About the Author

Robin is the author of For All Who Wander, her relatable memoir about wrestling with doubt that reads much like a conversation with a friend. She's as Southern as sugar-shocked tea, married to her college sweetheart, and has three children. An empty nester with a full life, she's determined to...

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  1. Lesson for my 3-4th graders this am is the account of Peter denying Jesus & being restored to great works for the kingdom. May my kiddos learn that lesson from scripture not setting their hair on fire! I love it when a truth gets repeated in various forms to reinforce God’s love to us. His timing is always perfect! Thank you for being part of my lesson prep even if I thought I was already prepared. Worship well the Forgiver & Restorer of our sin sick souls!

  2. Robin,

    We can never do anything so bad that God won’t forgive us. He is the good good loving Father. Even the thief on the cross asked forgiveness & Jesus said “Truly I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” The parable of the prodigal son is a good example of God’s love for us. We get caught up in worldly living yet God is out there watching & waiting for our return. He will lavish us with good gifts. While your sin may disconnect you from God, but it won’t disconnect you from His Love.

    Blessings 🙂

  3. Robin,

    What a wonderful story and lesson! Hubby walked by, and the title caught his eye. 🙂 Reminds me of when my brother and I caught a napkin at Pizza Hut on fire-by accident. Made me smile.

    Thanks for the way that you wove it into a good lesson.

  4. What a beautiful picture of God’s love and His plan to reconcile us to Him. Thanks, Robin.