We passed in the hallway and chatted for a few minutes. Something in her tone ushered me to take it a step further. “Let’s get coffee sometime,” I spontaneously offered.
But let’s be honest, how often do we extend a casual invitation and never follow through?
Now, take a deep breath. Grace on. Guilt off. I’m sheepishly raising my hand right alongside you. These phrases, “How are you? Let’s catch up. I’d love to get together,” have become synonymous with a simple hand wave American greeting. We toss them out like confetti yet we don’t wait for the answer. Typically our heart’s intent is good, but I’m the Queen of Best Intentions. I intend to send the text and invite her over. I intend to follow through. But so often the “woulda, coulda, shoulda’s” create obstacles.
In the past years, I’ve made a change. A deep down, Holy Spirit conviction type of change. Now, when I hear those phrases roll off my tongue (or onto a text), I follow through. Simply typing this stirs up accountability fighting words in me because I know how easy it is to just offer a few sentiments in passing. Throwing up a heartfelt story with Bible verses on Facebook comes naturally. But following up on a “let’s get coffee sometime” invitation when no one is watching or when it’s inconvenient? That’s when our “Jesus with skin on” steps of love reflect the heart of the gospel.
We’ve spent too much time in the last two years being lonely, isolated, and doubting how to move forward. My desire is to be part of the solution — to offer others the same relentless pursuit that Jesus offers me.
A few weeks after our hallway greeting, the woman sat in my kitchen with tears rolling down her face.
“No one knows all that’s happening with me. I took a leave of absence from work due to severe panic attacks, and I haven’t left my house in weeks. Even when I woke up this morning, my heart battled at the thought of coming here since I don’t really know you. I needed and wanted to come, but I was paralyzed. My mind kept telling me not to go.”
Inside an hour, our relationship quickly moved from “Hi, how are you?” acquaintances to sisters, with hearts woven into a kinship known only through a shared story of struggle.
“This is the first time I’ve felt a sense of joy and anticipation in a long time. I need community and I want friends, but I’ve been so afraid to put myself out there because sometimes the rejection isn’t worth it. When you followed through on your invitation for coffee, I started to cry.”
I sat stunned. How had I so misjudged her? She seemed to have so much together. But I empathized. I understood. Rejection sometimes doesn’t feel worth the effort. Lately, I have reached out weekly to one of my besties, but no matter how hard I pursue her, she doesn’t make time for our friendship. It feels personal.
Listening now to my new friend’s fragile heart, instantly, the problem solver in me started brainstorming ways to comfort her. What are the perfect words to steward the trust she’s given me? I was at a loss. Yet in those next moments, the Holy Spirit reminded me that He was the only master healer to remedy her aching heart, our aching hearts, but if I was willing, He’d use me.
Galatians 6:2 tell us to, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
The Greek root for ‘bear’ means “to lift, literally or figuratively (endure, declare, sustain, receive, etc.) – bear, carry, take up.” The Greek root for ‘burden” in this verse means “weight.”
So many are carrying heavy loads in their personal lives. But I could help one precious woman sitting in my kitchen to lift some weight, to bear her burden, and by doing so fulfill the law through love. I often overthink what this actually means. I am a word girl and there in my kitchen, I kept pondering a mini devotional I could share; but I knew the best I had to offer her right then was to simply be present.
Often showing up with our focused ministry of presence is enough. Sometimes the people before us just need us to be silent. To pour another cup of coffee and dish out the brownie and sit with them in their time of need.
To think that I almost missed this sacred time. I almost didn’t follow through because it was just a one-sentence invite in passing and no one really means those, do they?
I do. Now.
Won’t you join me in baby steps of follow-through? Send the text. Make the call. Sit with her. Introduce yourself to the neighbors. Apologize. They all matter. And in doing so Scripture declares that we fulfill the law of Christ.
Thank you for sharing this. I often wait for the other person to take the next step. It has indeed been a rough couple of years. Yesterday I met someone new at church who said we ought to get together. I will take the first step. So I appreciate the reminder that I can follow through.
Madeline – I know that woman will be so moved by your initiating that first step. I can’t wait to hear how it goes. 🙂
I have learned over the years to be more intentional that if I don’t mean “let’s get coffee sometime” then I shouldn’t say it. I have been pretty good about following through, but I will say that your message today showed me I was following through to check it off my list. I need to follow through and ask God how he wants me to move. This is such a wonderful devotion. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you and Yes, Deanna. That’s how I was convicted too. If I know I won’t follow through, I don’t throw it out there because I know how disappointing it is when I’m on the other side of no follow through. It’s so much more than a check list, right? We never know when He decides to use our simple text to do so much more. And then again, sometimes it’s just coffee for coffee sake of catching up. 😉
Thank you for sharing this. It definitely hit close to home and tugged at the heart. In a same place of reaching out to my bestie, but she hasn’t taken me up on any offers and I have found myself taking it personal. Thanks for sharing your heart.
Oh Sammy – I know this feeling on such a personal level too. I am trying not to let it impact our friendship, but it does feel personal. I’ve had to share with her from a vulnerable place how it’s affecting me and we had some good, hard discussions.
Thank you for this post. I also recently decide to put into action all of those good intentions that pop into my head. It is so easy to make a declaration of caring but much hard to put it into action due to the fear of rejection. I have decided to take the risk and put it into action!
Thank you for your encouraging words and actions!
Yes, Geralyn, the fear of rejection is very real. I wish I could say that you will never be rejected when you initiate but it still may happen. The reality is that so many more people will truly appreciate your heart felt care than the one or two who may be too busy. Your follow through may be the way Jesus uses you to hold the others close.
Dear Jen, thank you so much for this! Yes, I have had a lot of that “let’s get together” rejection. Sometimes I feel like I’m the only gal feeling that need for connection. But you have encouraged me to keep reaching out. I will.
Irene – you are SO NOT the only one who feels that way. In fact, I would say statistically it’s 80% that need connection, are struggling with loneliness etc. It’s sometimes hard to bridge the gap but we can keep reaching out until we find that one in which it truly makes the difference. You are so loved. 🙂
Such a beautiful reminder to follow through. I struggle with that also…a work in progress.
Janice – we are all that work in process, aren’t we? We will just keep encouraging one another to keep at it.
THIS moved me! I am that girl who needs to follow through, but hesitated and waits for a better time.
Thank you!
You are not only. I always think there’s a better time and then it doesn’t come, so I’ve had to change that and realize a bad time is better than none at all. We can do this. 🙂
Beautiful and encouraging. It is so helpful to remind ourselves that others may be going through hard times. Thank you❤
Thank you, Deborah. Yes, hard times are all around us and we can be that one to make the difference.
Jen, your writings always speak to my heart. God has made you a people person! I learn so much each time you share. Thanks. I will follow through with the invite and make the call!
Thank you so much, Cheryl. That’s such a kind and encouraging thing to mention here. 🙂
Focused ministry of presence! Amen amen amen! Thank you for sharing! I love this encouragement! Blessings!
These past few years have been hard on many people. We’ve all felt isolated in some way. Now is the time to take the first step & talk with others. God has made me an encourager. Often I am the one to text or call people & see how they are doing. If I don’t see you at church & you’re an elderly single person I will call & check on you. Making sure you are alright. When new people show up at church, which isn’t often, I will make an effort to say welcome please come back. I understand that everyone needs someone sometimes. A person they can confide in or just spend time with. We don’t need to have fancy words or speeches just our presence may be enough. I’m going to make the call, send the text & sit with her.
Blessings 🙂