About the Author

Grace P. Cho is a Korean American writer, poet, and speaker. She believes telling our stories can change the world, and desires to elevate women of color’s voices in the publishing industry. Learn more at @gracepcho and gracepcho.com.

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  1. Grace, That is so true about heading to the kitchen to do anything after all stressed spelled backwards is dessert. Jesus often fed people so I really think preparing any kind of food is calming. My dearest girlfriend is Chinese & lives in San Francisco & I often worry about her; but my kitchen & I are good friends :o) God bless you!

  2. This is so beautiful and so simple. Thank you for this reminder. In the midst of all the chaos, God meets me in the simple ordinary places and reminds me of His love and care.

  3. It is a struggle to understand this world but how to fix, well, i am at a loss. I try to be that instrument of peace as the song goes. I try to be kind and caring and hope maybe in my little world those around are safe. I also am a big fan of Fred Rogers. So when bad things happen, I look for the helpers.

  4. I love this and it’s a good reminder that God is in the simple ordinary daily things we do to nurture and care for those we love.

  5. Grace, this post so reverberates with me! I will remember this coping device when I feel overwhelmed with living life. Thank you!

  6. Remember you are a child of God and HIS LOVE does endure forever. Hold onto HIM and the beautiful loving people around you. HIS ARMS holds each of us and guides us in HIS WAYS whatever our journey. Blessings for your beautiful devotions and prayers for all

  7. Thank you Grace. I needed this. I am overwhelmed with immense sadness over the state of our country and the world. The evil that is so overwhelming. Sometimes I feel alone with how I feel. That’s when I know I need God the most!

    • Yes, it’s been helpful for me to remember that this world has been through hard things before, and so I can persevere knowing others have done it before me.

  8. All of the violence that is happening around us daily, sometimes hourly hurts me so much. I truly don’t understand how our country has changed for the worse so quickly. God made each of us, and we all bleed the same color…so why does the color of our skin, or our ethnicity matter at all. I remember God, tells us to pray for our enemies, but also that love will wax cold. I have had to put all of it into God’s hands and remember that He is control. But I do pray for all the children and what it may be like for them, when they become young adults. I pray for a revival and I pray for God to come back and get us soon…thank you for speaking about this, Grace. I receive several devotions every day, and no one ever mentions this…but I know that it affects so many with fear, anxiety, concern. But its like if we don’t acknowledge it, its not happening or will just go away. I just pray about it all…and try to show everyone I pass a smile, a kindness, compassion and respect. The devil as a roaring lion is devouring more and more into his darkness. It seems he is winning the battle, but it is God who will win this war! Even so, Lord come soon.

  9. Thank you for allowing God to use you in blessing others lives.
    It’s not a easy task but so necessary. Wisdom is very valuable. May God continue to bless you in your ministry. I’m encouraged by your insights.

  10. Grace,

    This world is so full of hatred & distrust. The noise & din on social media can really get to me. I choose not to participate in all that. I simply go about my day loving on those around me & praying for those whose lives are disrupted by violence & hatred. Often times I turn on Christian music or Steven Furtick (TV preacher). Keeping God’s word in my heart. When I get frustrated at work I can usually bring up a song in my mind & start meditating on it whilst doing my job.

    BTW I love to cook. On weekends I can be found in kitchen making up some creations for the work week.

    Blessings 🙂