About the Author

Melissa Zaldivar is a social in the world of academics and an academic in the world of socials. She's an author and podcast host with a BA in Communications and an MA in Theology. She loves a good sandwich, obscure history, and wandering around New England antique shops.

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  1. Amen! One of my best friends is 93. I have know her since she was 68 and I was in my 40s. She and I eat dinner together almost every night since my husband died over 11 years ago. I feel like she saved my life. I have thought about writing a book about her life because I am awestruck at all she has lived through. I am so blessed that she is in my life! Thanks for reminding us of how much richer our lives can be with these people in our lives!

  2. You are blessed to have these seasoned relationships! I too have many of them. Gods had me in many many of them since I worked in a home for the aged at 15-18. Then my career as a hairdresser drew many more to me and now as I’m a grandmother of 11 I still have many elderly in my church I admire and respect as my friends.. and guess what? They love younger moms and dads especially when they’re own families are living elsewhere.. I still am a caretaker for a visually hearing and seeing friend… she like the mother of mine who is in heaven and I listen to her wisdom and her kindness and her pace is showing me how to rest in the faithfulness of God.. I know Melissa you are a light to your friends and port in their storms on the days they sit through them..blessings to and through you

  3. Oh, Melissa…


    Do you know I work at a retirement community? This population inspires and amazes me every single day. To see men and women thriving in their 70s, 80s, and, yes, 90s, seeds hope for my future. To value their experience is just smart. But beyond that, there’s a depth and breadth to their wisdom that only comes with age. That you see and celebrate your older friends will help others to go and do likewise.


  4. What a beautiful article today ! I long for the words of our elders … I worked with the elderly for years and their words of wisdom always have a special place in my heart! So much love and joy they have to share!

  5. A different perspective of an article and a welcomed one. Thank you for this, it was refreshing

  6. Amen! I have a sweet friend in her 80’s who is such an inspiration to me. She moved recently and is searching for a new church home. Her desire is to be where the Lord can use her. She just wants to continue to serve Him all the days of her life, even as her vision and her body are failing her. I want to be like her!

  7. A lot of folks I worked with and others who know me through school or church have never understood my continued involvement in a fraternal organization that is made up primarily of our elderly population. Well, these folks in this organization have been my family and supported me through tough times and good times. We have laughed, cried, traveled, talked, met on zoom during Covid, and reconnected since COViD at in person gatherings. Their stories, their love, and their legacies inspire me, especially since my own parents and in laws are deceased. Love your perspective, thanks so much for sharing!

  8. Up until I was 10 yrs old, I was surrounded by extended family. I loved hearing my family reminisce.

    My parents were musically talented. They took us to nursing homes occasionally, to play for the people, & we all would sing a special song too. Afterwards, we’d visit those Bed-bound people, who hadn’t been able to attend our performance. I loved learning about those people’s stories, & letting them know someone cared to.

    You’re right to say, if we slow down & listen, senior citizens have good wisdom & stories to share. I developed a love of History from listening to older people’s stories!

  9. It’s impossible to put into words (and for a “old” writer that’s saying a lot) how greatly this post touched my heart today. I almost missed it, but God wanted to make sure I didn’t hit delete without reading it on this hectic day. Sending you a prayer of continued blessing on your ministry of beautiful words and a virtual hug, Melissa. Not a hugger by nature, that’s a huge expression of gratitude for me!

  10. Melissa,

    The silent generation does have a lot to say about peace, commitment & kindness. I should know. Most of my friends are in their 60s-80s. They are fun to be around. I call them often to check up on them. One Sunday after church I took a good friend to Wendys for her birthday. We sat & talked for about 1 hr. What most people don’t understand is that they can get lonely. Two of my friends are widows. Alone at home most of the time. I do my best to call them. Firstly, they make me laugh. They change my mood quickly. Older people know how to take the bumps of life & make the best of it. I enjoy them while I can. This was great!!!

    Blessings 🙂