I’ve been falling in love with daily walks and the way the rhythm of my feet moves my heart to the rhythm of prayer. And by prayer, I mean just a conversation with Jesus.
I talk to Him about the topic of a podcast I’ve just listened to or about the beauty I’m noticing around me — sunlight streaming through oak trees or a slight breeze waving the fronds of California palms. As my feet move along sunny sidewalks and down narrow paths, I tell Jesus what’s on my mind, ask Him questions, and wait for His reply.
It was during one of these conversations that I told Jesus I want to experience more of Him this year. I desire to understand His love for me – and for others – more fully. I want to be fully aware of His ways and His workings. I didn’t have an immediate revelation or hear an audible voice speaking back to me. But I knew Jesus was with me. And it was enough to just be with Him.
As I was nearing the end of my walk, a neighbor came to mind, a mom who lived around the corner from us. With the morning sun warm on my face, I heard in my spirit, Stop and talk to her. And tell her that I love her.
Now understand, the woman who had popped into my thoughts was nice and friendly — but we weren’t friends. We had waved hello and made small talk. But all I really knew about her was that her family had moved from another state a couple years back and she had five kids. In my book, that’s the kind of person you chat with in the driveway, not the kind whose doorbell you ring mid-morning for no real reason other than to say, “God told me to tell you He loves you.”
So the internal uncertainty began. Did Jesus really say that? Was that my own voice? Am I just trying to manifest my own “Jesus experience”?
As I wrestled with my thoughts and asked God to bring clarity to my mind, here’s what I realized:
It actually didn’t matter whether Jesus specifically told me to stop and talk to this neighbor or not. Because He had already said it in the past. To me. To you. To all of us. “Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other” (John 13:34).
My heart thumped a bit faster. Did I feel awkward ringing someone’s doorbell without an obvious reason to be there? Yep! Was I also aware that this woman and her family seemed to be firmly established in a different set of religious beliefs than I was? Uh-huh.
But here’s the deal: Awkwardness and differences are not reasons to ignore Jesus.
And Jesus said again, “This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you” (John 15:12).
Rounding the final bend before reaching my neighbor’s house, I considered the many ways Jesus loves me. He loves me with compassion. He loves me with truth, discernment, provision, joy, and peace. But at the top of my list? He loves me with His presence. Just being together, knowing He is available, attentive, and interested in what concerns me – yes, that’s one of the deepest ways I know His love.
Yes, I can love someone else in that same way.
I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. The husband answered and invited me in. His wife sat at the kitchen table feeding the baby his morning cereal. She apologized for the state of her hair and clothes and home while offering me a seat at the table.
“I was on my way home from a walk,” I explained, “and I thought of you. So, I decided to just stop by and say hello.”
Simple. Honest. And she was genuinely happy I did.
We spent the next thirty minutes chatting about holiday travels and kids starting sports soon. I made silly faces at her smiley one-year-old and rolled a slobbery ball (his saliva, not mine) back and forth across the table. I asked her what it’s been like to live far away from family and if California feels like home yet. I told her about my job and how much I love our recent weather. She shared about the gift of her church and how she likes listening to uplifting podcasts. It was the simple beginning of what I hope to be a new friendship.
When I stood up to leave, I hugged the mama with the messy bun and baby on her hip, and she sincerely thanked me for stopping by.
“Well, thank you for letting me intrude on your day,” I said. “It was so great to hang out for a bit and get to know you better.” Then I took a deep breath and added, “Also, as I was walking, I felt like God wanted me to tell you that He loves. He sees you and is with you, right now.”
She hugged me again. “Thank you. I really needed to hear that today.”
Dear sister, maybe you need those words today too.
God loves you. He sees you. He is with you right now.
Or maybe you need the reminder that it’s always the right time to love someone the way God is so good at loving you. Don’t let uncertainty or awkwardness or perceived differences keep you from a simple step of love.
Awwwwww….that’s a wonderful moment! We definitely all need that sometimes.
Yes! And I was so grateful afterward to be a part of it with Jesus.
Wow! You are amazing. I’m sure not only would I hear what God is telling, I am not sure I’d have the courage to listen.
Madeline, I’m praying for all of us to grow in our willingness and ability to listen for God’s voice and courage to follow His lead. It definitely takes practice, but God is so patient and kind to keep walking with us.
As I look at my pocket planner each block bleeds with appointments, deadlines & routine of our life & commitments. How can it possibly be February!?! Yet your statement “It’s always the right time to love someone the way God is so good at loving you.” jumped off the page. That should be what bleeds off the page of my planner. Always offering kindness, compassion & love as He has given me even as I run what appears to be willy nilly thru those appointments. He is so good, He makes it possible that I am not too busy to share even when it seems like I am. Thanks for your words this am, Becky! Blessings! (((0)))
Yes, Ruth! May we all make margin in our lives so that God’s love and kindness is what bleeds off the pages of our planners! Amen!
