The world we live in doesn’t often give us a chance to slow down and catch our breath. It’s fast paced and doesn’t show signs of stopping. In many ways the slowness of the pandemic feels like a distant memory.
Life happens. And it happens again and again and again. There are trials and tests and struggles. There is loss and hurt and change.
Even as we speak, I am in the middle of a transitional season. There are decisions to be made as soon as possible. There are several questions looming over me with no apparent answer. I’m honestly at both a crossroads and a loss. I don’t know which way to go or what to do.
I don’t normally do well with change. And this situation is no different. I very much wish I could say that I’m excited about what’s to come, but I’m not. I’m a bit fearful and worried. I’m concerned about the outcome. There are a million ways this could play out . . . some of them great and some, not so much.
When unexpected seasons come my way, I often think about Peter and the disciples in Matthew 14:25-32. When Jesus was walking on the water, the disciples thought He was a ghost and even cried out in fear. I understand that all too well. Jesus told them to not be afraid and to take courage. Those were words He has spoken numerous times before. Peter locked eyes with his Savior, stepped out of the boat, and walked on the water toward his Lord. Then, He took his eyes off of Jesus and focused on the wind and the waves. Immediately, Peter began to sink. Jesus graciously rescued him in the midst of all of his doubt. This, I also understand well.
How many times am I Peter in the story? How many times are you? How often do we take our eyes off of Jesus and fix them on the natural and temporal things of the earth? How many times do we see the Lord moving and yet we still doubt?
During this Christmas season, I also think about Mary and her season of transition. She was just a girl with very little idea of the gravity of what God was asking of her. Luke 1:26-38 tells of the angel Gabriel appearing to Mary detailing how she would conceive Jesus by the Holy Spirit. She was greatly troubled at his words. Again, God’s reassurance was to not be afraid. Mary’s response was that she was the Lord’s servant and that His will should be fulfilled.
What faith did it take for both Peter and Mary to look upon Christ, to trust Him, and to obey, whether it was for a moment or a lifetime? They were both in unforeseen circumstances. They were both met with a test of their faith. They were both challenged by where they would set their attentions.
We are faced with the same decision every day. It is ridiculously easy for me to look to the right and to the left. I often pride myself on being extremely independent and self sufficient. I’m a problem solver. But, only one actually has the power to say that their word will never fail. Guess what? It’s not me.
The season of Advent is the perfect opportunity for us to slow down, remember the Lord’s faithfulness, and focus on Christ in the midst of the chaos surrounding us.
When Jesus was born, He came into the world bringing gifts to the broken, the weary, the lost, the hurting, and the confused. He came with the gift of hope. Titus 2:13 describes Jesus as our blessed hope. He is the gift of hope to the hopeless. He is the very reason why you and I can look forward knowing that His plans are for our good. He will never fail us. He is our faithful Father.
1 John 4:7-21 repeatedly tells us of all the ways in which God is love. It is because of His great love for us that He sent Jesus to save a dying world from their sin. It is through His love that we can love Him and love others. God’s love is how we can even know Him, how we are able to wait for Christ’s return. His love sustains us when the wind and the waves seem to engulf us. His love won’t let us drown.
Jesus’ birth was a great joy to Mary and Joseph and those who were foretold of His coming. There are numerous verses to speak of Jesus’ joy being made complete in us and His joy being our strength and finding joy in His presence. It is through His joy that I can consider it pure joy when I encounter trials. He is the lifter of our heads and our strong tower.
Jesus is called Prince of Peace in Isaiah 9:6. And 2 Thessalonians 3:16 calls Him the Lord of peace and then goes on to say He gives peace at all times, in every way. Repeatedly God is offering peace to His children freely. His peace is what anchors us to Himself, to His heart, and to His promises. We can rest in knowing His grace is sufficient for us no matter the thorn in our flesh.
Advent is the language of Heaven…hope, love, joy, and peace. And Jesus’ life spoke this language.
I am choosing to speak Heaven’s language throughout endless uncertainty.
I will gaze into His hope.
I will bask in His love.
I will dance in His joy.
I will rest in His peace.
If you find yourself in need of the hope, love, joy, and peace that is only found in the Lord, I’d love to pray for you!
Thank you, Karina! Such a great reminder for us at this special time of year. This morning I read this quote from John Piper. “Some things are meant to be clouds, but some things are meant to be mountains.” Even when things don’t seem like gifts, God can use anything to help us grow:)
I pray you will clearly hear from the Lord as you face these decisions on your journey.
Thank you so much Linda!!!
Beautifully written and a wonderful reminder for me. I definitely relate to what you wrote. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing Madeline!
I am praying for you as you pray for us
Thank you Marie! You’re so kind!
I am encouraged by this devotion! Thank you.
Such a wonderful time of year to slow down and ponder the “Language of Heaven.”
May Hope, Love, Joy and Peace be with all of you today and throughout this blessed season!
Amen and Amen Carolyn!!!
Thank you for the very inspiring words….
I find myself in between a rock and a hard place. Both uncomfortable, but one a little less painful than the other.
