In the new book From Where I Stand: 30 Days in the Life of Paul, you are invited to trace the footsteps of a man who went from relentlessly persecuting Christians to becoming one of the greatest evangelists in history.
The path of the apostle Paul is one of transformation. In From Where I Stand, you will be transported back in time to the places where Paul, once a notorious opponent of the faith, preached the Gospel to nations who had long been enemies of God’s people. You will feel what he felt, see what he saw, and encounter the living Christ along beaten dirt roads and within dank prison walls. As you walk in Paul’s shoes, you’ll be encouraged to journal (or even paint, draw, and handletter) along and answer heart-provoking questions that will illuminate your own spiritual journey.
Read on for an excerpt + giveaway!
By day, the heat was relentless. With the cloudless dome of the sky above, and a sea of sand below, Saul’s donkey trudged steadily onward weaving its way through bare, jagged mountains.
When the sun dropped beneath the horizon each evening, the temperature plummeted. Saul huddled close to the donkey’s side for warmth and stared up into the sweeping night sky, strewn with thousands upon thousands of stars.
Day, after night, after day, the cycle repeated as Sinai, the mountain of God, steadily grew closer.
Sinai. The mountain where, as Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt, God affirmed His covenant with them and gave them the law.
Sinai. Where Elijah, another zealous man of God, had once fled, discouraged, disillusioned, and alone when his life, too, had turned upside down. There in a cave on the mountainside, God met with his weary prophet, Elijah, in the holy silence of Sinai to encourage and renew him, and to recommission him for his purpose and the work that remained.
Now Saul followed in Elijah’s footsteps to seek God’s face, recommit himself to God, and discover what it meant to be faithful now that he knew Jesus was the Messiah.
Finally, sunburned and weary, Saul stood at the base of the mountain. Somewhere, far above him, God had spoken to Moses face-to-face, giving him the law. And there, on the plain surrounding the base of the mountain, the twelve tribes of Israel had once set up camp and committed themselves to obey God, then immediately betrayed Him by fashioning a golden calf to worship instead. And somewhere, in one of the caves dotting the mountainside, was where God met with Elijah and commissioned him to announce Israel’s new king.
On Sinai, the place of covenant and new beginnings, Saul met with God. Afterward, when he turned his donkey back toward Damascus, he, like Elijah, did so with a new mission: Saul (who would later be renamed Paul) would proclaim the advent of Israel’s new king. But this time her King was the Lord of all creation.
King Jesus, the Messiah, would reign forever. He would be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, and His kingdom would have no end.
We all have had times when it felt like our lives were spinning out of control, when we lost focus and a bit of our true selves along the way. When we get face-to-face with God, He shows us the big picture, what we can’t see when we are wounded, beaten down, and weary.
Sometimes we must stop the merry-go-round of life and intentionally seek out a place where we can commune with God without interruption so that He can get us back on track. This isn’t indulgence. This is taking our relationship with God — and how that relationship works itself out in our realm of influence — seriously.
Often, when we look back on these times, we find they are important faith landmarks, after which neither we nor our faith are ever the same.
First Kings 19:13 tells us that Elijah covered his face with his mantle before approaching God. Perhaps some of us hesitate to get face-to-face with God because it can be terrifying to encounter such infinite power and glory.
Our mighty God, however, is also a God of love. He wants to meet with us. He wants to know us, and for us to know Him in return.
God reveals Himself to us in the quiet spaces we consecrate for Him alone.
From Where I Stand is by two of our favorite writers, Sherri Gragg and Shanna Noel, and we know you’ll learn a ton, be inspired, and simply love it! Order your copy today . . . and leave a comment below for a chance to WIN one of 5 copies*!
Then join Becky Keife for a conversation with Shanna and Sherri this weekend on the (in)courage podcast. Don’t miss it!
This sounds like a wonderful resource for us today. I needed to be reminded to get off of the merry-go-round of life and focus on Jesus for a while. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.
Thank you for stopping by, Judy. I hope you enjoy the study!
Beautiful reminder of our two way relationship with our Father.
Good morning, Carol! And thank you!
I hope you enjoy our journey with Paul.
This sounds really good. Had my own sabbatical in August & was so beneficial for my walk w/ Gid, my family, & others.
Sharon, I have to be reminded regularly to rest. It is the most difficult thing to do at times, but I truly believe “rest” is God’s heart for us.
This sounds so wonderful and like it really goes along with my current circumstances. Thanks for this opportunity!
Thank you! One of the things I discovered about Paul through my research and writing is that he had his own struggles, and rough edges, to contend with. Paul knew all too well how much he needed the grace of God.
Me too.
This sounds like a beautiful lesson …
Thank you, Dawn. This writing took place during a long, weary season of my life. I hope the comfort God brought to me the the research and writing process is a blessing to you.
Thank you for this opportunity to win a free book.
We are thrilled you stopped by, Nadine!
I would like to give this book to a friend who has lost his way and need a face to face encounter with God. That they will be inspired once again and never be the same again.
God’s grace lovingly pursues us when we wander. His faithfulness and love are unshakable. No one has needed that relentless love more than me. May your friend know how “wide and high and deep is the love of Christ.”
