Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart.
Then you will win favor and a good name
in the sight of God and man.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord and shun evil.
This will bring health to your body
and nourishment to your bones.
Proverbs 3:3-8
Even though we wish we could see all that is to come, let’s open our hands and trust God with the unknown. His goodness, love, and faithfulness continue to be true for us.
Lord, there is so much ahead of us that we can’t foresee, so much we wish we could control but can’t. We hold all the questions, desires, and longings out to You. We want to trust You, but we acknowledge that we need help with that sometimes. Help us. Thank You that we can be anchored in faith when we are tethered to You. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
How can we pray for you?
On this first Sunday in June, let’s hold space for one another in prayer. Leave a prayer request in the comments and then pray for the person who commented before you.
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I am 77 and will be traveling alone with my 3 grandchildren (two are 9 one is 12) please join me in praying that this will be a special time with them that they would see Jesus in the way I live and respond to them— especially that the girl nine-year-old would know who Jesus is an accept him as her Lord and Savior. She is not open right now. And of course, please pray for safety. Thanks
Please pray for my friend Laura who has been depressed for over two years. Please add her doctor to your prayers that she can find the proper medication and that Laura can make good decisions as well.
Thank you, so much.
I’m about to be retrenched at 51years old. Please pray for Hods hand to be on me and over my situation and that His will be done in keeping me and my family safe and provided for
My friends 36 year old son had a scooter accident in Colorado Springs CO on March 6, 2023.
Kenneth survived loss of 2 large areas of his skull (40%) to release pressure and the medically induced coma. It is now June 4…he is physically improving but his mental status and depression are stealing hope. The medical team hopes to “print a special plastic skull replacement” in a 3D printer. The surgery is planned for Wed or Thurs this week. He needs our prayers for the long term! thank you.
Sending prayers for all the commenters. May healing begin and continue to bloom for all who need extra prayers, hope, faith, and love.
A week ago today, my beloved husband Roberto went to be with our Lord. He lived with aggressive cancer for 4 years and never complained once. He always praised God in the journey. His sorrow was that he must leave me, for we had a short 4 1/2 years of marriage. Those years were so wonderful, full of love and joy. I can’t wait to join my Roberto in Heaven and worship our Father together.
Please pray for his relatives who do not know Christ and are suffering in their grief. All Robert wanted was them to be saved. Thank you.
Battling pancreatic cancer and having blood count issues prayers for healing and faith and trust.