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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. God is the only thing that satisfies the long of our hearts. As today’s reading says. We can try put out longs in worldly things. But they don’t last. They will give us that temporary fix that buzzy for so long. We have to ask ourselves the thing we are putting our fix in. Would God want us to do it. Is it making us sin do something God wouldn’t have us do as true followers of his. God will only let us do it for so long one day he stop us show us the thing we are longing in and getting that temporary fix in. Is leading us down the wrong path and away from him. That what Satan the Old Devil wants us to be doing. Satan the Old Devil will do anything to get us tempted into doing this Longing especially if not right in God’s eyes and have us sin. So we have to be so careful and think before we do it. Is it right and would it make me sin. If so say no and not do it. As it wrong in God’s eyes. Walk away from it. God will be so proud of us for not letting the Longing get to us that we give into it. We as followers of God have to do what God wants us to do. That is live as his word the Bible tell us plus pray. Everything we do and say to a world of unsaved people in our world today shows we are different as we live for Jesus. If we don’t get out reward this side of earth for doing that we will get when we go to Glory one day. We want to live like that so as the unsaved see it ask why are lives are different we can say because we live for Jesus and everything we do is about him. One time the Old Devil Satan had made have a Longing to do wrong in God’s eyes I didn’t know it was wrong and only my friend sent me her Church sermon. It showed me what I was doing was wrong. I repented of it. Asked God after listening to my Friends Church sermon she sent me. To help me never do it again and not to let the Old Devil Satan tempt me. I am so glad I did. God new to gety friend to send me that sermon from her Church to help me as it did. I changed person. Thanks to God using my friends. As God cared for me. Didn’t want me to go down the wrong path the path of sin. Doing things that are wrong in God’s eyes. I say Amen to that. Love today’s reading. Keeping you all incourage in my prayers. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx ❣️

  2. Amen! My heart and my soul are yearning for my God! I know He is the only ONE who can fill the empty hole that is in my heart! I need more of Thee, less of me.

  3. In Courage,

    Society tells us to have more, be more, do more, etc. Advertisers try to tempt us with the latest products. Making us believe we are missing out if we don’t have them. I’ve realized that these are only temporary fixes. Sure they make us happy, but not for long. Only Jesus & doing His will can truly satisfy our souls longings.

    Blessings 🙂