I am forty now and things like simply sleeping can turn out to be a health hazard when you wake up and can’t move your neck! At least that’s what happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I looked like I had been in some kind of terrible accident where you wear a neck brace and have to use your whole body to turn. Except I wasn’t wearing a neck brace and hadn’t been in a terrible accident. In fact, I had slept on a silk pillowcase like a dainty flower. So, I did some stretches, I rubbed some essential oils on it, I put my back massager on the stiff area and it sort of all helped. But as time went on, it was this nagging dull pain that turned into loud pain. My husband, sick of hearing my complaints and knowing my tendency to dig my heels in and not ask for help, scheduled me an appointment with the chiropractor.
As I sat on the crinkle-papered bed, we looked at my x-rays and she told me all the ways my spine and neck were wonky. I reiterated that I just woke up one day and my back was yelling at me. She matter-of-factly responded, “Likely this has been going on a long while and when you slept in a wrong angle, it amplified the deeper issues going on. These x-rays always tell on you, and so does your body.”
Well, that was rude, Dr. Jess.
It always feels weird when people have x-ray vision and you can’t hide behind, “I’m fine!” anymore. I wasn’t fine.
As time went on, appointment after appointment, I started to feel better. It still hurts and I have some ways to go, but I want to fix that deeper issue so I don’t have to feel this way anymore. More importantly, I don’t want it to get so bad that I can’t do the things I love to do like walking or playing with my kids or beating my neighbors at cornhole (the only sport I play).
It made me think about how far we like to go on our own without asking for help from God or how deep we can get into trouble by hiding behind “I’m okay” with friends — all while the spiritual x-rays of our life would show something different. If you’re like me, you will throw bandaids on things that need a physician’s help, care, and readjusting. And so it is with our faith, minds, and hearts. We can temporarily numb out our pain with a number of things like social media, shopping, eating, drinking, working out, etc. This is especially true after the past couple years of muddling through some very trying times! But the very things that helped us get through can sometimes turn into a big weight, making our posture hunch and inflaming our bodies down to the bone.
In Proverbs 27:19 it says:
As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects the man.
There’s just no hiding the overflow of our hearts and minds, even though we think we are doing a great job of managing or pushing away the pain.
The x-ray reflected my jacked-up back just like looking in water will show a person’s face. And because I couldn’t hide it anymore, and because I got some help in the proper place (a doctor), I could be readjusted to living in light of how I was supposed to be walking and sitting and sleeping all along. I wasn’t made to carry all this weight on my own, and neither are you.
As believers, our remedy comes from the Great Physician. But don’t we tend to come to Him once we’re worn out, weary from trying to fix it all on our own? After exhausting all other avenues and coming up short? He knew we would do that — because we’re human.
Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me — watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.
Matthew 11:28 (MSG)
I read this and breathe in so deeply. I picture myself handing over my huge backpack and Jesus taking it on His own back. I picture letting Him assess my injuries from walking so long with no rest. And the tender care of His touch, the relief I feel from not having to fix the hardest things in life, feels so incredibly good.
If you’re feeling heavy, maybe this will be good news for you too. He will replace your heaviness with lightness; He just can’t help Himself.
I love this passage from the Message. Somehow it connects with me more than other versions. Right now, I am holding the stress in my back as I am preparing to close on a house having moved from Colorado back to Maine. I dread getting out of bed because I know how I will hurt. This is a good reminder to lean on Jesus.
Father please assist Madeline with any aches & pains. Send her your healing touch. She just made a huge move & has to unpack everything in the new house. Guide her steps & help her to lean heavily on you. Shower her with your love, grace & kindness. AMEN
Blessings 🙂
You’re so sweet to pray for her ♥️♥️♥️
That’s so hard. I hope the move went well? And you back too!
Yes! God is our Great Physician for every level of our being, physical, emotional & spiritual! The specialist of specialists! May we run, walk, sit with Him for all our diagnoses! Blessings, Jamie!
We sometimes forget about the physical. I know lately I’m having to focus on the whole person!
Thank you! I need this awesome word!
Jami thank you for this post. I believe these things happen as follower of Jesus in some case to get us to slow down. Trust Jesus no matter what. As we can get so busy with things we don’t take time for us. We busy helping other People and Family. We forget we need to look after ourselves to too. If you look at your Bible it says God made the world in 6 days and on the 7 day he rested. It says this in Genesis 2 v 3 which says ” Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it He rested from all his work which God had created and made” So God took rest and we are to the same to recharge up our bodies and spiritual one too. As when tiredness sets in we become no good to anyone or especially ourselves. This is at times where I believe God does not heal us if we have a pain or something else wrong with us. To make slow down and rest. Say yes God it’s my fault I over done it. Trying to help everyone one else. Then forgotten about taking care of me. Spending time resting and in the Lord. As our Lord rested. That say to me we are to do the same. Yes help people and do what you can for them. But always at the same time take time out for yourself. Look after you with God’s help. You will feel so much better and not feel as tired or in pain. As no one else is going to look after us if we don’t take that time to rest and look after ourselves. God will say to us I rested after all the work I had done. You must rest and look after yourself too. Even you get so tired you don’t have time to read my word the Bible and say your prayers. You find yourself saying I must keep doing this for so and so plus my family. You end exhausted. Then no good to anyone. Without God’s word the Bible and Prayer in your life every day. You are going to die spiritually and the enemy can come in and say a your too tried and no energy to read the Bible and Pray. You need that to help you through the day so as the enemy does not attack you. Plus keep you heart right in the Lord. I did that getting no rest when helping my elderly Dad. 7 days a week. I found my time with God going further and further away. That I didn’t have strength to spend time with God I was that tired. I was letting the enemy win. My spiritual life began to do. That can be dangerous as you do and can say things you shouldn’t have as follower of Jesus. I did that. The only way for me to start thinking of me taking time out for the word of God the Bible and Prayer and rest in the Lord. Plus time out for me to rest. That why I don’t go my Dad at night anymore. Let my other two sisters see to him. I am going still twice a day to walk his dog and do his house. If I been going at night too. I be doing the tea for my Dad. As I feel I don’t like to leave them as it would help him. When my other two sisters have not seen him all day so they can do them for my Dad. As they only go once a day to see our Dad. I am now resting and spending time with God. In the evening and I feel a so much better for it. I am not as tired and feel better for having spent time with God. As he never leaves me not forsakes me. When I did spend the time with God. I did feel bad and my day didn’t go as well as it could have. So my Burden is so much lighter and I enjoy doing what I do for my elderly Dad. God helps he do what I do for my Dad. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little in my prayers xx
Meant to say sorry for the mistake typing not my thing near bottom of my reply I should had say when I didn’t spend time with God not did. In that sentence. Please forgive me. Love Dawn xx
You bless me !
I needed to hear this today!
I’m glad it blessed you!
This is so timely for me. Great title by the way!!!
We have some wonderful editors who come up with them!!
Life has been crazy these past few years. People seem more stressed our, worn & weary. We’ve dealt with a pandemic, home schooling children, working from home & almost complete isolation from others. It’s time we give ALL of that heaviness back to Jesus. Allow Him to bring peace & healing to our lives. Praying everyone will take their worries, all the tiredness, worn out spirit & come to Jesus. Let Him take all that off you & make your yoke much lighter. Allow Him to bring peace & calm to your life.
Blessings 🙂
You’re right! It’s been a crazy past couple of years and it’s physically hurt. Thankful to be loved by a true and kind healer. ♥️