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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. “What if taking the next step in your messy or complex relationship looked like just taking a seat?”

    – Love this, food for thought!

    Thank you for sharing! 🙂

    • Yes, there can be so much hope and healing in the simple gestures…like sitting together. Come Sit with Me is SO timely and practical. I can’t wait for you to read it!

  2. “Connect before your correct.” Dearest Lord enable me to apply this principle with my unruly 3rd grader in my Sunday school class!

  3. You are not alone, I too feel alone without any friends who understands me on this earth. Jesus is my best friend. I never want to attempt to take away freewill. I attempt to live according to God’s standards. I Aim High to his will. First love the Lord your God with your whole heart, soul, and mind. Next and not first, love your neighbor as yourself.

  4. I am hoping that this book will help me to better coexist with my son-in-law. His beliefs and constant need to be right has damaged our relationship. Things that he has said and done over the past 10 years has me in a place that I have absolutely no feelings for him. We co-exist because of my daughter and my grandchildren however I have no desire to have any type of relationship with him.

    • Carol, that is a really hard situation. My heart goes out to you. And I do really think this book will encourage your heart and give you some practical tools as well.

  5. Thank you so much for this reading today. I know Jesus was under conflict with people who tried get him to trip up so as they have something on him. But through it all Jesus done what his Heavenly Father told him do. He kept slient and only spoke when he had to. Yet at the same time he never stopped loving them. Jesus never gave up on people. He loved people of all walks of life. Even if they didn’t like him out agreed with the things he said are done. So we are to love people all walks of life like Jesus. Even if we don’t agree with them or they have annoyed us by saying something hurtful. Even if we did no wrong to them. As I know someone who was hurt full to me because I tried to explain why I couldn’t have a big meal why I was just having something small. This person words hurt me. I was tempted not to be friends with them again. But God told me to do forgive them and pray for them. As we as true followers of Jesus can and say and do things that even hurt Jesus. But he always forgives us when we see we were wrong and ask him to forgive us. Since I forgive my friend who said words that hurt because I was not doing as she liked. I felt better. Next time I saw her it didn’t annoy me as I was able to talk to her even though it hurt at the time. We have to do in all situations do what Jesus would want us to do. Not give up on them say I don’t want to know them. We might not like what they have done. But we have to still love them in the Lord no matter what pray and forgive them. As letting what they said if they said something that hurt us get to us only hurt us not the person who said it. Even if they never say sorry or realise their words hurt. You have show you have forgiven them by not letting what you said eat you up. Still talk to them. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx

  6. Taking a seat…and praying for wisdom as to what to do. Try longer, harder? Or walk away? Some relationships actually need to be released. I’m sure this book will offer helpful advice, and I’m hoping that includes the reality that there is no blanket answer for the many complicated relationships that people face.

  7. This really spoke to me, as I’m in a season of waiting and trying to figure out what to do next in a relationship. I believe in “us” so much and I believe God can and will heal the brokenness. I’m praying for my desire to align with His will. He has not removed the desire for restoration from my heart. Although, at times it feels like it would be easier to give up, but I don’t want to miss out on the blessing God has in store for me. I feel like God is calling me to overcome my fear of rejection and to act. I just don’t know how. I’m praying He gives me the right words to say, at the right time.

  8. In Courage,

    I believe it is past time we quit hiding behind computer & cell phone screens & really get to know one another. Take the time to understand why they think/believe what they do. Take off the masks of pretending & be real with each other. Start by loving as Jesus would. Don’t look at the outside but the heart of the person. Learn where they came from their history. You might be surprised. They may be more like you than not.

    Blessings 🙂