What is your weapon of choice? Mine is holding a grudge. Well, it used to be.
When I felt a sense of injustice or felt wronged by someone, I whipped my bitterness and resentment into an anger-fueled grudge. I employed my grudge like a weapon of war, designed to destroy my offender and protect me. I got really comfortable with my weapon. I could aim a grudge toward someone for years! Like a skilled marksman with focused concentration, I fixed my grudge on the target. I would think, ‘This is payback for what they did’ or ‘I’ll make sure this never happens again!’
However, weaponizing my feelings of bitterness, anger, and resentment became an attack on myself. As I harbored grudges, my focus became fixated on the past, reliving the hurtful events over and over again. This mental and emotional burden restricted my ability to think clearly. Grudges kept me trapped in a cycle of negativity, draining my joy and hindering my ability to embrace the abundant life Christ has promised. My capacity to create and receive abundance was smothered by the weight of my weapon. Essentially, holding onto grudges hindered my spiritual growth and stifled my creativity.
Negative emotions – anger, resentment, bitterness – consumed my mental and emotional energy, leaving no room for creative thinking, reimagining, and problem-solving. Psychology research backs up what I experienced. When our mind is preoccupied with negative thoughts and emotions, there is no room for generating new ideas. Concentrating on keeping my target in the crosshairs colored my perception and limited my ability to see other perspectives and possibilities. Nursing negative feelings fosters a defensive, judgmental mindset which staves off resilience and a willingness to learn from trials. Holding onto grudges can also contribute to mental rigidity, where we become stuck in our own perspectives and beliefs.
Hiding behind my weapon became unbearable when I realized that I was not keeping myself safe – I was actually keeping myself stuck. I hate feeling stuck!
The apostle Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, urges us to release negative emotions and destructive behaviors from our lives. He encourages us to “get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice” (Ephesians 4:31). These words resonated with me, reminding me that holding onto grudges, using them as weapons against others, hindered my own liberty and suppressed my ability to be creative.
However, as a follower of Christ, I had access to a better way. I had a choice. I chose to lay down my weapon. I chose to surrender – to let go of grudges. And when I made the conscious effort to release it, I created space in my heart and mind for something beautiful to flourish — creativity. Now, when I feel myself fashioning negative emotions into a weapon, I recall Isaiah’s prophecy:
“They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.”
Isaiah 2:4
The imagery of beating swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks symbolizes a transformation of weapons of war into tools of agriculture, growth, and flourishing. This metaphor suggests that resources and skills once devoted to war and destruction will instead be used for peaceful and productive purposes. The act of turning weapons of war into tools for farming also implies a shift from violence and aggression to peaceful coexistence and cooperation.
So for me, instead of fashioning a weapon of defense, I choose to make a conscious effort to cultivate seeds of creativity.
As we relinquish grudges and embrace creativity, we align ourselves with God’s heart. We reflect His creative character. By sowing seeds of creativity, we become vessels of God’s grace, demonstrating His transformative power to a perpetually hungry world. In this process, not only do we experience personal growth, but we also contribute to creating healed and restored relationships and communities. When we release grudges, we make room for God’s transformative work within us, allowing His love and grace to flow through every aspect of our lives, including how and what we create.
When we let go of grudges, our hearts and minds are renewed. We experience the freedom to dream, explore, and create. Walls that hinder the outpouring of our talents, gifts, and abilities collapse. Laying down our weapons unlocks our creative potential, enabling us to express ourselves authentically, and positively impact the world around us.
Today, let us examine our hearts and identify any weapons we may be holding onto. Let us bring them before the Lord, seeking His guidance and strength to release them. As we choose to let go, let us invite the Holy Spirit to ignite our creativity, infusing every area of our lives with renewed inspiration, innovative thinking, and a passion to make a positive difference.
Holy Spirit, I come before You today, acknowledging the burden of grudges I have been carrying. I confess that holding onto these negative emotions has hindered my creativity and prevented me from fully experiencing Your love and grace. I surrender my weapons to You and ask for Your strength and guidance to release them. Awaken my creativity, Lord, and help me use it to bring glory to Your name. Amen.
Well said. I am now examining what my weapon is. And it may be more than one. Lots to think about this day.
You’re welcome. Thank you for reading. Yes, the more we de-weaponize every area of our lives, the more energy we can dedicate to fulfilling our creative nature. I believe we were created to create in the likeness of our Creator!
Thank you, Lucretia! I needed these words!
You’re welcome. Thank you for reading. Yes, the more we de-weaponize every area of our lives, the more energy we have to dedicate to fulfilling our creative nature. I believe we were created to create in the likeness of our Creator!
