About the Author

Grace P. Cho is a Korean American writer, poet, and speaker. She believes telling our stories can change the world, and desires to elevate women of color’s voices in the publishing industry. Learn more at @gracepcho and gracepcho.com.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. What a perfectly timed post, Grace! My hubs & I were discussing the urgency on each of our work desks just before I began reading your post. God with us will give meaning to our day even if it’s one of those non-productive wheel-spinning days at our desks as it’s likely to be. May we have eyes to see & keep His perspective of productivity. Blessings!!!

  2. “Hope parts a way through discouragement . . .” (Grace Cho)

    “Love is patient.”

    I look forward to peaceful days, calm demeanors of family and friends and it makes me smile deeply within.

    There seems to be so many variables to simple questions and too many factors to consider in order to get a simple, truthful understanding to life matters.

    I yield my will to our Creator. My mind is limited but I serve an Infinite God. Pray on my Child is a song I heard growing up. I love knowing that maturity and time can strengthen a relationship.

    Thank You Lord for teaching Your children Truth.

    Enjoy your day Everyone.


    Your Sister in Christ

  3. WOW! This is exactly what I needed today. Oh how I want peace instead of hurry. Love instead of productivity. Instead of trying to get it all done today and be “ahead of the game”, I want to enjoy the journey OF the game. 🙂 Thank you so much.

  4. “Grace to grow at the pace that is necessary and unique to each of us and our circumstances, grace to account for the mistakes and distractions we will face, grace to be patient when things seem to still and slow down or life takes a different turn.”

    Amen!! Thank you, Grace! 🙂

    “And perhaps even the endless length of the road is a grace because when we’re with the One who loves us, urgency loses its power, and meaning is created out of love instead of productivity.”

    Hmm.. food for thought! Thank you again, Grace! 🙂

    Big hugs to you, please be reminded that your labor is not in vain!!

  5. This is so true. Need to rest in Him and not be consumes with not is going right. I suffer with anxiety and depression, and I want to feel better sooner rather than later. I know God knows what’s best, He knows all things, it’s just really hard in the waiting. I pray for all those who suffer and need to hear from Him and know we matter, and I know He cares. I like what the other comments say, it’s incouraging.

    • Yes, it’s hard to wait when we’re suffering. I hope you hear from my heart that God sees you in your anxiety and depression and enters into those places and times to be with you.

  6. Love, not productivity, is the meaning-maker to life. Love is Life. Love makes real life-livers. And you just totally articulated for me the thoughts that hadn’t been given words yet – which is an answer to a prayer about why am I doing or not doing certain things in this season of life? Am I doing an activity because it’s loving and I can cheerfully give or for some other reason? Giving my thoughts words so I can intentionally think them is such a loving gift! Thank you, Grace. You are aptly named!

  7. Grace,

    Society tells us to rush around, keep doing, achieve more. But God is asking us to embrace the slow, meticulous pace of growth. He doesn’t want or need us to be productive all the time. In fact He wants us to sit still with Him & savor this life. We/I must view life in terms of eternity. Where 1 day in Heaven is 1,000 years on Earth. God’s time table is not ours. Spending time with God makes urgency lose its power.

    Blessings 🙂