I wonder if we’d be so gung-ho about New Year’s resolutions if January didn’t come so quickly after December.
The holiday season, with all its fun and festivities and fa-la-las, also gives us obligations, stress, and bullet lists (or credit card bills) a mile long. And after pushing ourselves to exhaustion or gorging ourselves on red and green candies (No, YOU ate an entire bag of peanut M&Ms in one day!), the idea of a new day, month, year is more than a breath of fresh air. It’s a gulp of oxygen as we feel ourselves drowning in year-end excess and (often unmet) expectations.
But before we start a list of all the many, many ways we’re going to be better, do more, work harder or smarter — or both! — this year, let’s take a time out. Let’s breathe in deep our clean calendars and pretty paper journals, and let’s boil all our best intentions and goals and ambitions down a little.
I don’t know about you, but I know that this time of year, as we put 2021 behind us and look forward to whatever may come in 2022, I’m tempted to forget everything I’ve learned in the past twelve months (and every year before). My knees feel weak at the thought of a few more bullet points, and I get a little breathless as I organize all my hopes and dreams and plans into the most perfect outline or spreadsheet you’ve ever seen.
Yeah, it’s true. I totally get a crush on New Year’s resolutions, the bad boy of all goal-setting strategies, the one I swear off every year because he’ll just end up hurting me. That one. Yes, I fall for his charm (The possibilities! The potential!) every time.
And that’s why I come back to DaySpring’s Word of the Year.
DaySpring’s Word of the Year encourages us to forget resolutions and instead, focus on just ONE word. The idea is that we focus on this one word every day, all year long — one word that sums up who we want to be or how we want to live. DaySpring’s Word of the Year is what snaps me out of my dreamy resolution fog and grounds me — not just in January but every month of the year.
Whether I’m brainstorming writing topics and business ideas, pinning recipes to try and crafts to make, or identifying all the ways I need to do more, work harder, and be better, I easily lose my mind first in the more!-more!-more! approach to making my lists and then moving towards the overwhelmed, I-can’t-possibly-do-any-of-this, I’m-going-to-hide-under-the-covers reaction to my lists in the face of reality.
Focusing on just one word for the year keeps me centered, and it leaves me a whole lot more successful and satisfied with life. Especially because when I force myself to funnel my hopes and goals for an entire year into a single word or phrase, I also force myself to focus on what truly matters and what will make an eternal difference in my life and the lives of those I care about.
See? Way more satisfying than pretending like this is the year I’m going to start flossing every day.
This article was written by Mary Carver, (in)courage writer.
We’re excited to share with you a fun, EASY way to kick off your new year — the Word of The Year quiz from DaySpring! The seven simple questions will lead you to one word that will remind you of God’s truth all year long and inspire you to live your faith every day.
Click here to take the short 7-question quiz and find your word — nothing overwhelming about that! Once you have your word, download the graphic that goes with your word and share it on social media. Be sure to tag @incourage so we can cheer you on!
Then come back here and share your word in the comments, along with what it means to you. As an added bonus, we’re giving one lucky commenter* a $100 shopping spree to DaySpring.com!
Whether you’re reluctant to begin or you’re chomping at the bit to enter the new year, we’re here to cheer you on in the good things God has for you in 2022.
Let’s lean into truth together. What’s your word?
Good Morning. I took the quiz, and my word of the year is “EMPOWERED.” My eyes brimmed with tears when I saw that word, I certainly was not expecting I would have such a strong reaction to a simple word!
Thank you for sharing, (in)Courage.
Oh and this made me laugh so much – “Way more satisfying than pretending like this is the year I’m going to start flossing every day.” LOL. Thank you for sharing, Mary.
Have a beautiful day, everyone!
Love, Bomi 🙂
Bomi, I love how personal God is and that your word moved you with such emotion. Praying for you — empowered woman of God!
I was excited to see the quiz again. I took it in 2020. Ironically my word for 2020 was Gather. God certainly had to be His creative self to flesh out gathering during lockdown! And He was! Trying to take this year’s quiz I am in a loop of entering my email & getting ads. I think maybe my word should be Discerning. May we all Discern the essentials of Jesus & not be distracted or frustrated by the shiny clutter Satan dangles in front of us
Site finally played nice and I got to take the quiz not just read ads. My word is Empowered. Gives me chills to think what God will empower me to do cuz it sure aint in my power! Yeah God!
Sorry about the ads, Ruth! (That’s strange! I got one pop-up coupon and that’s it.) But glad you persevered. 🙂 And empowered. Yes! What a beautiful promise-packed word!
