Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7 (CSB)
If we’re honest, sometimes it’s easier to stay busy, to keep going at an unsustainable pace, because we don’t want to face the anxieties and realities that are right under the surface. Keeping our hands and minds busy feels productive, and worrying about every possible what-if situation can give the illusion that we’re in control. But worry, control, busyness — none of those things give us true peace.
Instead, true peace comes from having the right posture. When we pray, petition, and present our requests to God, we become grounded again. We remember that God is still real, He’s still present, He’s still in control.
When our minds start to unravel, let’s practice this posture:
Open palms.
Deep, slow breaths.
Our bodies, our minds, our hearts surrendered and at rest.
And as we do, let’s bring all our worries to God and receive His peace.
How can we pray for you?
Is your heart full of worry? Let’s share in the comments below and come to God in prayer. Remember to write out a prayer for the person who commented before you.
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It’s been a very rough transition in our move 9 months ago, a move that we felt was a calling from God. And I’ve had to change jobs twice in this move. We’ve encountered financial, physical, emotional and spiritual attacks. And these past 2 weeks we’ve felt the worst of them. We/I feel like I’m going undone. We left a great church and neighborhood and have no community or church yet. Prayers are much appreciated.
Good morning. I am praying for a supernatural move of God on your behalf Rebecca. I am very tired too as I await God in my midnight moment. May hold on in faith and trust him. I pray for a community of born again bible believing people who will surround and love you as your new community. May God do something remarkable to remind you today he loves and sees you. God bless you.
Praying with you, Rebecca. I pray God will touch your life in a special way today.
I am praying for you Rebecca! God loves you and will bring you through all this. I understand what you are going through as I am suffering through many of the things as you. But our heavenly Father is with us and will bring us through to brighter days. You are not alone!
Abba Father,
Please give Rebecca & her hubby some peace of mind about their move. Show them the church & community you want them to have & enjoy. Give them great jobs & help eliminate or lessen some of the attacks. Guide their every step & give them wisdom that only you can provide. IN Jesus Name AMEN
Blessings 🙂
Good morning. Thank you for this space and encouragement. I appreciate it a great deal. God has been reinforcing this scripture over and over again in my midnight hour furnance moment for awhile. I am waiting on a midnight miracle and the deadline is less than 48 hours away. I have surrendered, prayed, served, stand in faith and await God’s deliverance because I cannot do anything but pray. I have gotten weary and tired in this wait but trust God for what is next. Thank you and God bless you. Please pray for me and I will pray for everyone on this page.
Praying for you, Ada!
I am praying for you Ada!
Prayed for you, Rebecca. Hugs.
Prayed for you, Ada. Hugs.
My husband has health problems
I am fearful about changes at my workplace
Debby Plummer,
I didn’t see any response to your post and you may think you were overlooked; but the Lord sees you and has not forgotten you and your family. One of God’s names is Jehovah Raphe your Healer.
I pray the Lord touch your husband from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, making him whole.(strengthening and reviving him).
Fear is a name and Jesus’ Name is above all names. So in the name of Jesus I command fear to loose its hold over your mind and emotions. You’re God’s daughter and He’s not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound, disciplined mind. He has a perfect plan for your life and knows exactly what you are facing at work. He always makes a way for His children. He is holding you in the palm of His hands; He covers you with His feathers; He walks beside you; is your rear guard; He goes before you. He lives in you! Be of good cheer, Debby , He’s got this!
Prayed for you and your family, Rebecca.
I am currently in treatment for breast cancer. My family will take a short vacation August 18-21. We haven’t had a vacation for years. Our autistic son is 20. Please pray for a sweet time together, that I feel good and that we have safe travels. (Also, Our 7 month old puppy will be okay while we are gone.) I come back and have scans in September to see how the med. is working. Please pray that it is and the cancer is decreasing, and I would love it if I were NED. Thank you for this page and all of your encouragement through the years.
Monica –
My mother is a 21 year breast cancer survivor! I pray for successful treatment and a peaceful, rejuvenating vacation.
Thank you so much for that encouragement. So glad your mother’s treatment was successful!
Praying for you, Monica. I pray for healing and peace for you.
