Being a healthcare worker has been difficult the past two years. We were told by the world that we were essential, so we needed to show up. We were supposed to show up even if we were scared we could get the virus or bring it home to our families. We were essential, but we had to work with fewer resources than ever before. We were hailed as superheroes, but we were also scared to lose our jobs as we watched coworkers get laid off when certain departments got shut down. We were told we were essential, but we felt disposable, replaceable, and as if our voices didn’t matter. This was the story of almost every healthcare worker in 2020 and 2021.
It was one of the toughest seasons in my career. There were days I wished I could take a break from it all for the sake of my mental health. There were moments of regret that I chose the health care field. I felt anything but essential.
But one day, I walked into work and saw a new face in the clinic.
We had a physical therapy student who was starting her clinical rotation with us, so I introduced myself as I walked past her to go to my office. Her clinical instructor found me at lunch break and said, “You have to meet my student. She knows you. In fact, you’re the reason she chose to be a physical therapist.” I was puzzled. She continued, “You didn’t recognize her? When she was a teenager, she came to you for physical therapy and the way you made her feel was why she chose this as her career. She is so excited that she crossed paths with you again!”
I held back tears.
There are special moments in life when God will use people to remind you of who He has made you to be. This was one of those moments for me. He reminded me in a very dark season of doubt and disappointment that I am essential because I have influence.
Friend, can I remind you of the same truth? You are essential. You may not feel like it. Your platform or job may not lead you to believe it. But you are essential because you have influence — far greater than you realize.
Honestly, I didn’t remember this student as a patient because I’ve been doing this work for over eleven years. But the seed I sowed, the words I spoke, the care I provided for her as a young teenager changed the course of her future, even though I had no idea.
I believe there are people like her in your life. It could be a Sunday school student, a coworker, neighbor, classmate, or a stranger who reads your words on the internet who has been impacted by you though you may not be aware. There is always someone who needs to see your kindness, hear your story, or read your words. You are not replaceable or disposable. You matter more than you know.
I showed up for that teenage patient like I do for all my patients — prepared to serve, educate, and treat in the area I am called to. That made me essential in her life. Your circumstances may seem hopeless, your platform may be small, your job may feel mundane, but when we are faithful to what we’re called to do, we are essential to someone. And that person is essential to another.
We don’t always get to see the end of the story or see the ripple effect of our lives. But if we did, we would see that we are indeed indispensable. We need to realize that truth about ourselves so that we can live our lives with purpose and influence the world around us.
So don’t quit what God has called you to do when it gets hard and dark. Instead, let your light shine.
Listen to today’s episode below or wherever you stream podcasts!
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.
I must admit that I only felt like my influence began and slowed down with my children. But you help me to view myself with a new perspective. Maybe I have been planting seeds since I became a Christian. I truly pray that I planted the best seeds. When your plans change and you think you had no other options, you can get stuck in doubt, fear and disappointment. I am so much stronger now. It has been a long Journey with many twists and turns. The Holy Spirit is my guide and teacher of truth. I am valuable enough to be in the Kingdom of God. What I have to offer others is love and forgiveness because that’s what I need every day.
Don’t give up, we all will keep planting seeds because that’s what Believers are supposed to do. When we learn to walk by faith and not by what we see, feel or hear then we are walking in the right direction. Don’t worry if you make a wrong turn, the Holy Spirit will gently help you get back on the right path.
Be encouraged and know that you are God’s Beloved Daughters.
Enjoy your day.
Amen! Thanks for those words of truth and encouragement!!
Amen! We had pine tree limbs fall in our yard last weekend so I moved the short ones to the curb for yard trash pick up. There were some that were too big for me & we’d need to borrow a chain saw to them picked up. My husband goes to work too early & cones home too late to tackle that task during the week so we planned to do it tomorrow. I told our plans to a neighbor earlier in the week. Lo & behold yesterday morning I was aware of a chain saw buzz then realized it was in our yard! That neighbor brought his chain saw & was doing the labor for us. I went out to thank him profusely & he merely shrugged & said ” I was in the neighborhood anyway”. Another neighbor arrived with a wheelbarrow to cart off the wood to burn in his fire pit. One act of kindness met 2 neighbor’s needs. The chainsaw wielding neighbor did not intend to bring attention to his act but it was certainly noticed & so appreciated! He had the means we did not to do the job. You are so right. What do I have in my comings & goings that will meet a need or encourage another as I go. In God’s economy I may never know or be recognized for it BUT GOD will use it as He wills for His glory! Yeah God! Blessings to you, Simi! Thanks for showing up for that teenager, your other clients & your readers!
Yessss! We simply obey and stay faithful – and in that God will be glorified and others will be blessed. What a beautiful act of kindness by your neighbors to show you that you matter.
Dear Simi,
Your words spoke directly to my heart today. You are right; each of us does have influence and each is essential in ways we may never know.