Thank you for your words of wisdom.
Thank you for sharing them.
Thank God for you. Thank you that you listen to Him, and do His will.
Thank you that you have courage.
You are star!
Veronica, I so appreciate your kind words and encouragement! Blessings to you today, sister.
Beautiful! I struggled many times with, “is that my mind or God speaking to me?!” I think sometimes when we ‘feel’ something tugging at us we see it as the Holy Spirit guiding us. Besides whether God was telling us to do it or not when the something is tugging at us is a good thing, it doesn’t matter. We all need to feel loved, to give love, to share love.
Yes! It’s never a bad idea to love well.
Becky, thank you for this encouragement, and for including the details of your conversation. I too am feeling the nudge to connect with my neighbors, one in particular. But as with you, we are not friends, just front yard acquaintances, so I’ve been uncomfortable about ringing her doorbell to initiate a visit. I know she’s had some health issues and I have been feeling like I need to check on her. You’ve encouraged me to push myself out of my comfort zone and reach out with the love of Jesus. Thank you!
Gail, I’m praying for you today as you follow that nudge and reach out to your neighbor. You risk feeling awkward, but the reward of being obedient to Christ and helping someone else feel cared for and seen is so very worth it! AND He goes with you!
I love this, Becky! You were brave. And obedient!
Thank you, Irene!
Becky, I rarely get up early before work but I did this morning. While grabbing breakfast before I finish getting ready, I read this blog. When I got to this part, “God loves you. He sees you. He is with you right now”, well… after reading those words… I’m crying right now. My mom is elderly, but she is dying (from frailty with dementia) and it’s been a rough couple of weeks. Thank you.♥️
Stephanie, you are so loved! Deeply grateful to know the reminder of God’s kindness and with-ness reached you today through my story. I’m so sorry for all you’re going through with your mom. Praying you feel the Lord’s presence comforting you and sustaining you each moment. He’s there.
I appreciate your sharing that we’re to take action when prompted by the Holy Spirit. It’s not easy, but, obedience is so crucial
to be a blessing to someone. Recently, I emailed my pastor to uplift and encourage him, as it’s been a difficult year for my church.
His response made me feel blessed, as he needed that encouraging email.
We’re living in a world where people are not connecting due to busy lives. Hence, it’s a great reminder to be attentive to the LORD,
and share HIS Love with them.
Thanks, Becky.
Shanta, what a gift to you and your pastor that you followed the Spirit’s leading and sent that email. I love that! Thanks for your words this morning.
Such a sweet and uplifting example of the little things we can do, that may be great blessing to another! Where ever i go, in a parking lot or into a store, I smile! You would be surprised how many smile back, and smiles have lead to many sweet conversations! And I always come out smiling bigger than when I went in! Offering a smile may not seem like a very big or important ministry, but you never know when your smile might be a light to another’s heart!
“We may never do any great thing, but we can do little things with great love.” Mother Teresa
Blessings and smiles to everyone commenting and to you too, Becky! Smiling for Jesus!
Becky ,
My husband and I just moved 1000 miles from where we lived in Maine. I walk or ride my bike daily just to try to meet folks. We’ve been here for 9 months now and I’m not going to say it’s been easy. People are nice, say hello, but that’s as far as it goes. How I would have loved a visit from you! Thank you for your obedience. I teared up when your neighbor said how much she needed to hear from God through you. I always look forward to reading what you have to say. Thank you again!
That means so much, Dee. Thank you. Praying for you today.
Too often we feel that people we don’t know really well can’t understand how God can speak through us to speak to their unrealized needs. Thank you for sharing what we should instinctively realize.
That was such a heart warming story. Sometimes when I go on (what I call) a free my mind walk I get some of the greatest ideas and think of specific people too. Usually I end up calling them on the phone, but maybe I am supposed to be more personal and stop by. Thanks for sharing this amazing story!
My pastor calls those nudges “ah ha” moments. When they come to you just do them. You will be blessed as will the recipient. On one occasion my pastor & his wife were getting ready to move her mom down here. Knowing they would be strapped for time & energy. I took it upon myself to make a big chicken pot pie & cranberry orange bread. My way of showing them God’s love.
I work as ICU clerical in local hospital. Each day as I enter the rooms I try to make conversation with the family. Offering to help them or letting them know I pray for them. Another way I show God’s love to this world.
Blessings 🙂