Thank you so much!
Praying for you. Psalm 103 verse 3 comes to mind for you. Plus listen to Don Moen song “I am the God that health thee” and “God shall make a way were there seems no way.” Both by Don Moen you get them on YouTube. One other song it a kids one “, He’s Got the whole world in his hands” you know what Monica he has you in his hands. I know a young lady in her 30teets has survived Breast Cancer too. So keep looking on to God and trusting him. Listen to these songs. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland. xxx big big hugs to you
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. I will listen to those songs. I haven’t listened to Don Moen for awhile and that sounds good!
I am praying for you Monica, your family and puppy!
Thank you!
Incourage, thank you so much for this, I have missed the weekend devotionals. I have prayed for all that have posted so far. Ada, I admire your faith in standing firm and waiting on God. I pray that God will make a way where there seems to be no way, and that even if the situation isn’t resolved the way you expect that you would remember that God always has our best interests at heart and His plans are for our ultimate good. My husband and I are teachers and I would like prayers that as we start school next week we would be able to always shine the light of Jesus and to bind sickness and evil from not only our bodies, but the whole school. Blessings on each of you, have a wonderful day!
Judyc, God Bless you for what you do for our children! I will be praying for you and your husband as you begin this school year!! Through your comments, I can already see the bright light of Jesus you are sharing with the children!!!! Have a beautifully blessed school year!!!
God has been and is so good to me!! I know I should surrender all to Him…..this is the most difficult thing for me to do! I love Him and am so grateful for his countless blessings, mercy and grace. I worry constantly about finances, the safety and security of my son, Jeff, his wife Rachel and my Grandchildren Jackson and Maddison, my physical health (as I do not have health insurance), my husband’s health (he has COPD)…..the list goes on. Jesus, Help me!
I am praying for you Annette
Today I struggle with feeling at peace and letting God take control. I have a child struggling with drug addiction and we as a family could use all the prayers that can be sent up for us!!
I know God has this. But some days it is so hard as a parent to let go and trust God.
Hey Vicky.
Sorry to hear about the struggles that you are going through.
Today, I cover you in prayer. I pray for the Lord’s peace and guidance to be with you and your family as you navigate this difficult situation. I pray that your trust is strengthened in this Lord and that one day soon you will be able to see a renewed spirit in your child.
Have a blessed day Vicky.
Abba Father,
Please give Vicky & her family a sense of peace. Help them to turn this situation over to you. In your timing please help the child get off drugs. Shower them with your love. Help the family to trust you with the outcome. Bless them immensely. AMEN
Blessings 🙂
Over the last year, I have realized that fear has had more than a foothold on me, it has a stronghold. And I am ready to break free! The last few weeks God has given me verse after verse about worry, forgiveness, and anxiety, so I know I am not the only one to deal with these things, but I so want to stop living in duality. To stop telling my daughter who is away at college that things will be fine when inside I am fretting enough for everyone in the world. Please pray that I will be free of this, that my mind and body would be at rest and peace,
Sweet Jesus, help Laura to breath in your love, your goodness and your peace! Help her lean into your chest and find comfort and safety when her mind spins in anxious thoughts! Be her peace! Thank you for showing her through your word that you hear her, you see her and you want her to live free of worry! Thank you for the beautiful minds you have given to us and I pray protection over our minds from the devils schemes to steal our peace! In Jesus Name we are safe, we are grounded and we are loved! Thank you Lord! Amen!
I am praying for you Laura! The Lord is near and will bring you through!
I have struggled with anxiety my whole life. This year I’ve seen it manifest in panic, and it’s stolen my peace! I will continue fighting because I recognized when it is an attack and when I just need to pray and tell myself to chill out!!! We are over-comers when we lean on Jesus, but in the moment it feels hard to control!!!
Jessica, may the peace of God cover you. Prayers for you.
Jessica, I understand because I am in the same situation. And, it is hard to find support. I have been fortunate to have a hubby and friend who just help me through it. Keep fighting.
Yes! My husband has been a rock for me!!!! My friends don’t always understand me, but I am becoming more and more ok with that and thankful that they don’t have to experience what I go through!!!!
