It was nearly pitch black — despite being past nine o’clock in the morning — as I drove the long highway into town for a dentist appointment. Only the beam of my headlights allowed me to see the next few feet in front of me. There weren’t even any street lights to light the way.
During the deepest part of winter in the interior of Alaska, the sun doesn’t peek above the horizon until nearly noon. Even then, it swiftly runs back into hiding just a couple of hours later. This near-constant darkness is disorienting at first, but it’s amazing how quickly it becomes normal. Many people head to work or school in the dark and return home without ever having seen the light of day.
That day, as I drove to town in the blustery blackness, I was unaware of just how accustomed to the lack of sunlight I had become. I fully expected to drive home in that same darkness, so when I climbed back into the car, I was not looking for the light. But as I pulled onto the highway, I was suddenly stunned by the beautiful scene surrounding me. Sprawling fields stretched on for miles under a blanket of freshly fallen snow, glistening in the light. Majestic mountain peaks towered in the distance, painted in pastel pinks and blues, all lit up golden by the morning sun. Suddenly, I could see!
Like a long winter, the darkness of the world we live in can wear on our souls and obscure our vision. We grow discouraged by endless responsibilities and setbacks, by sin and sadness and a world that seems to be growing darker by the day. We keep marching onward, of course. But, because we’ve been living under a cloud of darkness for so long, eventually we start to forget that a future filled with joy and light is not only possible but promised. We wonder, Is something better really coming?
When you’ve been living in darkness, the light is a miracle. My spirit soared on that drive home as unexpected rays shone down on my face and illuminated the world around me. It reminded me that the sun does, in fact, still exist! It was a declaration to my weary heart that summer will come and, when it does, everyone who lives in places like Alaska where the winter feels a little too long will breathe a collective, soul-deep sigh of relief and race joyfully out to soak up every bit of sunshine they can.
In summer, God mercifully sends an extra dose of sunlight to Alaska to contrast with the months of darkness — we will have sunlight nearly twenty-four hours a day! There will be midnight baseball games and tee time at two in the morning. We’ll enjoy wild blueberries ripe for the picking, salmon rushes, and kids staying up way past their bedtimes to play outside with friends. The sun will be the star of the show and, after trudging through life without it, it’ll feel like all we need. Even spectacular things, such as fireworks, will lose their allure and be stored away for darker months.
No other light can hold a candle to the sun. No other light but Jesus, that is.
The Bible promises that, because of Jesus, a brighter day is coming for us — a day so bright that we won’t even need the sun anymore!
“The sun will no more be your light by day,
nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you,
for the Lord will be your everlasting light,
and your God will be your glory.
Your sun will never set again,
and your moon will wane no more;
the Lord will be your everlasting light,
and your days of sorrow will end.”
Isaiah 60:19-20
Isaiah tells us that on that day, in the presence of the light of the Lord, we will finally be able to see, and our hearts will swell with joy! Malachi, too, echoes this promise:
“But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with
healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves.”
Malachi 4:2
There is an ache we all feel as we lumber on through a world where it feels like the darkness of sin and death has gone on too long. We long for the light of heaven — and it is coming! More surely than the rising of the sun, one day soon you and I will breathe an enormous, eternal sigh of relief as the weight we’ve been carrying our whole lives falls away. We will run like children (or baby cows!) into the joys the Lord has planned for us since the beginning of time. We will bask in the brightness and warmth of Jesus who will be the only light we need — and the night will be no more.
For now, the darkness that surrounds us is pervasive. Still, we also know it is temporary. With the glorious hope of endless day secured for us by the God who always keeps his promises, we need not succumb to despair. Instead, let us hold onto hope and live as children of the light as we wait just a little while longer for the coming of the dawn.
“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.”
Hebrews 10:23
We’re planning a trip to Alaska this summer —purposely scheduled to capture the season of abundant light and avoid the long darkness!
Oh, wonderful, Michele! I hope you are refreshed by the beauty of this amazing place! And I hope we all experience it in our own places, too, because we can find it, and encounter God, wherever we are.
Jennifer, this story is as captivating as is the truth in it. Thank you for giving us a glimpse into your world…and reminding us of the truth that is ours!