My sweet sister, Sara, was mentally challenged, had Parkinson’s, suffered countless health and emotional setbacks. Her spirit never dimmed and her influence on so many around her changed lives. A dear friend became a special education teacher because of Sara. Her caregivers and hospital nurses learned to view “special needs” people with new eyes, as whole people with thoughts and ideas, experiences, joys and sorrows, but mostly God’s love they want to share. Her life was like a pebble tossed into the water; the ripples continue on even after her passing. What we do in life has impact, known or unknown, that goes on through the lives of others.
Thank you for all you do to help those in need, physically and spiritually. Your words speak to many hearts.
Wow! That is beautiful testimony Sara has that outlives her own life…I love it. Thanks for sharing that!
Bravo Simi John!!
Keep on keeping on
Thanks! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
So weird. i just watched this documentary yesterday about the essential workers and the beginning of COVID (and i loved the physical therapist highlighted in it).
thank you for being essential in all the ways! i am a stranger who was impacted by your words just this morning. 🙂
I love that! Thank YOU!!
Thank you for your words. I am a pediatric PT and have also felt essential but not essential. The past 2 years has brought many different emotions. Thank you for sharing. It reminds me, once again, to be focused on what God wants me to do, to be and to touch each family and coworker in a way to hopefully show His presence in their lives. I need those reminders.
Keep going sis! Every life we get to encounter for the 45-60mins is a time they can feel loved, comforted and safe to be vulnerable in their weaknesses. Proud of you!
Thank you for your invaluable and deeply touching message on the ‘essentialness’ of who we are and what we are called to do. Sharing your experience as an essential worker and transcending that theme is truly a gift and reminder to all of us. Thank you again for your vulnerability and graciousness.
Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to write these words of encouragement to me! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
I love this and love that you guys continue to show up no matter what your job deals out. I have a friend on dialysis who has been in and out of the hospital countless times since this started. We’re all thankful.
Thank YOU!!
Your story really resonated with me, Simi! I retired from nursing before the pandemic hit, but I have listened to my friends in healthcare voicing these same feelings you expressed. In fact, one CCU nurse retired early, due to the stress of Covid. You make a good point about us all being influencers. I will keep that in mind, although I’m retired now. Thank you for this.
As long we have a pulse, we have a God given purpose in this world! You get to continue the work of healing and comforting those in crisis- maybe in a different way, but you have influence!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing this story. Uplifting more than you know.
I am so glad!! Have a great Friday!
Thank you Simi!! Your story hit home with me and helped me to see myself in a whole new light.Thank you again. May God richly bless you as you serve Him
You just made my day!! So happy to hear that!!
Simi thank you for sharing your heart. I used to think I was not essential. All I doing is what most Daughter’s would do for their elderly parent. Mine is my Dad. I use to become I love my Dad and do it on to the Lord. Home help for my Dad. Monday to Friday. Then odd weekend when he was away somewhere for the day. Plus walk his dog as well as doing Home help for him. I used to get annoyed. Wondering why am doing this. Because you sometimes get no praise from my Dad. For all I did for him. Then I broke my Ankle on 1st December 2021. Had to have surgery on it. Still out of action. My Dad can be the person who loves to see you come every day. Especially if he knows your going to help him. But hardly ever at times would he say thank you. But now and then. It just make me think. Or you Dad too busy wrapped up your own world. Why can’t you say thank you more often. I say nothing. But it did annoy me. My Dad not saved. I do pray for his Salvation. I used to get annoyed at this to. when I do my Dad’s say a day like today. Then you go tomorrow and it would be as if you never done it. I hated to see it untidy. Especially his kitchen and bathroom. My Dad can do alot more for himself than I thought. As my Sister’s say Dad has just had to do it. Since you broke my Ankle. I just went every morning. Said hello to my Dad. walked his dog. Then came back got stuck in to doing his house. There were times. I said nothing but would get cross but keep it to myself. Say how do you get the house so untidy. There is only you Dad and the dog living her to myself. Then after I broken my Ankle in December. Had my operation on it. My Dad called to see me. To see how I doing. He gave me a Christmas Card. On the envelope it said something like. Dad address it from the him and dog. Thank you for all you done for me and the dog. I was humbled. I read the envelope again. As I read it second time. I could feel the tears coming down my face. I said to myself. Maybe my Dad does appreciate all I do for him. But not does not show it or say it that often because he doesn’t know how to. Then God spoke to me said Dawn you have to remember your Dad’s not saved. He will not change until he gets saved. To say more that he appreciates all you done for him. It just that he doesn’t think or know how to show more care at the moment. But one day when he gets saved. He will your Dad change. As I will be able God said to help him change your Dad to appreciate you more. But now your not there. Your Dad now that he has not got you there helping him and walking his dog. Because you have broken your Ankle. It in healing now. He your Dad misses you. Has time to think about all you did for him. That is why he wrote on the envelope. Thank for all you done for me and the dog. So I am Essential. Essential to my Dad. As he glad of the help and all I did for him. My Dad will be glad to see me back when completely better. But for time being he has to with the help of my other two sisters. Do more for himself. He finding for his age 81 next month. He can do more for himself. God showed me that. God said keep praying for your Dad. When you go back remember you are doing what you on to me and for the Love of your Dad. I will do that. When my ankle gets better. So I am Essential. Like you are Simi. In the work you do. Look because of your kindness care you paved the way for that young student to want to do the same job you do. So you be proud of that. That goes to show you. Manner love and kindness. Do make a big difference. You doing that you made a big difference. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Wow! Beautiful! Thanks for sharing Dawn! We get to be part of being the hands and feet of Jesus- that is huge!