I’m facing some financial challenges as a single momma. Please pray that God will open the doors to opportunities that will allow me to provide for my daughter and me.
God, please open a path for Elizabeth and give her a peace.
Our son is shipping out to Fort Sill, OK tomorrow for Basic Training for National Guard. Prayers for safety for him. Prayers he can stay strong in his convictions. Prayers for me as we have to say bye to him.
I also am struggling with PTSD. I have been struggling since April 2020 but I have finally decided to apply for medical leave, since one of my triggers is at work. I am thankful I have so much support from my hubby, my closet coworkers and my principal but I also am prayerful that I will be able to overcome this so I can return to work because I don’t want to walk away from my job.
Great word of encouragement!
When we worry we are not trusting God. I have this saying in my Kitchen a Friend gave me it is so true. It is “Good Morning
This is God I will be handling all of your problems today. I will not need your help. So relax have a good day” this next one is one I have myself it goes. “Christ is the centre of our Home a guest a every meal a silent Listener to every conversation” I have both up in my Kitchen. They both are so true. To especially remind me and my Husband that God has everything under control. All we have to do is trust him. When sickness or worry of another kind do set in to our lives. We tent to panic and say why God did you let this happen. Instead of going to God in prayer and standing on his word for our situation. I when things happen in my life stand on Philippines 4 verse 19 it says “And My God shall Supply all Your Need according to his riches in Christ Jesus.” That is also so true. God does meet all our needs. Not our greed’s our needs if we trust him like that verse. So we have to as saved people get into the habit of trusting God for all of our lives. When a situation happens we have to go to God in prayer and his word the Bible. Say God your words says like Philippines 4 verse 19 tell it back to God. It says God in your word the Bible you said you would supply all my needs. I handing this one over to you. Listing to your still small voice to know what to do next. As God likes us to do that. That let God know we trust him to show us what to do. We are praying and standing on word the Bible to do with it. But when the worry happens how many of us do that.? I have to teach myself to do that not panic. Thank you incourage for this brilliant word today. Keeping you all in prayer. Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Such a timely, beautiful post. I am struggling to come to a place of rest, I have a mountain of tasks and studies to do but it feels like I am not progressing. I am struggling currently to keep perspective, do it to the best of my abilities and not give in to tiredness and anxiety.
God please watch over Barbara. Guide her in her daily tasks and studies. Help her to see her strengths in completing all in front of her and give her the peace she needs to accomplish them.
My daughter is going off to college-3 1/2 hours away and my son is starting a brand job in NYC soon. They will actually be closer then we will be. It’s such a scary world out there. Just want to be safe
God, may Your perfect love casts out Nancy’s every fear. Please protect Nancy’s children today and everyday. Give Nancy peace and help her to remember that her babies and herself are safe in Your loving and strong Hands. Clothe them in Your full armor of protection and fill their minds with Your peace and truth. Your Word is truth and You tell us in Isaiah 41:10 “Do not fear for I am with you. Do not be discouraged for I am your God. I will strengthen and help you, I will hold you up with my righteous right Hand.” Thank You God for your protection, peace and unfailing love. In Jesus’ Name, amen
“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.” – 1 John 4:18 ❤️
Thank you for your post. It is so timely for me. My husband is on hospice care and we have been living in hotel for a year while our house is repaired. The insurance housing allowance is running out in two weeks and I will have to surrender my husband to the hospital while I try to find a way to live. I am his paid caregiver so I will be losing my job and income. We had our first contractor die of Covid, second one ripped me off, third one has mismanaged job.
I cant stop shaking. I don’t understand why I have been through so much to have it end like this.
Please pray for me to be filled with courage and God’s peace. My sister and I are planning to move out of my childhood home. Even though I know this is very healthy at 28 and needs to be done so I can learn and grow, at times I feel anxious and fearful about what’s ahead. It’s so easy to get content and stuck in a groove where you are. Even though we are planning on staying close to home, leaving the comforts of home can be scary. Thank you for praying for me ❤️
Debby Plummer,
I didn’t see any response to your post and you may think you were overlooked; but the Lord sees you and has not forgotten you and your family. One of God’s names is Jehovah Raphe your Healer.
