Susan Narjala
About the Author

Susan writes about faith in the daily routine and keeps it real by sharing stories from her own life. She lived in Portland, Oregon, for a decade before moving back to India with her family. She is passionate about sharing with women that their sufficiency is found in Christ alone.

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Part of me wants to say this makes me sad that we can be so mean & isolate each other for flimsy excuses but the greater part of me rejoices at how beautifully our Lord redeems the rejections with His acceptance! Thank you for sharing this encouragement. May we be so brokenhearted at how unthinkably cruel we can be that we a) rely on Him to make us kind & b) be that much more in awe that HE chose me!!! Blessings.

    • Ruth Mills, your words perfectly reflect my sentiments!

      Susan Narjala, thank you for your insights and encouragement, for your willingness to share hurtful experience and the blessing that the Lord bestowed for following Him. You offered a new perspective and direction on dealing with rejection. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  2. Oh you are a kindred spirit! I can SO relate to everything you have written here. At times it even felt like it was being written from my perspective and experiences. <3

  3. Such sad experiences that never seem to end. Thank you for sharing this and know you are not alone. I am especially bothered when this happens in a community of faith. I have found the least intolerant women to be in some of the churches I have attended. Thankfully, I now have a place where I can be myself and am accepted in spite of my quirks!

  4. i am so sorry you ever had to have such unnecessary pain of that rejection especially by the family of God/sisters of the family. Our rejection hurts more by our families Spiritual or Familial Families. I hope your move was all good!!
    But, God has given you several gifts i see and one is to write about it openly and beautifully without anger and resentment, but full of i will find God in this hurt and the blessings that go with it. Thank you for the analogy for others to grow and learn from your pain that you shared. Thank You for sharing and hope to see a lot more. Love You Sister in the Lord

  5. Susan, your story resonates with me for different reasons but similar effects. I love how you observed, “I wasn’t meant to fit in perfectly or be completely comfortable.” No one really says it like that, and yet it’s what we need to hear! Thank you. And I grew up in Portland so I feel a connection with you in that way too! Thanks again!

  6. Great reminder. We were not made to fit in. If we did we might not long for the next world. We might not run to God with our problems, because we would have none. But while we don’t fit in, we are accepted and loved by God.

  7. Susan,

    This world is not our home–thank God. I wouldn’t want to be here permanently. There is so much hatred, rejection & not enough love going around. Praying for everyone that they will feel God’s love & care for them.

    Blessings 🙂