I take this quiz every year. This year, my word is “Fulfilled.” There have been many moments over the past few years that have seemed like a struggle, but, just when I thought I wouldn’t make it, God has carried me through. My hope for this year is to find that peace and “fulfillment” with where and who I am.
To be fulfilled in Jesus, right where we are with exactly what we have — yes! That’s my prayer too.
Amen, Ruth! My word is Beloved.
I have done the Dayspring Word for the Year for several years now. Last year my word was ‘Transform’, and it certainly was a year for transforming a lot of things, including me. This is an ongoing transformation!
This year my Word for 2022 is ‘Empowered’. As a lifelong introvert with a lifetime dream of becoming a writer, I have tried half-heartedly and dabbled a bit. Becoming a qualified proofreader and copyeditor in 2020 helped me to work with words, and keeping a daily journal has been a lifeline throughout the years. However, I am finally deciding to act on my talent and believing that the Empowering of Holy Spirit will enable me to finally make a difference in other people’s lives through my writing. It’s my goal to speak God’s Word through my writing, for His glory, and for the encouragement of others. Thank you, Dayspring, for offering this ‘Word of the Year’ to help us all to find what God is growing in our hearts. – Barbara
Barbara, I love this all so much! Thanks for sharing how the Word of the Year quiz has impacted you. Blessings, sister, as you allow God to empower you to use the gifts He’s given you!
At the end of 2021 I had some bad things happen and I was really discouraged. I felt lost and like a failure. Starting out 2022 better. Started reading the Bible daily at the end of 2021 and listening to what I read has helped. Planning to continue my daily readings, having faith, and trusting that the plans for me are best.
Kim, I’m sorry the year ended in such a hard place. No better place though to rebuild a life of faith than on the foundation of God’s Word. Proud of you sister. Keep clinging to the hope and encouragement of God’s truth! He is with you.
My word for 2022 – REDEEMED
My word for last year was “Transformed” and my goal was to transform my prayer life, which of course would transform everything else. I started strong, but feel like I got weaker later in the year.
This year my word is “Empowered”. I realize that it’s only by the Holy Spirit working in me that I can make any lasting change.
John 14:27 I am leaving you with a gift— Peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.
My word for the the year is Beloved – I’ve always loved that word. I’ve never really felt loved even though I’m a loving person. I’m going to focus on this word every day, all year long. I’m going to try my hardest to believe that I am beloved by God, no matter what.
My word for 2022 is Empowered as I am looking forward to see what God will empower me to do this coming year.
My word is Fulfilled. I look forward to seeing how God will use this word in my life this year.
My word this year didn’t come from the quiz but from some journaling I did. My word this year is “render”.
Beloved is my word. It is fun to take quizzes like this. But my real word. That God showed me a long time ago. With out any quizzes or questions to answer is. Loved. God showed me I am loved by him. It doesn’t matter what the world says about me. It only matters what God says about me. I am loved by the King of kings. As I wouldn’t have many friends or not that I want to be popular. I would not want to be. I just struggle with all this and wonder why have I not more friends. Why does no one love me and want to be my friend. Then God showed me. I was Loved my him. That is all that matters. God also showed me “I am a Daughter of the the King of kings who is not moved by the World My God is with Me and goes before Me. I do not fear because I am his.” So that taught me I am Loved no matter what. That helped me so much. So I got not it don’t annoy me not having many friends and not seeing them that often. Two live 86 miles away. I hardly ever see them. But they are so good to me. Keep I touch with me. My friends were I live. I hardly ever see them. The two of them. Expect in December and Birthdays. Now and again if they are free. So I then knew my word from God was Loved by him even if no one else loved me. That is all that matters. Thank you for today’s reading. Love Dawn Ferguson-little xx in my prayers.
I got saved in 1983 and read my Bible all the way through several times I knew the WORD says that GOD loves me and that HE is LOVE but I didn’t FEEL it in my heart till I was all alone after my 30 year marriage ended a few years ago. Crying, curled up on the floor, didn’t know who I was anymore and all alone, HE spoke to me and said, ” I know who you are: “You are my daughter and I LOVE YOU” When HIS LOVE poured over me, into my soul and heart: I’ve never doubted HIS LOVE ever again since then. I don’t have many friends that I hang out with either but if anyone wants to talk about JESUS well, I can hang out all day. Knowing that JESUS IS OUR BESTEST FRIEND when we may feel all alone and no one cares, is worth soooo much more than having earthly friends. So glad that you do have a few friends that have been there for you through the years.