Eph. 3:18
Thank you for another opportunity to win. My birthday is tomorrow and it just doesn’t feel like it as I moved this month and the previous month was spent packing and moving. It’s been a lot lately and there’s been some grieving as well over some different things. This sounds like a very helpful resource!
Happy Birthday, Heidi! I hope you find some time to celebrate the gift of you in the middle of all of this transition!
I really enjoyed your podcast this morning. Thank you! I needed to hear those words.
Beth, I am so glad it was a comfort. Christ’s Peace to you.
I will be anxious to read this book and learn more about Paul. To me, He is so relatable. His story shows the depth of God’s love for us. We are all a little bit like Paul – sinners – but God sees so much more in us. He forgives our transgressions and then uses us as vesssels of His love to share His ‘good news’. There are many ‘great figures’ in the Bible, but Paul’s story of transforming from a persecutor of Christians to one of Christ’s strongest evangelizers is short of amazing. Thank you Shanna and Sheri for bringing this extended version of Paul’s life to us.
Hi, Phyl! Yes. I am so comforted by the grace of God that is woven throughout Paul’s story. I hope you enjoy the other entries in the book too!
I would love to read this book – this exerpt brings Paul into focus as not just a man of God, but as a man. Looks intriguing!
Thanks, Terri! It was certainly and adventure to research and write it. I learned so much!
I would love to win a copy …thank you !
Hi, Mary! I am so glad you took the time to stop by today. Thank you for being here.
As I read the excerpt my heart was convicted because that’s what I have been doing. Beating myself up for my recent failures. I have to cling to Christ & believe what He has started He will carry into completion.
I am getting real with my learning & processing disabilities; telling myself, “don’t let that cause you to be afraid of God’s success for you. Don’t give up & simply surrender. I would love to order this, but not in my budget this month.
What a special blessing it is for y’all to encourage & enrich our souls, gently spurring us on to keep our eyes on Jesus.
Abba Daddy, You alone know who needs this blessing. I praise You Sar Shalom, our Prince of Peace, for Your All Surpassing Peace that keeps a military garrison surrounding our hearts & minds. Holy Spirit enlighten our hearts & minds with Your Truth as we search Your Living Word for wisdom. Help us let our reasonableness be know to all because You are at hand, You are always near, always aware of our wounds. Carry us when we can’t carry ourselves & continue to use Proverbs 31 for Your Glory. In Jesus name amen.
I tend to think of paul as being so strong, but how he must have struggled. Thank you for the inspiration to release seek God in my struggles, and may be in encouragement to read Paul words with a little different frame of mind. God bless
I feel like I’m spinning out of control, but God is drawing closer! What a great book to grow my faith through creativity.
Thank you for your work on this book! I will definitely add this to my reading list when I can
I liked the important truth that God reveals Himself to us in the quiet spaces we consecrate for Him alone.
Thank you for these beautiful words today. Paul’s footsteps are truly amazing!
I love love God’s big picture for me, my marriage, my family, my friends and my church family. He has never ever walked away. He just sits and “waits in the quiet spaces” for me to come to Him. I am so grateful.
Shanna and Sherri congratulations on the release of “From I Stand” it will be a blessing to many \0/
Timely message and book–I am reading thru Paul’s letters right now as I read thru the whole Bible in a year. My first time doing this! It has been illuminating to say the least. Paul’s messages have helped me tremendously these last few months. I would love to read this, to accompany me thru the Bible. Thank you for all the work everyone at Dayspring and (in)courage do!
I truly enjoy all of the contributors to Incourage. However, this one was particularly interesting!
I enjoyed this podcast, talking about one of my favorite people from the Bible …Paul. I love his conversion story! He is an inspiration to me and How he lived after he accepted Christ. He was not afraid to speak God’s truth to other Christians who were perhaps wishy washy in their faith. Paul was bold and challenged people and that’s how we need to be about preaching the Gospel to others so that they may know God and walk in his ways.
This sounds so interesting, I would love to win a copy!
A great inspirational Paul, l am seeking to be content with the situation that l am now in. My husband of 46 years passed away in April and it had been very challenging but l know that God sees the big picture and will carry me through. I know God will heal my broken heart in time. I am staying focus on God.
A journey with the apostle Paul – I’m in!
This sounds like such an interesting and creative book! I love how these ladies chose to dive into the story of one the greatest heroes of our faith.
Shanna, & Sherri,
Congratulations on the book release. I know many many people, especially women will learn from it & be blessed by it. This is so great “Sometimes we must stop the merry-go-round of life and intentionally seek out a place where we can commune with God without interruption so that He can get us back on track. This isn’t indulgence. This is taking our relationship with God — and how that relationship works itself out in our realm of influence — seriously. Most women don’t feel they have the time or energy to do this. But do it they must. It is the only way for God to show us the Big picture of our lives.
Blessings 🙂
I really enjoyed this podcast episode and pray I get a chance to read and do this study! It looks amazing!
Very inspired book on Paul. I would love to read it. Powerful message.
Marinalva Sickler