I have loved you with an everlasting love;
I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.
Jeremiah 31:3 (NIV)
One of the most power spiritual practices is remembering. Over and over in Scripture, God calls His people to remember what He has done! To recall His faithfulness, to tell stories of His goodness to the next generation.
In the Old Testament, God’s people built alters of remembrance. In the New Testament, Jesus introduced the Eucharist — a way to commune with Christ and remember His work and on the cross.
Whether you are in a season of struggle or growth, whether God feels far away or close, your soul will be strengthened if you take time to remember God’s presence in your life.
When did you first know God’s love was real?
How has He pursued your heart?
What evidence of His love and kindness do you see in your life?
Take time today to dwell on these questions. And share a glimpse of your story in the comments. Let’s praise God for His everlasting love and unfailing kindness!
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My prayers before a meal always thank God for His presence in our lives. It’s become a rather arcing theology of His being in our lives but isn’t the remembering the specific manifestations of His presence in the details that it should be. I feel challenged to be more intentional in recognizing God’s presence in & with me rehearsing His actions, gifts given & enabling a broken sinner (me!) to be part of His kingdom! Thanks for challenging this am! Blessings!
God’s word and His promises help me deal with so much. He has blessed me with dear friends who have kind words. He has been my Light in a very dark and dangerous world. He has been my Peace and my Provider and He always seems to know just what I need in my devotional. He has sent me a very wonderful church home. Thanks for allowing me to share. There are too many blessings to list!
In Courage,
One way to remember God’s faithfulness is to keep a journal. Write down the times He has helped you through a trial or situation. There is plenty of evidence of His love & kindness. First off Jesus left the splendor of Heaven to come to broken Earth & die a horrible death just for us.
God got me through a rough time with my aging dad’s geriatric psych issues. During that time I started a part time job. Two years later they let me go. Within two weeks God gave me a better part time job as ICU Step Down clerical at large hospital. Almost three years later they shut the unit down due to staffing. I was put in an ICU Covid unit. From there I was given a full-time benefitted position written just.for.me. That could only have come from God.
Blessings 🙂
During a long season of unemployment God has been faithful to see that I have food to eat and a roof over my head. I’ve learned to trust his provision as I develop my most important relationship — my relationship with Jesus — by spending time in the Word, devotionals, and prayer. Tomorrow I begin a new job, a good job, and I hope to bring Him glory as I work. God is good, all the time!
He never leaves! I’m so thankful that He is a man of His word and He sticks closer than a brother. In good times and bad, He is with me. Whether I feel His presence or not, He is not a liar and I count on Him being with me through every season, every new day. Thank you Jesus ❤️
Beth yes it is so good to keep a journal. So as you can remember what God has done in your life or what he has taught you. You can right it all the things God wants to teach you in it to. I find in doing things like this it is nice. Then you have it to look back at especially with time old journals. See what God taught you then and how you have grown in him since. Thank you for reminding me of that Beth. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co. Fermanagh N.Ireland. Xx
When did you first know God’s love was real?
When I look back I see myself as a small child I feel God. That memory of my face fills me with God. He has always been with
me. My papa always told me “God loves you”
How has He pursued your heart?
Gently. I love how much He knows me. As I got older I did “my own thing” made “my own choices” and they were not always
wise and healthy. But, He gently pursued me and waited. His guidance was always kind, loving and gentle. Even when I fell and
fell hard, He still pursued me with love and kindness…and still does today.
What evidence of His love and kindness do you see in your life?
I am so blessed. My family. My grandchildren. My husband. Our adventures. My church. Opportunities to serve. My mistakes. I am
so grateful for all He has provided and even more grateful for what He has taken away! I see the evidence of His hand and heart
in all areas of my life.
Thank you God \0/
….and a beautiful and grateful Thank you to all you sisters in Christ. I love and appreciate all your life stories and life memories. The good, bad, ugly and hard words that I can relate to. I can open my heart and hands to let go and let God.
God bless you xoxox
I praise my God for bringing me through seasons of anxiety, paranoia and depression! God, You are so good! Thank You for always being with me and for me! Thank You for fighting for me! All praise, honor and glory belong to You! Thank You for every answered prayer! In Jesus’ Name, amen!
I’m glad for what God has done so I don’t have to worry about death. In fact I look forward to it because it is a way to heaven. But earth is very sad and heart breaking. I pray God shows my husband the way out and we take it. I don’t have much hope left dear sisters. I look forward to being near others who care about me in heaven one day.
Oh, Ariel. My heart goes out to you. I pray that the God of Hope will reveal His hope to you. He sees you and is there beside you. He knows your pain and loves you deeply. I pray you will feel His presence today.
Dear Ariel, I am praying for you and care about you! God cares even more deeply about you!!
“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 15:13 NKJV
Praying for God’s hope, help, and peace for you
We are so grateful for your life and your presence in the space. Praying for God’s sustaining grace to hold you up moment by moment. Yes, we have the hope of heaven! Praise God! But the hope of Jesus and His all-sufficient strength is available to us here on earth too. Hang on, dear sister! Your life is so valuable.
I keep a gratitude blessing book that I started in 2004 and keep updating. I recommend everyone should do this.
I need encouragement my husband was diagnosed with colon cancer nine months ago we’ve been married for forty five years his last scans it had dreaded in his liver and lungs I still have hoe and faith we have a sovereign God