About the Author

Dorina is an author, speaker, teacher, foodie, and trail runner. She helps people chase God's glory down unexpected trails and flourish in their callings. Her latest books include Breathing Through Grief, Kailani's Gift & Chasing God's Glory. Dorina and her hubby Shawn are raising three courageous daughters in Central California.

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  1. What is wrong with you? A Christmas devotional on Ash Wednesday. I am certain that most of Christendom has lost its soul. Incredibly blind.

    • Hi Cheryl, I think if you read further, you’ll find that Dorina has skillfully woven the hope and depth of our many faith-centered celebrations and practices together in a unique and compelling way. I’m grateful for her encouraging words today, and find it particularly harmful of you to suggest something is “wrong” with her. That is hurtful language, it’s not true, and it goes against what God calls her as a beloved daughter.
      You are also a beloved daughter of God, and I pray you’d be reminded of the depth of that love today.

    • Cheryl, I echo Tasha’s thoughtful comment. I wish you had read Dorina’s whole article because you would have discovered the beautiful way she shares how God has been working in her life over the last several months and how the joy we celebrate at Christmastime is the same joy we can return today on Ash Wednesday and as we prepare our hearts for Easter.

      (in)courage is a place where it’s okay to disagree or see things from different perspectives but we ask that you come with gentle curiosity rather than harsh criticism. Let’s be women who seek to understand and care for one another before allowing our assumptions to cause us to critique and tune out too soon.

      Becky Keife
      (in)courage community manager

      • On assumptions: Both of you youngsters assume that I have not read the article, which is no surprise, since American Christians possess all answers to all questions. Note how it takes congregations of thousands, led by “praise teams” to sing repetitive nonsense from video screens and wealthy evangelists to cement your belief systems. What I see here, I see everywhere in the US, the determined leap from Christmas to Easter. God forbid reflection, contemplation, or mourning among you who greet one another at your
        nondenominational churches with, ‘Happy Lent!” but ignore mass deaths and the potential world war under your noses.

  2. I’ve personally struggled with fasting for lent. Giving up something for 40 days becomes about the getting it back soon not about the giving it up to focus more fully on Jesus’ journey to the cross on my behalf. I envy those who can successfully fast. Your post to feast on His presence is so encouraging to me! And yes, a Christmas hymn! Jesus was born, He came to dwell among us to specifically suffer the indignity & pain of the death I deserved. To pay the penalty I cannot possibly pay. To redeem, save, forgive MY sins. Oh come, oh come Immanuel to ransom captive sinners= me, indeed! Thank you for your insightful words!
    I will be mourning the pain my sin cost Him while celebrating His coming! Giving up on extra sleep to be in His Word more.

    • Ruth, Thank you for reflecting with me. Fasting can be a good thing but I’m glad these words resonated with you that the real invitation is to feast on God’s presence. I’m mourning with you, giving up some sleep in these next 40 days, and centering on Immanuel, God with us.

  3. Thank you Dorina for reminding us to keep our focus on God. Hebrews 12 says” Let us fix our eyes on Jesus…who for the joy set before Him endured the cross”. May we rejoice again and again in His wonderful gift to us!

    • Thanks for reminding me of that precious scripture. I am centering on the words “fix” and “joy” in this verse. The invitation is for us to fix our eyes on Jesus and the cross and the reward is a renewed sense of joy.

  4. I stopped fasting and giving up goodies ages ago. Instead I put my focus on doing something positive and I try to pay attention to the things I do that need fixing. I find that it is more fulfilling for me and makes me think more. Fasting and giving up certain foods became routine. In this way, I feel as thought I am actually doing something for myself and others. And it carries over after Lent is long gone. And that hymn is one of my favorites. I transcends all seasons.

    • Madeline, what a beautiful and intentional practice that is to pay attention to things that need adjusting and to look for ways to share the feast with others. You’re right. This song transcends all seasons. I love the way you articulated that!

  5. O come, o come Emmanuel! Yes! I’m in! Let’s feast on His amazing love. Beautifully written, Dorina.

  6. Thank you for this beautiful post Dorina! I needed to read it this morning and I’m grateful for your encouragement and the way you generously share your story to give hope to all of ours.

    • Thank you, friend. Your words buoy my spirit today. Our stories are for HIs glory. What a privilege to have a space to share!

  7. I like the idea of focusing on feasting. What better way to honor my Lord than drinking deeply of his presence.

  8. I love the newness that becomes after feasting on the presence of God. It takes off our old self and renews our spirits in rejoicing in our newness. Thank you for sharing your talents that the Lord placed in your heart and on your mind. We are BLESSED because you were obedient to share what God spoke to you on the subject ReJOYCE. I rebuke any negative remarks that one may have stated. Forgive them oh Lord I pray. We ReJOYCE in God is doing through our obedience to what was written. Yes and Amen

  9. “I invite you to fast from distractions and join me at the table to feast with our Savior, the Bread of Life. Let’s lift our eyes from the loneliness and lack of these past few years and look to the horizon, the resurrection to come.” Yes! Thank you for this, friend. xx

    • It feels so counter-cultural in this time of pandemic and war, but I believe the Bread of Life will meet us there!

  10. Thank you for your beautiful words. “Abundance” is my word of the year and I have been focusing on being attentive to all God’s bounty and provision in the little, ordinary day to dayness of our lives. I too am feasting on His promise, His plan and His purpose and during this lenten time, fasting from the distractions that keep me away from His abundance. Exactly what I needed to read today!

    • I love how you connected this with the word Abundance. I chose that word a few years ago and God revealed so much about how He gives abundantly when we seek Him. I’m glad these words met you today, Christine!

  11. It feels so counter-cultural in this time of pandemic and war, but I believe the Bread of Life will meet us there!

  12. Dorina,

    Yes to feasting on more of God. We need to dig deeper into the word & truly understand the various aspects of Easter. Wishing more churches would celebrate all aspects of Easter week including Maunday Thursday. After all that was my parents first date-Maunday Thursday service. We must remember that Jesus left the splendor of Heaven to come to broken Earth & save us from our sins. He died a horrible death on the cross. I’m thankful our church has a communion service each week. We start with a song, then meditation & then we all go to back of church row by row & partake of it. Often times it makes me cry thinking what Jesus did for me. Then I rejoice that He didn’t have to stay on the cross long. He ascended into Heaven on that glorious Sunday. Hallelujah!

    blessings 🙂

    • Beth, thanks for sharing your experience with Lent as well. I came to know Jesus at a Maundy-Thursday service at a little church in Chicago when I was a young girl. I love that sacred service of remembrance practiced in some churches to remind us of Jesus’ sacrifice and serving.