This is a wonderful article. Powerful words to help the transformation of our hearts.
You’re welcome. Thank you for reading. Yes, I agree — the more we de-weaponize every area of our lives, the more energy we have to dedicate to fulfilling our creative nature. I believe we were created to create in the likeness of our Creator!
Thank you for these uplifting words. In this world may my weapons of choice be the fruit of the Spirit.
Hi Maura!
You’re welcome. Thank you for reading. Yes, the more we de-weaponize every area of our lives, the more energy we have to dedicate to fulfilling our creative nature. I believe we were created to create in the likeness of our Creator!
Beautifully said. Thank you for reminding us to forgive others- just as He has forgiven us. Life can be and is beautiful when we embrace and share the love of the Father at all times.
Hi mom!
You’re welcome. Thank you for reading. Yes, the more we de-weaponize every area of our lives, the more energy we have to dedicate to fulfilling our creative nature. I believe we were created to create in the likeness of our Creator!
I love this! Thank you Lucretia xoxo \0/
Hi Janet!
I’m so glad this resonated with you. Thank you for reading. Yes, the more we de-weaponize every area of our lives, the more energy we have to dedicate to fulfilling our creative nature. I believe we were created to create in the likeness of our Creator!
I simply love this article. It relates me to what is going on at my church. There are so many
Grudges and negative feelings going on and it is stifling our growth. Some can see it,
but others think they are right. What can a person do? This article needs to be shared..
Thank YOU!
HI Frances!
I’m so glad this resonated with you. Thank you for reading. Yes, the more we de-weaponize every area of our lives, the more energy we have to dedicate to fulfilling our creative nature. I believe we were created to create in the likeness of our Creator!
Happy Friday Everyone,
I is very sobering to realize that I have been holding some emotional and mental grudges against “life” because I thought I was doing everything “the right way” but not seeing the outcomes I expected.
I can’t put a label or name to what I was feeling or what I felt was lacking from my life or my marriage. I believe it was simply peace of mind. I believe that joyfulness is always a part of our spiritual life but we try to aim for happiness which occurs with circumstances and their outcomes.
We cannot write our lives as it occurs we have to take one step at a time. Then we get to choose wisely or unwisely. It’s our choice, choose life and blessings.
We have to believe that God wants us to live our lives abundantly. This takes Faith, courage, confidence and bravery. Pray for wisdom because God will give us wisdom and their is no shame credited to us. When we accept the fact that even when negative things attack our lives, God can use those situations to shape our characters into the likeness of Christ. God is more concerned about our character traits than our comfort and leisure time benefits.
Thank you for listening and please choose well when you get the opportunity.
With Gratitude,
Your Sister in Christ
Hi Brenda!
I sincerely appreciate your words of wisdom. Thank you so much for sharing. And I’m so glad that my words resonated with you. Thank you for reading.
Yes, the more we de-weaponize every area of our lives, the more energy we have to dedicate to fulfilling our creative nature. I believe we were created to create in the likeness of our Creator!
I guess you could say I was holding a grudge about the sudden dramatic change in my job duties. I realize God gave me the job. The change from doing clerical work which I like & am good at to simply stocking 28 ICU rooms each day turned me a bit bitter. To make matters worse the boss who offered me the job & my “new boss” both moved up the ladder in corporation. It all happened quickly with no one telling me anything. Hurt feelings rose up inside me & I became someone I didn’t like. My attitude & actions were unlike me. Through listening to Christian music, watching TV preachers like Steven Furtick & attending worship services God was able to get a hold of my soul & change me. The job hasn’t changed but my attitude has. I’ve become a little more like my old self. No more grudge holding.
Blessings 🙂
Hi Beth!
I’m so glad that my words resonated with you. Thank you for reading.
I appreciate you sharing your healing journey. It is a great example of how we can be intentional and determined to de-weaponize.
And the more we de-weaponize every area of our lives, the more energy we have to dedicate to fulfilling our creative nature. I believe we were created to create in the likeness of our Creator!
Thank you for this. I sent it to my fiancé who deals with anger from his past. He also deals with baby mama drama.
Your words spoke to him tonight. Thank you for sharing.
God bless
Hi Cindy!
I’m so glad that my words are helpful. Thank you for reading and sharing.
Yes, the more we de-weaponize every area of our lives, the more energy we have to dedicate to fulfilling our creative nature. I believe we were created to create in the likeness of our Creator!
Hi Cindy!
I’m so glad that my words are helpful. Thank you for reading and sharing.
Yes, the more we de-weaponize every area of our lives, the more energy we have to dedicate to fulfilling our creative nature. I believe we were created to create in the likeness of our Creator!