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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. I think you may have lived my story. Mine wasn’t a house, but just as devastating, occurring over the course of literally a decade. And, yes, transparency, especially with fellow believers, and worship in defiance of the enemy are weapons that are so very powerful. Add in the recitation, out loud, usually in a very high volume, and the enemy MUST flee in the name of Jesus. Thank you for sharing your story of the greatness of God.

  2. So encouraging! Truth well spoken. Thank you & blessings upon blessings in your endeavors!

  3. Today is my birthday and your story was perfect. I have been waging my own battle with the enemy and could relate to everything you said. Thanks so much for sharing!

    • Happy birthday, Marilyn! May you know each day you are not waging war on your own but HE is fighting for & with you…spoiler alert: He wins! May you feel especially loved today! (((0)))

    • Marlin Happy Birthday all the way from Northern Ireland. My God bless you with many more Birthdays. May you know you are loved by the king of kings that is Jesus. You are a Daughter of the king as well I say Amen to that Xx

    • Marilyn,

      Happy belated birthday! I pray you had a good day. Asking God to bless you with His wisdom & unfailing love.


      Blessings 🙂

  4. This was much needed today. There is a lot of uncertainty in my life right now and my dad told me I’m letting the enemy win in my thought life. Thank you so much!!!

  5. Thank you for this message. I really needed this the other day. I have no one who is willing to strengthen me in the faith and my husband has an emotional disorder which causes him to push away those he loves the most. I feel so alone at times and I forget the wonderful things God has done and can do. You’ve rejuvenated me in the Lord. Thank you greatly

  6. Thank you for your powerful story of faith.
    Within the body of Christ all things are possible.
    I am continually battling chronically pain, yet Jesus
    is so present in my devotional life. I do need to reach out
    more to my sisters in Christ.
    May the Lord continue to bless your family and your ministry.

  7. How true it is that Jesus will never fail us. We see in Psalm 34 verse 8 it says “Oh taste and see the Lord is good Blessed is the man who trust him!” How true those words are. As we all can see God Goodness no matter were we look it all around us. We are a blessed people who trust him. As he does not fail us. We might think when something bad happens in our lives where was God. Why did you let it happen. It was not God doing. We should never blame God. We have to trust God that he will help us get through it what ever it was that happened in our life. Know he still loves us. We are to keep on trusting him no matter what. Look at the birds they neither sow nor reep. Yet our Heavenly Father feed them. So we are to trust God and know he with us not matter what we are going through. Also as Isaiah 61 verse 10 says “I will greatly rejoice in the Lord My soul shall be joyful in my God For He has clothed me with the garments of Salvation. He has covered me with the robe of righteousness.” How good that is to know. But in times of when thing happened do we believe theses to verse I said here. Are do we go into panic. Then blame God. I done that in the past. So it is about trusting God no matter what we go through in life that he will take us through it and help us through it. So we can look back say God was there all the time. I say Amen to that. Thank you for this reading today. In my prayers all incourage. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx

  8. Thank you for telling your story. Praise God for his faithfulness during that dark valley time! And thank you for your example of how to fight back when the enemy tries to keep us down!

  9. Erica,

    You only need look at the story of Joseph to see that God won’t fail you. He endured so much from brothers selling him to imprisonment in Egypt to being second in charge of all Egypt. Joseph said at the end “you meant it for harm. But God meant it for good.” There is nothing that happens to or around you that God won’t be there to see you through. Great post. Thanks for sharing your story.

    Blessings 🙂