Thanks you Suzie for that. You have really spoken to my heart. See I always felt why me. In my family. None of them are saved. On my Dad’s side of the family and my late Mums side of the family. Only my Husband is saved. They some times look at me say why do you believe all that. I told my Dad who is 81 next month. I pray for him. He just looks at me. As if to say why. I told him why. I love my Dad to pieces. But only I tell him when visiting him or doing home help for him. Before I broke my Ankle. I say Love you loads when he leaving to go somewhere or I leaving his home. So as he knows I love him always. He just say it because I said it. He wrapped up in his own world. I just want my Dad to say to me in person look at me. Dawn I proud of you. You remember I love you. I know even though he might not say it. He does when I was able to the home help for him did appreciate it. As now he misses me. Not being there for to do the home help I used to do for him. I found only for my Husband telling me plus one other person. Who is saved. You are loved. I
God loves you. Plus God telling me. Just keep trusting and believing for your family and your Dad. When they get saved especially your Dad. Things will change. I don’t you know the way people want family or to see family what they left them when their time up on earth. All I want this would be the best present my Dad could ever give me to know he is saved. Before he leaves this world. I always felt left out. I did once try to make friends with a good friend of mines Friend. Out of very few friends I have. She to this day doesn’t want to know. That hurt. My Husband said you know what. She not worth your friendship. Don’t let annoy you. That she doesn’t. Want to be your friend. When Friends with a friend of yours. I did questions why not. God said Dawn don’t let it annoy. Pray for her. I do that. I am very sensitive person. My Husband will even tell you this. I far to caring. Even before I got saved. When that was I don’t remember. I think I might have as a teacher who was saved how do you know Jesus. I go the extra mile for people. I still do. You never take that caring side out of me. When at Secondary School. Now 50 51 next month. I got saved don’t know how or when. But it could have been that time at School when I asked that teacher. I don’t know. But I wouldn’t have read the Bible or pra But I loved ever since I was Secondary School love Scripture Union in school. Going to places like Christian Coffee bars. To hear God’s word. Plus the nice Gospel songs. I didn’t want the things of the world. But I always felt an emptiness in my life. Why do people not want to be my friend some of them. Or get to know me. Love me for who I am. That Got me. But I glad I am were I am today. I know through my Husband and this other person. I am loved. It doesn’t matter what people think of me. Or if they don’t want to know me. I loved by the King of Kings. His name is Jesus. Plus my Husband. That is all that matters. Thank you so much Susie for sharing your story. Plus for saying what you said to me. It has helped alot. If I was near you and I could. I give you a big hug. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little all the way from Enniskillen CoFermanagh. N.Ireland xx
My word is empowered…wow. I never would have thought of that word for myself.
My word for 2022 is
I looked up Fulfillment in my promises book and it had Deuteronomy 8:18, Joshua 21:45, 2 Chronicles 6:14-15, Psalm 145:13 and Jeremiah 33:14
The LORD fulfills all HIS promises by HIS POWER.
My devotional that goes along with Deut. 8:18 says: when we submit all of our plans to HIS WILL, HE will go before us and prepare the way so that we won’t grow weary. Find peace and purpose in our work that brings glory to GOD and not to us. We will find greater fulfillment working for HIS GLORY. GOD desires to bless us so that we can be a blessing to others. Where will we invest our energy and efforts this year?
Treasure of TRUTH
If what we are doing is not bringing glory to GOD, it is not worth doing
Remember the LORD our GOD
I want to remember who HE IS and ALL HE has done in and through my life and live a fulfilled life.
My word is “encouraged”. Sort of randomly, I picked a different word for me, ” calm”. So I am going to weave these two together to make my travel plans for navigating 2022. Thank you g r your suggestions.
My 2022 word is fulfilled. God has truly blessed me throughout my life. My hope for this year is that he helps me to be there for others and to help fulfill them.
My word is also Fulfilled.
Wow thats amazing! you posted:
My hope for this year is that he helps me to be there for others and to help fulfill them.
I love that!!!
That one sentence speaks of what’s in my heart, too.
Thank you for posting
My word is Beloved. Interestingly enough, in the morning when I was in bed half asleep half dreaming, the verse about “God is love” kept going through my brain. Then, in the daily devotional I was using, it referenced that same verse. Later in the day I took the quiz with the result of Beloved. I am using it as both I am beloved and God, and that I am to be loved by others, and I am to love others.
Good Morning and Happy New Year! My word for the year is “Humble.”
My word of the year is ENCOURAGED. How appropriate to discover this on a site that encourages me to live (in)courage every day!
