About the Author

Rachel Marie Kang is the author of Let There Be Art and The Matter of Little Losses. A writer of poems, prose, and other pieces, she is founder of The Fallow House and the Social Media & Guest Post Manager for (in)courage. Connect with her at rachelmariekang.com.

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  1. Ohhhhhhh yes. This is something I need to come to terms with. Most of my anxiety is about my people and the things only God can control.

  2. How it happens over and over. I prayed this morning before I started my day for God to watch over and guide those in my life that need his love and guidance. My heart was heavy with their needs which I am helpless to “make right”. Your morning message reinforced what my heart directed me to do. This happens on so many mornings. Your morning messages have become a part of my morning ritual. Thank you incourage.me. I appreciate your positive impact on my day.

  3. Thank you Rachel for putting what I often feel into words. I am learning not to stress over every little thing and to let God have those situations and people, instead of me trying to fix things. I know that God’s way is the very best way, thanks for the reminder to step aside and let God work!

  4. I love this, Rachel! My daughters are grown, but I still want to fix everything. I cannot. but God can!

  5. I recently signed up to receive the in(Courage) podcast notifications, and today was my first. I’m so grateful I listened! I especially needed this message today, Monday morning, as I plan and organize my week. At the same time, my heart is heavy thinking about those whom I love; experiencing loss, fear, doubt, loneliness. Add rejection to that list, and it is what I feel, as well.
    I appreciate the reminder that I cannot wipe every tear of sadness from my loved ones’ faces. I cannot mend every broken heart. I can never reassure, comfort, and heal my own heart; the hearts of those who mean so much to me. And I’m not meant to. What a relief it is to know that there’s only one who can; THE One! Thank You, Lord, for the gift of refreshment for my soul! And the knowledge that You, and You alone, can meet all the needs of those on my heart this morning. What a friend we have in Jesus. I needed this reminder today. This very moment.

    • Rebecca, I’m standing right there with you — torn between wanting to fix it all and yet knowing and trusting that only God can. I love your reminder, too. What a friend we have in Jesus. Amen, amen. Grace to you this week as you show up in all the ways you need to, while also releasing the ones you love into God’s care <33

  6. Oh Rachel, I feel your pain, the need to cry, the tears chocked back. The feeling of total helplessness in a world, including our own tiny spaces and tiny souls, that we so long to fix, to comfort, to make perfect! Sometimes, i could sit and cry forever for all the world, for everything wrong, every pain, every worry. I loooved your quote and will note it to read for the future tears I know will come. Beautiful and oh such a touching post! Thank You for putting into words, exactly the way I feel!

  7. Rachel,

    Women want to fix everything. We want our friends & loved ones to be content & happy. It is hard to see them sad & wanting things or life changes we can’t give them. The best idea is to give it over to Jesus. Pray about everything & let God catch those tears in a bottle.

    Blessings 🙂