About the Author

A three-time tongue cancer survivor and mama of children from “hard places," Michele Cushatt is a (reluctant) expert on pain, trauma and the deep human need for connection. Her most recent book, "Relentless: The Unshakeable Presence of a God Who Never Leaves", wrestles with the dogged presence and affection of...

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  1. Sage advice, for sure. My husband used to say, “the faster I go, the behinder I get”. I tend to do it all myself even before I became a widow, and then when things go awry, I go to God. I know I need to go to God first. I know I need to stop and be quiet. And yet it is not the first way I usually approach things. I seem to choose the busyness over submission. Time to learn to do “still”.

  2. January of 2020: one beautiful Sunday I was out doing errands. A few days later I took an extremely bad fall in my kitchen. My head survived; no concussion. Both legs and one arm were fine. My left arm however, was in tremendous pain. As bad as the pain was concern over anxiety did not allow me to go to the emergency room. My arm proceeded to turn all shades of purple. Had a virtual doctor’s appointment but again anxiety led me to not make an appointment as I felt that doctor was too far away. My husband managed to find a local doctor who could do xrays in his office and I was finally diagnosed with a fractured shoulder. I chose not to have surgery but rather wore a sling for several weeks. This impacted not only my household but also my Mom who was depending on me due to the Pandemic. To add insult to injury my husband had to call the rescue squad because a few days after my fall I fell getting out of bed and due to the pain in my arm I could not get up. Self care went by the wayside. Fortunately with time and the sling my fracture healed. When the sling finally came off even putting my hair in a ponytail was a challenge as was washing dishes and transferring them to dish drainer; also hanging wash outside to dry (yes we have a dryer but part of my personality is using an outdoor clothes line) Next step physical therapy. Able to do most of that virtually. As it got closer to my 65th birthday I was able to go back to a more normal life although I did have to remember at first not to lift anything too heavy which was a bit challenging at the grocery store. One thing, we had a terrible winter, lots of snow, so I may have made choices to stay home more than go out. I am thankful that two years later I am able to use my arm as God my heavenly father intended. I am also thankful that right now I don’t even remember the date of that fall. And, last year I was alone in the house one day, took another fall but did not injure myself and carried on with my plans for the day. I hope this post gives hope to anyone who has an injury that disrupts their life. I did not share on Facebook about my fall until I was into the healing process.

    • Thank you for sharing your story. I identify with many parts of this story. It is so difficult to be “still” and wait on the Lord’s total healing.
      My motto is: “I will never fall again.” I am sure the Lord chuckles, yet many times He prevents me from disaster.
      Peace and love to you this day.

  3. I wrote my comment but it is gone.
    But thank you for giving me a focus for next weeks’ Women’s Retreat at Camp Huston Episcopal church camp in Gold Bar , WA. My daughter will be with me to pray, receive, and rest. Thanks to your words of encouragement. Amen

  4. AMEN! OH I needed that message! Thank you! And if you’ve got time please send some prayers for my Mama and me to The Throne of Jesus please. 🙂

    • Jesus, you know what Amy and her mama need right now. Be their healer, deliverer, counselor, savior. Do what only you can do, for your great glory and their peace. In your name, Amen.

  5. Oh Michele, thank you so much for this post! I am always trying to do everything under my own power and failing miserably. The prayers you provided actually got through to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  6. Your included prayers are meaningful. May you heal quickly with the power of Gods presence over you.

  7. Thank you for sharing your story today. When it comes to my body, rebellion is my name.
    I am weak, but Jesus is strong.

    I am 75, and God calls me into His Rest frequently. And when I obey Jesus, that Rest is a welcomed place of praise to Him and peace for my soul.

  8. “I repent of my stubborn dependence on myself and other lesser saviors. Instead, I choose to rest in you.” – THIS hit me so hard! I have always been anxious, expecting the worst, and planning or calculating all possible scenarios in my head. None of which ever bear out. Last summer that way of being really came to a head. My anxiety was on overload and I was went looking to “other lesser saviors” for advice. That only muddied the waters even more. Instead of trusting that if God had brought me to it, he would bring me through it, I took an attitude of going it alone. Wounding someone I love very much in the process. Going it alone wasn’t the answer. But going with God was. My relationship with him has deepened in this last six months. I’m in the Word daily and learning so much about Him and what he’s already done and is willing to do on behalf. He took this awful situation and is using it for good, to bring me closer to him. God is good!

  9. Thank you for this. I sit here recovering from vertigo – no driving – cooped up and watching too much TV. Be still….rest….I don’t do this well at all. My own stubbornness/willfulness are not Godly traits. Thank you for the prayers included – God, I need you!

  10. Michele, thank you for this! I’m glad you are finally mended. My holidays were disrupted by an unrelenting cold! I was blessed that it didn’t come into full force until I had already done most of my cleaning, present buying and wrapping. I let others help with meal prep and bowed out of some chilly outings. It was okay. And, once all my company left, I let myself collapse for a day. God is good! And no one caught my bug, thankfully.

    • Glad you (and everyone else) are well now! It’s frustrating to be unable to do the normal Christmas activities as usual. But, the flip side of that is the quiet holiday was much more restful than so many years before. That was an unexpected gift.

  11. Thankyou for this post.sorry about your accident.. I had a similar experience at Christmas time and company coming from out of province. Isn’t it something how God keeps pursuing us ..yup it might even take an ankle break..
    I am going to look for your book. Even at 73 we have lots to learn about God’s plan for us. My word is “Presence” this year.
    Hope your neighbour enjoyed those treats..

  12. This concept of “giving it to God” and “rest in him” confuses me. These are Christian sayings I have heard my whole life. I’ve read hundreds of books, devotionals, listened to sermons and podcasts more than I can count… it still doest not make sense to me how we GIVE something to someone we can’t see. Whatever that things is, for me right now there are 2 major things in my life that are making me wish I wasn’t even walking on this earth, it is still impacting life in a negative way. I can’t wrap my head around what resting in God means and looks like and what giving it to God looks like.

    • Becki, I understand why it’s confusing. It is to me sometimes as well. I think a better word is “TRUST”. Do we trust that He loves us, deeply and unconditionally and fully? Do we trust that He will carry us through whatever difficult comes our way? Do we trust that He will one day restore all that is lost and heal all that is broken when we meet Him in heaven? When we trust these things to be true, we find a new type of rest. A peace that settles deep within and anchors our heart and soul and mind and strength. I hope this helps a little, friend.

  13. Your sharing is indeed such a great reminder to trust the LORD and depend only on HIM.
    Rest in HIM gives me refreshment.

    Though easier said then done, I know that the Holy Spirit and the Word of GOD will enable me to submit to HIM.
    HIS ways are always better than mine, and I have to be obedient to accept that, in order to enjoy
    HIS peace, joy and comfort.

    It’s a walk with the LORD that will be my life long journey.

  14. I have found this so much and am still amazed by it. Too often I think this will never work. Ok Lord I’ll listen and try this because your word says to but this will never work. Lo and behold it actually works. He truly knows what’s best for us. He is the perfect parent.

  15. Michele,

    It took a huge trial with my aging dad’s psych issues to build my faith & trust muscles. Losing a part-time job actually made me happy for I knew God had bigger plans for me. He put me in hospital ICU Step down unit as clerical. Loved the job. Fast forward three years He has once again changed my job. I work ICU clerical. I’m not happy with the job. Plus I made some stupid mistakes last fall. I’m learning to trust that God isn’t through writing my story. Keep on trusting that He will fix this situation in His perfect timing. I cling to Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you & not for harm. To give you a hope & a future.”

    Blessings 🙂