My word for the year is Fulfilled. Hmm, I’m not sure what to do with that. Does it mean that I am fulfilled already and just don’t realize it. Does it mean that I’m yearning to be fulfilled – and will I recognize fulfillment when I see it? Definitely worth pondering!
My word for the year is Redeemed. ” I am redeemed, You set me free….” I struggle to remember this, but God loves me and I can trust Him!
Encouraged…Encouraged to stand strong…encouraged to keep pursuing…encouraged to love and be loved…I will definitely have to think on this one.
Mary & In Courage,
Took the test yesterday. My word is fulfilled. This word fits me more accurately than any in the past. God has chosen to bless me immensely starting mid September last year. It is one good thing after another. In turn I decided to bless many others often. You know the old saying “you reap what you sow.” I’ve heard this fitting song by Greater Vision “Well Done”. Here’s the chorus:
“Only two words will fulfill me When I see his face For there’s eternal meaning In this one little phrase
When this life is over And the next ones begun I want it to start with Well Done! That suits how I am emotionally right now.
Blessings 🙂
My word is empowered. I’m trusting and believing that God will empowered my faith as he orders my steps to serve him.
I’m going to declare this everyday as I focus on the power of God.
I love that my word this year is REDEEMED!!
My word is Empowered.
I find that uplifting. Giving me strength to move forward in Christ.
This is my first year taking the quiz, but I had been trying to figure out my word for the year and this quiz was perfect! My word is ENCOURAGED. I have been having difficulty in many areas of my life lately, and began to question my faith. I will look to this word and use it to lead me back to where I need to be. I will see it as the Lord never letting me forget that he is there for me!
My word is create. I have been thinking about God and how He creates. It is not only the kinds of flowers, birds and animals but His love of being creative.
I was thinking of how in a family of eight offspring with same Mom and same Dad; there is such a difference in the siblings.
It is amazing.
I am thinking of this from David’s mouth: “create in me a clean heart, oh Lord!”
My word is Empowered. I often don’t feel empowered in sharing what the Lord has done for me to others. But this year I will use this word to stay assured that God is with me through sharing the good news, and serving others.
My word for 2022 is REDEEMED. I am grateful that God has redeemed me by Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Fulfilled! So excited because this word was definitely a surprise. To live and be fulfilled in my purpose.
My word is “ Encouraged “
Empowered! I certainly hope so!
My word of the year is redeemed! Thank God for his redeeming love that he gives freely to us every day!
I am redeemed!
Redemption is an act of God’s Grace!
Thank God for his redeeming love!
HI! My word of the year from the quiz – Encouraged. I will use my prayer time and daily walk with God to be encouraged.
The word I received was fulfilled.. The word that has come forth in my quiet times is Joy…anticipating what is ahead
I could use that in 2022!
Encouraged. To remember that God’s loves never fails me, that his hope and peace surround me amidst any circumstance, that he can turn hard things into beautiful things and that I am enough, his beloved.
My word is Empowered. I struggle with lots of things that keep me from feeling Empowered. So this is what God needs me to focus on. I’m excited to learn more about what this means for me.
My word is encouraged! I am so looking forward to learning what this word truly means to me and my journey with Christ!
Empowered! This is my word of the year. Giving the consent to others. I am empowered to find strength in my Lord to rise upon my trials and work to put the Lord first in my life. I will start doing this by encouraging you all to read your bibles daily.
Well, I had already chosen “Power” as my word for 2022, as in “Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty POWER.” So it was pretty fun to take the quiz and get “empowered” as the word they suggested. 🙂 I’m looking to God to fill me with His power to walk in His will without fear!
For 2022, my word is REST…
R-right now (be in the moment)
E-expectations released
S-strivings cease
T-trust Him
My word for the year is Beloved.
My word was encourage! That’s something I try to do anyways but right after I was given this word by your quiz, I started to get friends who I don’t normally talk with (acquaintances) from church started to text me! I’m encouraging a friend who lives in South Carolina who use to go to our church in CA. I love this & already have been blessed with opportunities from God to reach out & pray for friends as well as encourage them! I’m so very, very thankful for your e-mails & devotionals – thank you for including me in your family of friends!
Lord bless you,
I have been behind on my (in)courage reading but finally did take the quiz. My word is fulfilled. This is especially meaningful to me as I have spent 2021 loving my mom through her final year with dementia. It was a hard year in many ways but I feel blessed that I was given the time to show my mom I love her and to care for her as did me when I was helpless and totally dependent on her. So I am feeling fulfilled by that blessing.
How do I take the quiz if I’m already registered on the system. It keeps saying that I’m already registered.