I pray the Lord touch your husband from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, making him whole.(strengthening and reviving him).
Fear is a name and Jesus’ Name is above all names. So in the name of Jesus I command fear to loose its hold over your mind and emotions. You’re God’s daughter and He’s not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound, disciplined mind. He has a perfect plan for your life and knows exactly what you are facing at work. He always makes a way for His children. He is holding you in the palm of His hands; He covers you with His feathers; He walks beside you; is your rear guard; He goes before you. He lives in you! Be of good cheer, Debby , He’s got this!
I have been suffering with a very long season of depression, fear and anxiety. I lean hard on the Lord and His promises knowing He will bring me through again as He is faithful always. I am 75 and my husband is a great help to me. My stepdaughter and her son, our precious grandson, have been with us for 15 years and we are helping support them on our very limited social security so that our grandson can stay in private Christian school. But I confess I am tired and weary of it all. And we don’t own our home but are forced to rent. I desire so much to have our own home out of this subdivision and back to a rural area away from this city. I would be so very grateful for your prayers. God bless you all!
Prayers for you Donna. For your peace and safety where you live, that God will keep you and your family safe and your precious grandson in the school I feel he dearly loves. Blessings
Thank you very much Marilyn for your prayers. God bless you richly!
Healing from depression and anxiety
I am praying for the Lord to lift you up and hold you through this journey of care for family, I pray that you find rest and sleep during the long nights and for your health which is so needed to be able to help your family the way you would like.
Asking for God to do the impossible. For my wife’s heart to soften toward me. To forgive. For healing to begin in Jesus Name.
Please pray for discernment over how to navigate what I perceive to be a stronghold of fear and anxiety preventing my teenage daughter from exploring opportunities around her, but if in fact her shy and reserved nature is simply how she has been perfectly designed, then I pray that God will please change my heart to accept His will for my daughter, as it has grown extremely hard for me to watch her living her life in such a way that she seems to always be off to the side and missing out on experiences.
Pray for David who is critically ill.
Dear Lord, we know that You have heard all of these requests, and that you are faithful to answer each and every one. Please be with each person here and give peace, wisdom, healing, and direction to all in any situation that they might encounter. Help us to trust in You and to remember that nothing is too hard for You, God Almighty!
Dear Father, I ask that you gather Judyc into your loving arms and hold her in shelter and support of any anxieties and stressors.
I come before you once again in supplication of continuing peace, grace and mercy while I am waiting on my surgery date to remove recurring abdominal/gastric adenocarcinoma. Bless and guide all the care givers that have been assigned to my team
healthcare providers. I am humbly grateful for all the prayer support of my family and friends and for your intervention in all our
lives. Thank you for the unending blessings you so freely give to us. In the name of your beloved son, Jesus; hear our prayers.
Please encircle God’s angels around our dtr keeping her safe as she fights her way back to her life, children and our family. And keep these angels camped around our family granting us peace and safety and hope she can find her way back to God.
Please pray I find a job that is fulfilling, pays the bills, and is dominated by insecure females that have an agenda of (me) destruction for their own gain! I’m tired of facing that daily. Evil, insidious, deliberate intimidation, bullying, and more!
Thank you so very much!
OOps! I meant to say “that is NOT dominated by …”
In Courage,
Abba Father,
Please bless everyone here with what they need. Guide their steps & give them wisdom. Help them to trust you to handle the situations. Shower them all with your love, peace & grace.
Blessings 🙂
Thank you Beth. May our Heavenly Father bless all that are seeking his care, wisdom, and grace. May we all practice mindfulness and gratitude and continue to always give Jesus praise. Our voices/prayers are heard. May the Fruits of the Spirit anoint us all as we grow and evolve and may we all find people to share in our blessings. Peace be with everyone on this thread.
These days I wonder whether I have the capacity to deal with what’s ahead in my family. My daughters throw curve balls that are so hurtful. I doubt my ability to finish my PhD as I can’t seem to get going on my final chapters. I really want to finish it but more than that I want to be able to contribute to my University and other universities in Australia.
Thank you.