Simi, I love that God gave you this window into how He was working when you were unaware of it. The ripples of our lives are far greater than we could ever imagine! Thanks for this encouragement today.
Amen! God is so crazy good!!
My husband and I are parents to a bipolar adult son. We’ve been supportive of him both physically and financially. We are retired and live on a tight budget but will continue to give him as much support as possible. Because of his disease he can be very demanding and disrespectful to us. We do our best for the Lord knowing that we will not be thanked by our son. It helps to know we work for the Lord. ‘What ever your hands find to do do it for the Lord and not for man’ 1 Corinthians 10:31. This is the verse that keeps us going. Thanks Simi for your amazing work! You are appreciated!
Wow! Your work matters so much mama! Being a caregiver is not easy at all. Your son is so blessed to have y’all as his parents who display the love and grace of Jesus…I pray that he sees glimpses of those moments.
Beautifully said, Simi! Thank you so much for sharing these words my heart needed to hear today 🙂
Hope you have a wonderful weekend friend!
Thank you for this message, it meant a lot to know that whoever I have ministered to,
May have been influenced to, throughout my life.
Yesss! So let’s live intentionally knowing that our work matter and we have infuence!
I love this message. We all matter to God in a way we can’t comprehend. His love for us is so extraordinary. There are no words but as in the book of Jude, keep yourself in the love of God. Remind yourself several times a day. Romans 8:26-end are priceless words of life. The Holy Spirit & Jesus are both interceding for us!!! We are more than a conqueror!!!!!
Amen !! Preach!!!
Oh my word…J’adore this encouragement, Simi!!! It is such a gift when the Lord gives us opportunity to hear how our actions impacted another. What is so beautiful is you were just going about your job, doing it well, and serving others with your skill and experience. You weren’t gunning to “make an impact” or influence anyone; you were just operating in your calling (whether or not you ever called it that 🙂 ). It jazzes me to hear this kind of testimony, and it’s a challenge to love and serve well the people right in front of me (at home, in the workplace, down the street…). Thank you!
Right? That’s the sweetest part! He just wants us to be us and do what He has asked of us in the place He has set us. He does the work.
My hubby & I are both healthcare workers. (He is weekend CT & I work part time clerical). These past few years have been really hard on us. There are many people leaving hospitals to either travel or work in doctors’ offices. Staffing got so bad they shut my unit down. I was a bit anxious as to the out come. They moved me to an ICU Covid unit. I didn’t care for it at first, but then I grew to like my co workers. Just like you made an impression on that young girl, I made a good impression on the bosses. They posted a full time job “just for me”. Honestly I was just being me. Working hard & helping out where ever I could. Even going so far as to put together IV tubing with 4 extensions so they can change them out every few days. People who notice me at work always say I’m a hard worker. I view each patient as my family & treat them that way. Also knowing that CNAs, if we have one, & RNs have a lot to do-so I try to lighten their load. I’ve even gone so far as to write a few notes on our angel wall thanking a certain EVS worker & the floor polisher men. They do a tough job with smiles on their faces & I want them to know I’m grateful for that. Everyone could use a dose of kindness now & then.
Blessings 🙂
Thank you for the work you do! I praise God that He gave you the gift of insight into how your work has meaningfully impacted others. May that continue to be a source of comfort and inspiration for you on the days when it’s easy to forget how much of a blessing you are to others.
Your story as well as others in the comments remind me of 1 Corinthians 3:5-9. We are co-workers in God’s service, obedient to his calling, even when we may not ever see or know the outcome of planting and watering the seeds. What a delight it is when He shares a glimpse of the fruit with us.
(My own fun story? I was a very shy middle school student when I joined a local youth community theatre company. One of the directors, Jackie, loved me and was so kind and encouraging for the 3.5 years I was a part of the group. Nineteen years later, one of my 9th grade chorus students told me one day, “I think you know my grandma!” As Jackie had cared for and nurtured me, I was able to do the same for her grandson throughout his four years in high school. That student is now in college studying to be a music teacher. Another bonus? Because he sang in our school choir and we were both involved in a faith-based community youth choir, I’ve had the joy of seeing Jackie several times over the last few years and have been able to thank her for her profound influence on my life.)
Peace be with you.