I don’t know how to move, where to move. And yet I find myself stuck in fear, unable to do anything.
I am praying for an answer to the question I have and a clear path.
I’m praying for a peaceful solution for both you and Karina! Blessings!
Thank you Cheyla!
Thank you for sharing Joanie!
Father, You see Joanie’s situation better than she can. You’ve ordered her steps. I pray you bring her wisdom, direction and peace. Holy Spirit, Your leadership is perfect. Guide her. Fill her with Your courage and boldness to be obedient to follow Your leading.
In Jesus’ Name.
Good morning Everyone,
Ten days until Christmas Day. It’s been a very long time since I smiled ahead of time about our special holidays. But this year has been hard and confusing but God has not failed me. I’m so grateful that I yield my will to God. Thank You Jesus for redeeming my life with Your Love. Thank You Holy Spirit for teaching me Truth (even through other teachers) and thank You God for Your plans for my life.
I know that I need help, Wisdom and Guidance every day. So I don’t give it a second thought when I rise from my dreams to ask for strength, protection, provisions, peace of mind, financial stability and physical health. Yes, I keep my requests before God’s Throne. I pause to say thank You Lord for waking me up. Thank You for Salvation and Shalom. Lord, I am coming boldly before You because You are my Good, Good Father and I am Your Beloved Daughter. I do search for You, I look into Your Face spiritually by trust, Hope, Faith, Love and Obedience to Your Word. I am learning to be more calm, even more thankful while I wait for You to reveal matters to me. I want to be a good student at Your Feet. I know things won’t last but my walk with You is Eternal.
Enjoy your day Everyone
Your Sister in Christ
Your Post brought me to tears as I know exactly how you feel … Thank you for putting into words the feelings I cannot bring to express on paper.
May God gives us the resolutions to all of our petitions & supplications in His Time & not ours.. Because we know, His Timing is perfect. Lord hear our prayers as we go through this Season seeking you and your ways. Help us to accept what we cannot change, but finding your wisdom in everything we do.
in Jesus Name, Amen.
Thank you Brenda for sharing!
I say Yes and Amen to your prayer! Let it be so Lord!
A beautiful reminder, thank you! Grace being enough no matter the thorn we may encounter. Powerful words, a wonderful reminder of where and on Whom to keep our focus.
Thank you.
Thank you Susen for reading and sharing! May we keep our eyes fixed on Him!
Thank you! What a wonderful devotion – I needed this today.
Amen Debbie! Praise God for His timing!
I am going through the longest season of depression, fear and anxiety of my life. I’m hanging onto God and His promises. Please pray for my deliverance and healing. I am praying for all of you
Thank you for sharing Donna!
I break off every spirit of fear, depression and anxiety in Jesus’ name. I speak courage, joy and peace to her mind, body and spirit. Deliver her from every scheme of oppression and heal her of every stronghold or disease.
In Jesus Name.
He usually provides in ways we least expect, and in His perfect timing, which we think is delayed.
The call to trust is not easy, and I often find myself repeating Mark 9:24 “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”
Thank you for this devotion. We need to hear this especially in this time as our world is so uncertain. I too am dealing with anxiety and depression and need to be reminded of God’s Love, Hope and Peace. Pray for all those who are struggling and for healing for all of us.
How beautiful written. I really loved today’s writing’s. Advent, that is truly Jesus. Thank you.
Im drowning in the brokenness in our family. This is too heavy for me to carry. Please pray for Gods help & direction in the midst of this. I don’t know how much more I can take. Pray for me & my son.
Thanks for this writing, Karina. Perfect for me today!
Thank you for these beautiful words of encouragement … Reminding us that God is in control & that Jesus is Our Advocate !
In Jesus Name, Amen.
Thank you for this reminder as we approach Christmas! Please pray for my family as this year we have experienced & continue to experience many trials and uncertainty.
I could relate to phrases about “trials & tests & struggles…loss & hurt & change” and being in a “transitional season” and not doing well with change and being “fearful and worried” and “concerned about the outcome.” You took the words right out of my mouth.
Thankful that Jesus is “our blessed hope. He is the gift of hope to the hopeless.”
Thank you so much for reminding me to “gaze into His hope.”
Abba Father, Give MP a discerning heart to know you will for her. Guide & direct her steps. Help her to slow down long enough to feel the hope, joy, love & peace that came down from Heaven.
Blessings 🙂
I could relate to phrases about “trials & tests & struggles…loss & hurt & change” and being in a “transitional season” and not doing well with change and being “fearful and worried” and “concerned about the outcome.” You took the words right out of my mouth.
Thankful that Jesus is “our blessed hope. He is the gift of hope to the hopeless.”
Thank you so much for reminding me to “gaze into His hope.”
Praying for you during this time of transition. May God give you a discerning heart to know His will.
The holidays are an extension of our already busy lives. Advent gives us a chance to slow down & lean into Jesus. Take time to gaze into His eyes & listen to Him. His way of allowing us to experience more of His hope, joy, love & peace that we ALL need desperately.
Blessings 🙂