“May the Lord of peace himself give you peace always in every way.
The Lord be with all of you.”
2 Thessalonians 3:16
Not once in a while or when you’ve proved yourself worthy. Not when you didn’t yell at your kids or complain to your spouse or talk behind your boss’s back. Not for just an hour on Sunday mornings or when you remembered to pray. But always — that is how often God’s peace is available to us.
How is this possible? Even in cancer wards and divorce court? Even when we’re flat on our face in failure or stuck in bed with depression? Yes, even then and there because the Lord of peace Himself is near.
If you have invited Jesus into your heart, to be the Savior of your soul because you know you simply can’t earn such grace on your own, then you have received the gift of the Holy Spirit. God dwells in us! How truly incredible and utterly miraculous is that?
So if God is peace and God is in you, then peace is yours. Right now. Today.
Recognizing this reality isn’t a magic wand that will change your circumstances. But it is a promise that will usher you back — again and again and again — to the person of Peace. Father God, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit.
Yes, the Lord be with all of you.
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In Courage,
I know there is no way I could live this life down here without the peace, grace & mercy of Almighty God. He alone has seen me through some trials. Right now He is working on my behalf. Praise to God for the peace He gives so freely. Than you Jesus for taking the punishment & dying a horrible death for my sins!
Blessings 🙂
Amen, Beth!