This past month, I had two dear friends, Angie and Kristy, who had the privilege of speaking at a couple of churches. Angie’s event was an hour away from Baton Rouge, and Kristy’s was about thirty minutes away. Neither was a far distance from me, so when I found out about them speaking, I knew I wanted to be there.
Angie and Kristy have both walked through a great deal of loss, but the Lord has brought forth sweet ministries that bring hope and healing to others out of their grief. After their events ended, they were so grateful I had come to support them. But I could also sense a bit of disbelief that I had even wanted to come and listen to them teach.
I began to ponder why we can sometimes feel unworthy of someone championing us. Why are we amazed that someone would show up for us?
I don’t know that I have any answers, but what I do know is that it has never occurred to me to not show up. I actually count it one of my greatest joys to show up for my friends and to cheer wildly for them.
Angie even asked me if I felt a calling to cheerlead and intercede for people. Though I’ve never thought about it in those terms before, I do feel that calling very deeply. But I also think that every believer is called to encourage and intercede for others on some level.
Society has us believing that we must be individualistic and isolated, but our role in each other’s lives as seen in Scripture is for us to be brothers and sisters in Christ. We are family in the most important ways, and families are intimately involved with one another.
In my Bible, the heading title before Romans 12:9-21 says “Behave Like a Christian.” Those verses talk about love in action, and that’s exactly what it means to be a believer in Christ. We get to speak hope into each other’s sorrows and grief. We sit. We listen. We cry together. We speak words of encouragement. We also get to delight in the ways that God blesses others. We praise. We give thanks. We celebrate. We cheer.
Further, in Galatians 6:2, it says that we are called to “carry each other’s burdens, and in this way [we] will fulfill the law of Christ.” This is a high calling and not for the faint of heart. This calling comes at a cost as we bear each other’s heavy loads with hope and joy. It is not always convenient or easy or desired, but we do it out of obedience to God’s Word and out of love for Him and others.
With the state of the world such as it is, I’ve never been more convinced of just how much we need the body of Christ. We need encouragement and love and wisdom from one another. We need fellowship and intimacy with each other. And we need to build each other up in prayer and faith.
Thankfully, we are not alone in this life. We were created for community. So when we feel weak, the body of Christ is there to hold us up and strengthen us. We get to give and serve, pray and sacrifice for one another, and show up and cheer each other on.
In this, we fulfill God’s beautiful plan for His children when we come together. Bearing witness to the work of God in and through others will always bring me great joy, and my prayer is that we would all embrace this calling and experience how God moves powerfully in each other’s lives.
Listen to Karina’s words below or download wherever you listen to podcasts!
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Amen! May we all “show up” and support each other. Lord, remind us again and again that You never intended for us to go through this life alone and help us to always look for ways to bless our brothers and sisters in Christ. Thanks Karina for this encouragement!
Thank you Judy for sharing! Amen and Amen!
Very well said!!! Yes, we were created for fellowship–with each other as Christians and with God as our Father through Christ Jesus. Staying in a Bible believing church is so essential for each of us and for one another!
So true Betsy! Thank you for sharing!
Yet again the words you’ve shared speak to my heart in perfect timing. My Dad-in-love went to Jesus last Tues & the family is together for worship & burial today. We each cope with grief individually and one of the nephews is having a really hard time. God gave me the opportunity to be his cheerleader that it is perfectly ok that he not view the body. His response to me warmed my soul that that interaction was a God thing thru & thru.
So sorry for your FIL’s passing. May God give you all peace & comfort for your souls. Asking God to put His loving arms around each of you & give you a tight hug.
Ruth, I’m so sorry for your loss. But, praise God for His grace and open doors in moments like these. Praying His supernatural love and comfort overwhelms all of you today!
Thanks for the prayers. Papa was a faithful servant of our Lord & lost his wife 2 years ago. He had the attitude he would serve well until his own big day. At 91 he blessed us & others for a long time. We miss him but we just can’t be sad knowing he’s with Jesus!
Karina, such a wonderful message and really needed at this time. Thanks for being a cheerleader for the body of Christ.
Thank you for this reminder! We are called to love and we should make the effort to go the distance for those we so claim to love/care about. I don’t mind sharing my life with others and I try my best to show up as needed. I know it scares others when I go above and beyond. Not sure why. At times they feel I must not have any friends cause I am giving of my times. We shouldn’t think like this though nor should this deter us from loving on everyone. For me I feel that if we share and are vulnerable with each other, this is the true meaning of friendship. With all this social media craze of pretending to be perfect, living your best fake lives, it’s no wonder we are scared when others show up. Let’s continue to love and show up for each other.
So good Maylee! I feel the same way! Keep showing up. They Lord is so pleased with your love and sacrifice!
Amen true encouragement helps out all our sisters. Phrases like I’m here for you and I believe in you matter so much. Phrases like it’s ok, buck up and smile through it say you don’t understand the pain I’m going through and hurts more. Hugs work wonders. Knowing someone is there for us.
So beautiful Ariel! Thank you for sharing!
Amen and thank you for your words and sharing God’s word. Such encouragement! Such gratitude! Such mercy! Such peace!
Thank you Olivia! Your words mean a lot to me! Thank you for reading and sharing!
I will never forget one of my college mom’s, Mrs. W, who drove 3 hours to come to my mom’s Homegoing Service, for me. She knew I would need a mom.
That’s beautiful Catherine! Praise God for His love poured out through her!
Very motivating and timely words!
For me it has been a struggle to be a good cheerleader through the pandemic, but I am being intentional now in making up for lost time and moving forward determined to reach out and be there for others more effectively this year!
That’s so good Kathy! Blessings to you as you are the hands and feet of Christ in the lives of others.
I love this!! I will be sharing this with my sisters in Christ, thank you !!
Thank you Mary Lynn!
I am a natural encourager. Love being there for others, cheering them on, praying or cooking for them. When my pastor’s wife’s mom was being moved down here I immediately made a chicken pot pie & cranberry orange bread for them. My way of alleviating their burdens some. A few years ago a friend & I were in the throes of aging parents. I called her one day to check on her & both her dad & step dad were in hospital. I decided to go to KFC & get some chicken for her. At same time we were getting some chicken for my neighbor who had lost a son.
I work as a clerical in a Covid unit. We have an angel wall outside our cafeteria. I wrote a note to thank the housekeeper who would come in here with a smile on her face & clean each room-no complaining. Also thanked the men who came in & buffed our floors. My way of acknowledging good, hard work. Also wanted to make them smile!
Blessings 🙂
Amen Beth! Every little word or acts counts. The Lord is pleased by them all!
Yes, especially after the isolation we’ve experienced thru Covid-19!
Love this!! Love u!
Karina –
What beautiful words and inspiration! God Bless you!