where God’s purpose was in them. It is good to look back, but it’s also hard. I would love to read your book and see how you were able to put things into words that might be helpful and maybe how to put my thoughts into words.
As the song says, “God is in this story…..”
Jamie’s honest story has been a help in my own healing in this season of life I’m in. I look forward to reading her book!
You bless me, Hannah!
This sounds really helpful and seems to be a resounding theme in my life lately: that it’s okay to take up space and people need to hear my story. As we wrapped up our last leadership meeting in May before breaking for the summer, a lot of different ones whispered this to me. It was good to hear this and it was hard because it brought a lot of tears. Thank you for another opportunity to win. This sounds like a valuable read!
take up space, sister! the world needs you!
Excited for this book. Since my husband’s death almost 3 years ago, I’ve been really struggling to figure out where I belong and who I am now that I’m not a wife. I don’t feel single but I don’t feel married either.
OOF! Rest assured, you have a valuable story to tell and a ministry to share with those who find themselves in similar stories.
This makes you think what is God doing and are you doing what he has set out for you to do. I question this all to often. Life is sometimes difficult you do not understand that you can not get to point C until you complete points A and B. I have learned this on my Journey of Life. Sometimes we forget everything we do is in God’s time and not ours.
That’s true. I do that too. Humans are forgetful but he kindly leads us back to himself!
Jami shared her heart in the most vulnerable and relatable way! I was instantly drawn to reading her tender story! God bless you Jami!!!
You bless me, Valery!
My counselor just asked me, “So what is your purpose?” I think I know. But as I struggled to answer, I realized I have some reflecting to do… and some more learning from God’s Word. I don’t think its an accident for me that this landed in my inbox today. Thank you!
Oh, I love that. It can sometimes be too big of a question. I was happy to break the question down into smaller, specific questions. Hope it helps!!
I’m looking forward to reading this book. Putting it on my summer reading list.
Jami has so much wisdom!! So glad she finally got to write this book.
You bless me Melissa!
My girlfriend Kimberly once dubbed me the “storyteller” among our small circle of female friends. Then at only 42, Kim died of breast cancer about a decade ago. Her legacy reminds me to be brave enough to share a true testimony in order to help those struggling find freedom.
I sure do miss her. This post reminded me of Kimberly’s insistence to fulfill our God-given assignments, even if that assignment is telling our own messy story to set others free.
Oh I love that it made you think of her!
I have enjoyed reading her posts and would love to be a lucky recipient of one of these books!
Thanks Ellen!
I definitely need some breadcrumbs…..
Maybe you’ll find a whole loaf!
Love this and excited about your book!!!
Thank you for being transparent while offering hope!!
It’s the only way!
Just reading “Through the eyes of a Ragamuffin” by Rich Mullins pondering attending a 70th birthday party this evening processing his, her and my own story. Hoping to learn about more stories in this adventure. Can’t wait to read yours!
I love books that make you think!
My story has Changed so much over the last 7 years when one child got very sick and diagnosed with a very rare genetic disease and then almost exactly 2 years later my middle child was diagnosed. This year my 3rd child is officially diagnosed. Our days quickly changed to many dr appointments, surgeries, homeschooling and isolation. Then the pandemic hit and it made it all even harder and isolated. I’m not sure what the future holds for them or me but we are making it somehow. With gods grace. One day I’d like to write my story. Kudos to you for writing yours
Kayleen, I prayed for you and yours just now. That’s so difficult. God is with you and goes before you!
loved the excerpt! would be an honor to win a copy from you. thank you for sharing.
Love this. You said, “It takes a bit of looking back to look forward, and in doing so, we’ll find a lot of buried treasure.” My heart needed to be reminded that we each are exquisitely gifted for His glory.
I’ve been neglecting using the talents He has bestowed upon me. Choosing instead to run away & quit because I’m a perfectionist in recovery. Now I procrastinate. Not today Satan, no not today!!
I heard from someone, ” He takes our mess & creates a message.” Someone else once said, “Don’t hoard your testimony.” Those tests become our testimony of His Presence giving us stamina, endurance, creativity, perseverance, courage, gentle boldness & ….
Sounds like a great read. I never thought I had much of a testimony. Then my aging parents dementia hit hard & I was their caregiver. The things I had to witness & deal with have made me stronger. Now when people are dealing with their aging parents & have questions I may have the answers. Certainly I can provide empathy & encouragement.
Loved this: when you tell the truth about your life, not everyone makes it out unscathed. People get hurt, and so do you. You got me thinking when you said ask yourself “what was God doing there”? I will be pondering that question for a while!
Blessings 🙂
While in the moment painful and frustrating, I’m thankful for the challenging times of my story… because it was only when I was looking back, that I saw God was at work and pursuing me the whole time!
Looking forward to reading this book. Love the title.
I doubt I will write a book but I do have a blog that people read through the world. Not many comments as other blogs but it reaches people who found it. Hopefully it’s helped them in life. Your book sounds good.
This sounds like an amazing book – I can’t wait to read it.
Very inspiring. Thank you for sharing.