Thank you, Rachel. I love how the world around us reflects aspects of God’s truth and his character!
I’m so glad it encouraged you.
Like a small child lying in darkness in their bed, waiting for mommy or daddy to come in and turn on the light and say that “it’s ok don’t be afraid”. Or a child told to eat their vegetables, then they can have the joy of a large cookie. Let’s be humble and realize we are those children. We too are waiting for the goodness and safety of our Savior’s arms!
What a powerful image, Trina. Thank you for sharing!
Those of you in Alaska must understand the dark and light so much better when than the rest of us. How much more you must relate to the Day when we live in the Light all the time! Thanks for your insight. In describing your times of darkness and light I can see the waiting and the joy of Jesus so much clearer.
Courtney, I’m so glad it helped you see it, too. I love how these metaphors for our spiritual lives are built in all around us! He is so good.
Thank you Jennifer for this brilliant word. We are to be light shining if saved in the dark world for Jesus. So as people especially the unsaved can see the light of Jesus shining in us and want what we have. That is Jesus as their Saviour too. “Jesus bin a shine like a pure light you in your small corner and I in mine.” How true that song is Jesus is our clear pure light that shines through us in our corner of the world where we live for him. You in you corner of the world and you in yours if saved. We can light the part of the world we live in with the light of Jesus living in us no matter were we go. So as the unsaved can see the light of Jesus shining in and through us. We can live as Children of the light. Jesus is Our Father who helps us live as Children of light for him. Especially in this world full of darkness. I say Amen to that. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little in my prayers incourage xx
You sound like you are just full of that light, Dawn. (And what a fitting name you have!)
Thank you for your kind comment. What you wrote spoke to me. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
As a fellow Alaskan I find this reminder very encouraging. Especially since we are now in our last 3 months of winter!!
Doesn’t it being such a feeling of lightness when the light comes back?
I remember driving to work on a raf base in England, when I was in the US Air Force, 1977 in winter and it was dark when I left. Rarely out during the day except getting mail. 45 minutes to get there and back to our flat where my husband and I lived. It came mind when I read your story. Safe travel most of the time. First day I arrived was dark as well riding in a bus with a few other people in USAF. Two men I remember.
Viewing places with lights in the streets are different than when it’s daylight. Being on a different lane made me think bus would hit something. I made myself be aware we were on the correct side there instead roads in USA. Always something to be thankful for in life as Jesus is always with us wherever we are.
We enjoyed being in Alaska late Aug 2021. Beautiful. I wish we’d stayed there few days longer. A lovely world God created. God bless!
Thanks for sharing these memories, Becky. The darkness can be so disorienting, can’t it? Everything looks different in the light.
Our world seems so dark these days. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of happiness out there. We must remember the truth & hope that is in Jesus.
My world got turned upside down Nov,. 2021. My hospital unit I was working got shut down (clerical). They moved me to a Covid unit. Dec. 2021 they hired me full time. I was ecstatic. Know full well that this had come from God. All was well until last fall. The other clerical quit suddenly. My job changed to stocking 28 ICU rooms. No longer doing much clerical work. On my feet most of a 10 hr. shift. It got dark for me in Dec. 2022 when I developed a trigger finger. Cried a ton. But God in His infinite mercy saw me through that time. He has given me hope in the form of my husband & some job interviews with a different company. Yes even though it is flurrying outside today there is a light within my soul. Life seems a bit better now & I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Blessings 🙂
You’ve been through a lot, Beth. I’m so glad you have held onto hope and are beginning to feel lighter. It really is going to get better, completely, because of Jesus. Blessings to you.
Beautifully written and heartfelt Jennifer. Thank you for reminding us of the true light that is coming.
Thanks, Ruth! What a marvelous hope we share.
Thank you so much for this reminder and encouragement. We had a sudden and unexpected death in the family three weeks ago, and it has been a very dark time. This post has stayed with me for the past few days because I need to constantly remember the truths you shared from God’s Word.
Lord, please shine Your healing light of hope on Rachel and her family during this dark time. Continue to comfort her with Your Word and Your promises, which can be counted on, even when everything else is shaken.
Thank you for reminding us that there is always hope.